
Airguitar! My neck is killing me!


Mar 17, 2002
First let me provide a link, it makes me laugh:


So this bar near my house had this aireoke night. Which is just basically, getting up on stage, choosing a song, and then air guitaring to it for a minute.

Bars never stop coming up with new ways to humiliate yourself.

It's really funny watching people get up and air guitar. Especially when they get into it. But they always left the stage all tired. I was like "What the hell? They're just air guitaring!"

So I did it. Holy balls of crap, my neck is all stiff today. Perhaps it was my choice of song which was Slayer "Angel Of Death". I felt like I had to do the song justice so I basically just went nuts.

I was all out of breath and crap. Perhaps I should have chosen a mellower song like something from Peter Paul and Mary or whatever..

I have a new found respect for real rockers. Damn, rocking out is hard, even with imaginary instruments.

Now, my neck is all stiff. It hurts so bad. I can't look left or right without having to do this full on Frankenstein turn. The pain even makes me let out a little Frankenstein-ish "meehhhhhh" groan.