
Alabama Bump & Grind?


Sep 18, 2002
Emerald VIP
I will preride w/ some friends Saturday afternoon.

Your welcome to come along, if you don't know the loop. You will have fun. and the park will be packed!!

Probably not going to do Monte Sano. Only DH races.
Oak Mountains bump and grind was great. I got there super early. I had time to ride about 6 miles of the trail in the morning. I went to the start/finish line and watched all the Exp and Sport riders start. Enjoyed a short lunch. Went back and watch the Expert riders come in for the first lap. Seen the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place riders for the men finish there lap. Then went for my own quick loop around oak mountains single track. What a great day. Got back in times for some of the Awards. And out of the park befor the mad rush. I really enjoyed my day.

Monte Sano has the best trail system in Alabama. We take pride in keeping up the trails and mantaining a great relationship with Kent the local parK ranger. I insure that those of you that can attend the race will have a wonderful time. If you don't here is a short video to download. It shows you one of the trails that will be part of the race. (The Family Trail). "GOD THANK YOU!" I am Blassed to live so close to this.....!!!


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
i was there, sorry i didn't see this early enough to post and meet up with any of you guys. i raced the expert 19-29 race and didn't do nearly as well as i wanted to. i got one thing though, the holeshot lol!!! i lead the race out for the first portion of the race and basically fizzled out big time on my second lap on the flats. rode fine on the climbs, just rode like a jackass every where else. ended up finishing 12th....


Nov 16, 2003
North East Mississippi
I was taking pics with an el cheapo disposable camera.
If I've got the correct pics in order with the race categorys.
Then indieboy, this possibly might be you leading as y'all passed by me.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
indieboy said:
i was there, sorry i didn't see this early enough to post and meet up with any of you guys. i raced the expert 19-29 race and didn't do nearly as well as i wanted to. i got one thing though, the holeshot lol!!! i lead the race out for the first portion of the race and basically fizzled out big time on my second lap on the flats. rode fine on the climbs, just rode like a jackass every where else. ended up finishing 12th....

You must pace yourself young one. The race is won on the last lap, not on the whole shot. I see so many fast people kill themselves at the beginning of races and crap out at the end. Think road race, accelerate throughout the race.