
Ah..... Florida! When Holiday inn screws up, I win!


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
So, I am in beautiful Palm Springs Florida for a Theatre Convention/Competition (The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival)

I made a reservation, and they screwed it up. Every hotel around here is totallly booked. The Holiday Inn finallly found my reservation, and it was for 12/01/05, not 02/01/05. Amazing how one key can screw me up so bad. So I talked to them, and they said they would get me a room. Whether it was a king or two doubles, the didnt know. I told them I didnt care, if it was a king, we could get a rollaway.

So we get here, and..... They say we are in room 608. This place doesnt have 6 floors. I was confused. The guy said we were striaght back behind the pool in one of the villas. I thought..... OK, fine, we are out of the regular hotel, at least its a room. So we get to 608, and ITS F***ING AMAZING!! This place is like an apartment!

Its got a full kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, 3 TVs, an UPSTAIRS! This place is supposed to be $400 a night, or $2799 a week, but we are getting it for the quoted rate of $109 a night! Check this place out!


BigMike said:
Do you know how expensive it is to keep them overnight? I kicked them out after I was done :devil:
Was one of them named Whisper??


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
So when can we expect the "The girls of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival" video? You did bring your camera right?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
BigMike said:
Do you know how expensive it is to keep them overnight? I kicked them out after I was done :devil:
Just bill it to the hotel. Tell them you were so distraught over having your reservation lost, you needed some comfort.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
Sorry the weather has been so crappy here. :D

I wish my new frame would get here so I can enjoy it before it goes to **** soon.

Did you bring a bike to do any riding?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dude if you are overlooking the pool then i fully expect you to take some pictures.


Dec 6, 2004
Dude when our flight got delayed coming home from a school trip from Germany, we went to the local airport hotel. So they paired us up in 2's but we had an odd # of people so there were a couple people that had three and I was one of them. It was two of my friends and they gave us our room number. We walked all over the hotel to find this room, which ended up being way way way back into the hotel. It ended up being a double room suite with two bathrooms and showers, two TV's two queen size beds, keyboards for remotes, a desk, and a @ss washer. It was THE nicest hotel room I have ever stayed in. IT was awesome, we even had our own elevator area that was huge. To top it all off we got a huge buffet style dinner in one of the conference rooms that had pretty much everything we didnt have to eat over there but have in the states in multiple settings. It was great.

Nice room you got there BigMike.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
I guess sex too. But you don't really need an apt sized place for that.
No, you don't need it, but it sure does open up some interesting locations...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Do people do anything but use hotel rooms to sleep? :confused:

I regularly have to spend more than a week at a time in a Hotel room. I'd like to get a room that had a bike stand, workbench and a parts cleaner. And bigger garbage cans, the dinky little ones in most rooms can only hold a few empty beer bottles.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
I dunno - presumably you will have already explored those places in your own home......... :eek:

It's much more fun when the hotel staff is the one who mops up afterwards... :eek: :eek:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I flew here, so I couldnt really bring a bike. Ireally wanted to, but couldnt. Yes, I use my hotel room for more than sleeping. I need a break from this convention sometimes, and having an apartment type place is nice to go to :)

Right now I am sitting poolside, with lots of girls in their bikinis :thumb:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Whoa! Good point, mate! :thumb:


Edit: Maybe play the "Try to Gross Out the Maid Service" game? :think:
I've left a few pints of blood splattered around a hotel room in Kalispell Mt, as well as a $40 tip for the maid.