
Alanis Morrisette becomes a US citizen...

dh girlie

Imagine that...and look at what she said...finally, an un-uptight Canadian! :D Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! I love Canadians...

The 30-year-old singer was among some 4,500 people who took the citizenship oath during a ceremony last week at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Morissette isn't turning her back on Canada — she's maintaining dual citizenship.

"I will never renounce my Canadian citizenship," Morissette said in a statement Wednesday. "I consider myself a Canadian-American.

"There was a turning point during the ceremony where I felt connected to this country in a way that I didn't quite expect," she said. "America has been really great to me and I have felt welcomed since the day I came here."

Someone needs to advise her that there IS sunless tanning you could do before wearing a belly baring dress...however...she IS smiling, so theres a step in the right direction...


Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
Skookum said:
i wonder if this has anything to do with the hockey season being cancelled?
Hilarious. But seriously, I know a few Canadians living in the states, and none of them have the slightest interest in obtaining citizenship. Frankly, I don't blame them, what good is U.S. citizenship for a Canadian other than being able to vote? It's not like it gets them healthcare, and before too long it won't get them social security, either.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
dh girlie said:
Imagine that...and look at what she said...finally, an un-uptight Canadian! :D Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! I love Canadians...

The 30-year-old singer was among some 4,500 people who took the citizenship oath during a ceremony last week at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Morissette isn't turning her back on Canada — she's maintaining dual citizenship.

"I will never renounce my Canadian citizenship," Morissette said in a statement Wednesday. "I consider myself a Canadian-American.

"There was a turning point during the ceremony where I felt connected to this country in a way that I didn't quite expect," she said. "America has been really great to me and I have felt welcomed since the day I came here."

Someone needs to advise her that there IS sunless tanning you could do before wearing a belly baring dress...however...she IS smiling, so theres a step in the right direction...

Never realized how ugly she is, I hope she gives up her canadian citizenship....but really she does make all her money from Americans and she looks more American than Canadian, wtvr she sucks....I might give up my American citizenship one day.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Enginerd A2 said:
Hilarious. But seriously, I know a few Canadians living in the states, and none of them have the slightest interest in obtaining citizenship. Frankly, I don't blame them, what good is U.S. citizenship for a Canadian other than being able to vote? It's not like it gets them healthcare, and before too long it won't get them social security, either.
Only reason I'm keeping mine for now is if I ever want a job there it makes it WAy easier. I'd much rather a citizenship for a country in the EU.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Pau11y said:
Crap! How come I can't keep my Canadian citizenship if I want? For me to become a US citizen, I'd have to renounce my Canadian one. What a pile of crap! This is preferrential treatment, FIRE Bush :D
The Canadian governemnt won't recognize that though, so it really doesn't matter...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Pau11y said:
Yup! EU and China in the next 20 years is where things are going to get very interesting.
Yeah within 20 years for sure China will be the worlds super power, probably sooner more like 10 years if they keep growing at the pass they have been. However, I don;t think I want to live in China, EVER. A friend of my moms was working there for the last 2 years I think. He almost died, he had a bad reaction the massive amount of air pollution there. EU is the only part of the world that at least pertends to care about global warming, and pollution. Of the course the no one can deny the US is by far the WORST.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Pau11y said:
So what now? The Can. government won't recognize the renounciation?
The renouncitory (is that a word?) oath you make when you become a naturalized US citizen is not sufficient. You have to make a formal application to Canada to renounce your Canadian citizenship.

(Keep in mind, I'm not an immigration attorney...)

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
There is a such thing as U.S./Canadian dual citizenships. Brett Hull has one. I think the only good things about having a U.S. citizenship for someone not born here is not having the headache of renewing a green card, and voting. Other than that, what difference does it make?
dh girlie said:
Imagine that...and look at what she said...finally, an un-uptight Canadian! :D Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! I love Canadians...

