
airing quarter pipes


Dec 24, 2004
Any pionters on airing quarter pipes? I can 180 i them no problem and I've been told I am airing a little bit sometimes, but I want to get 4+ feet out eventually. My main fear is hitting the coping when I come back down.


Oct 11, 2005
Ashland Oregon
Well, dunno if this will help, but for awhile when I was first trying to learn quarter pipe airs, I was just riding up the tranny and basically doing a 180 bunnyhop at the lip. And while that method is good while you're getting a feel for riding tranny's and vert, it won't help you get very high. After some time spent studying BMX movies I realized that it's not so much of a bunnyhop off the lip, but just relaxing throughout the transition and riding the quarter and letting it shoot you in the air. Once you're in the air you don't really need to "spin" per se, but you more lean/turn (leading with your head) back towards the coping and into the tranny. I've learned that it's usually safer to err on the side of pulling too far off the quarter and landing further down the tranny, rather than hanging up on the coping, so when you're first learning, don't worry about landing high up on the quarter, just focus on landing smoothly.

Also, riding vert walls really helps alot, since you can start off low and work your way up.

vert wall. . .


Dec 2, 2005
bonney lake washington
ya muuqi said it all! but for me when i go to boost really high i come up the quarter and push into the ramp with my legs all the way off the lip...pulling up just a little with the bars. heres another way to put it, imagin going around a tight berm and pumping it to get more speed....and the berm suddenly ends when your at the peak of your pump, well do the same for a quater then use muuqi's statement coming back down!


blah blah blah
Mar 22, 2005
well, i dont try to air like super high, or off the top, since i'm stupid and will get hurt, but when i'm in the pipe or quarter i pop it below the coping and i always end up farther out then i was when i took off..just push off a little when you are about to do thee 180. ride the quarter and you will get the hand of it