
Ah driving in Montreal...breaking in the Liberty


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I was driving downtown the other day. Traffic was slow approaching an intersection. Two lanes were being reduced to one. This guy in a POS cube van was trying to squeeze me out. He was in the lane that was closed. He had scooted his way forward from behind me and was trying to get ahead of me. Well, for whatever reason, I would be goddamned if that guy is going to get ahead of me. So we had a 5 minute, low speed game of chicken as we inched forward. He kept getting closer and closer. I held my ground. His mirror even hit my antenna. I was keeping about 1/4" gap between me and the van in front on me.

I ended up winning. And even better was that the guy behind me didn't let him in either.

I however did not emerge completely unscathed. I did accidentally bump the van in front of me. It was a UPS-style, old POS truck. I neglected to notice the low step he had sticking out in back. So now my bumper has a bit of a scuff.

But the important thing is that I won my game of chicken!! Yay ME!!


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
MMike said:
I was driving downtown the other day. Traffic was slow approaching an intersection. Two lanes were being reduced to one. This guy in a POS cube van was trying to squeeze me out. He was in the lane that was closed. He had scooted his way forward from behind me and was trying to get ahead of me. Well, for whatever reason, I would be goddamned if that guy is going to get ahead of me. So we had a 5 minute, low speed game of chicken as we inched forward. He kept getting closer and closer. I held my ground. His mirror even hit my antenna. I was keeping about 1/4" gap between me and the van in front on me.

I ended up winning. And even better was that the guy behind me didn't let him in either.

I however did not emerge completely unscathed. I did accidentally bump the van in front of me. It was a UPS-style, old POS truck. I neglected to notice the low step he had sticking out in back. So now my bumper has a bit of a scuff.

But the important thing is that I won my game of chicken!! Yay ME!!
I see your re-adapting quickly to Montreal driving! :thumb:


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
MMike said:
Seriously, Seattle made me soft! The first time I drove here again downtown, I was blown away by the craziness.....but I'm settling back in...
Driving in Montreal gives new meaning to the term "agressive driving" :p

Its kinda like the training camp for driving in Manhattan!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Yesterday, driving nice and easy to get on the victoria bridge (which ended up being closed nothbound anyways) some tool in a box van SLAMS into the back of a little toyota prius who had stopped at an intersection right next to me.

Man prius' make a huge crunch when the get rear ended! Pushed the dinky car about 30 feet too.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Driving in Montréal makes me angry all the time. I've never seen a place with so many dumb peoples during the rush hours. It seems like it's mandatory to go on the yellow light even though you can't make it completely to the other side. :mumble:

Yah for blocking the traffic on purpose! :stosh:

Maybe all the big cities are like that... :confused: ...but it has always amazed me how rapant stupidity is on the road in Montréal.


Jun 7, 2004
Wherever the money is.
FlipSide said:
I've never seen a place with so many dumb peoples during the rush hours. QUOTE]

Rush hour?! You're only worried about rush hour?! Try every goddamned second of the day here in Seattle! If Montreal is Manhattan's boot camp, Seattle must be training for para-olympics or geriatrics soap box racing!


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Mets-en...Seattle is a freaking nightmare. I love driving here!!

So....MAS 777 and 747 all squared away there, LOS?

LOS said:
FlipSide said:
I've never seen a place with so many dumb peoples during the rush hours. QUOTE]

Rush hour?! You're only worried about rush hour?! Try every goddamned second of the day here in Seattle! If Montreal is Manhattan's boot camp, Seattle must be training for para-olympics or geriatrics soap box racing!