The 30-year-old singer was among some 4,500 people who took the citizenship oath during a ceremony last week at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Morissette isn't turning her back on Canada — she's maintaining dual citizenship.

"I will never renounce my Canadian citizenship," Morissette said in a statement Wednesday. "I consider myself a Canadian-American.

"There was a turning point during the ceremony where I felt connected to this country in a way that I didn't quite expect," she said. "America has been really great to me and I have felt welcomed since the day I came here."

Someone needs to advise her that there IS sunless tanning you could do before wearing a belly baring dress...however...she IS smiling, so theres a step in the right direction...

I would SOOOO do her!!!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
JMAC said:
Thats what I have.... :nopity:
Actually no you don't. You have what is called a landing permit (correct me if I am wrong here). If you (or your parents) pay property taxes in the US, work (legally and have a SS#) in the US (or your parents), or utilize a social service funded by US Goverment while residing in the US. Your goverment will defer your citizenship to the US.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
jdcamb said:
Actually no you don't. You have what is called a landing permit (correct me if I am wrong here). If you (or your parents) pay property taxes in the US, work (legally and have a SS#) in the US (or your parents), or utilize a social service funded by US Goverment while residing in the US. Your goverment will defer your citizenship to the US.
Yeah wtf i have two passports, one USA one CANADA. Therefore I am DUAL CITIZEN.


Turbo Monkey
Silver said:
Jury duty...
Oh no dear sir. As a permanent resident of the US, you are accountable for jury duty. I just went thru that crap. Luckily, the case didn't happen.

Oh, thanx for the hint on the renounciation garbage. I'm w/ Alanis More-Upset, I won't ever give up my Can. citizenship. I hope to return once I've milked this country for it's higher education bennies :D


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Pau11y said:
Oh no dear sir. As a permanent resident of the US, you are accountable for jury duty. I just went thru that crap. Luckily, the case didn't happen.

Oh, thanx for the hint on the renounciation garbage. I'm w/ Alanis More-Upset, I won't ever give up my Can. citizenship. I hope to return once I've milked this country for it's higher education bennies :D
No, that isn't correct. You have to be a US citizen to sit on a jury. You can be called to serve on a jury (jury pools are usually pulled from driver's license info...I've been called two or three times) but you cannot serve.



Page 2 :)


Damn True said:
Hahahahahaha, once again.........

If America is sooooo darned awful, why is it that the majority of the planets population would prefer to live here?
Apparently our bike sites don't suck enough that the friggin little canadian kids won't stay away. :think: They just come around and crap up the place with their inability to compose a sentence, or use words out of context. :mumble:

dh girlie

JMAC said:
Never realized how ugly she is, I hope she gives up her canadian citizenship....but really she does make all her money from Americans and she looks more American than Canadian, wtvr she sucks....I might give up my American citizenship one day.
She looks more American...HAHAHAHA! She looks like she's from America Junior to me!

edit: oops...didn't see that firetoole used the Simpsons joke already...but I'm still leaving it...

dh girlie

Damn True said:
Hahahahahaha, once again.........

If America is sooooo darned awful, why is it that the majority of the planets population would prefer to live here?
No kidding...and instead of bitching about how awful the US and Americans are...and constantly patting themselves on the back...why don't the Canadians (SOME Canadians, not all...I would like to add that disclaimer, cuz I ain't predjudice and a bigot) do something productive...like maybe think about taking a role in world politics or saving whales or naugahydes or SOMETHING!


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Damn True said:
Hahahahahaha, once again.........

If America is sooooo darned awful, why is it that the majority of the planets population would prefer to live here?
It would be the nicest country in the world if it wasn't filled with Americans...

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
dh girlie said:
Who are we kidding here...without the goofy accent and holier than thou attitude...Canadians are just Americans with attitude... :D
Actually, I believe the opposite to be true. Canadians are just Americans without the attitude. Obviously this isn't the rule, but I challenge you to cite an example suggesting otherwise. Flame away, those of you who think you are patriots.