
After the Snowstorm


Nam I am
Well We got about 4 -5 inches of Snow and Ice on Wednesday . and it ended with freezing rain. then it got COLD!! so we all thought that riding locally this weekend was out :(

well last night when I got hom I went out in the yard and was walking on top of athe Snow and Ice. I tried jumping up and down on it and I did not fall through. so I made a Call and was able to make a quick scheduled ride for 9 AM today at my place.

we hit the Trails and they were Sweet!
5 Inches of Rock solid Snow/ICE! the trails Were Buff ! and FAST ! I say Lets pave them this was fun!

The silver turlte in front of me going down the trail.

at first we had no plans on doing anything really stupid , butthat thought quickly passed .

The turtle doing a roller.

Me doing a roller

we quickly learned That since we were both using studded tires , the we were scoring the Ice and ater 2 Passed the snow would break up between 2 sets of tires .

also On the edge of some of the rocks it would give way too .

a Small drop.

and after all it is still ice , and My rear wheel washed out trying to go up this. and then slid back down

BUt adding the extra 5 inches made it so we could go through rock gardens pretty smoothly
theis climb is usually Brutal!!

today I made it the farthest up it I ever have.

we were not alone out there , we saw some tracks of a few other riders, then we saw a group of 4 in the distance.

and Since everything was frozen we took a route that can only be taken when its frozen, we crossed 16 and through what is normally a swamp

then down the old rail bed to the Motercycle pit.

My turn

at this point the turtle got a call from his Prego wife and had to head back , and of course he got a flat about a 1/2 mile from home.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Looks good Splat. Im longing to snowride myself but its hovering around 35 and snowing making it all just a mess. Your posts keep me going though. THANKS!


Nam I am
No Problem Burly

But can I quit at that ??


so after I ate the kids wanted to go down to the pond for a Bike and drag.

so Here i am Dragging My son across teh Ice.

There were several Bumps in the ice from when the people hadcleared space to play Hocky before this last storm, now they were nice and smooth

here I am going over one. ( even catching a Little air )

followed by My daughter

right next to the pond is a Steep , Perfect for sledding, hill

My daughter coming down the Hill

Going as a Double they got a little out of control

What do you mean you need a sled !

and fianlly heading back home



Dec 7, 2003
Cool! I tried but couldn't get out to join you guys.
I just called Dave and apparently Ivy and Dave are at the hospital delivering their new little bundle of joy. Awesome!!
