
Alanis Morrisette becomes a US citizen...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Enginerd A2 said:
Actually, I believe the opposite to be true. Canadians are just Americans without the attitude. Obviously this isn't the rule, but I challenge you to cite an example suggesting otherwise. Flame away, those of you who think you are patriots.
example #1


dh girlie

Enginerd A2 said:
Actually, I believe the opposite to be true. Canadians are just Americans without the attitude. Obviously this isn't the rule, but I challenge you to cite an example suggesting otherwise. Flame away, those of you who think you are patriots.

I dont' know what rock you're hiding under, but I sure hear a lot of Canadians crowing about how great Canadians are (and I'm not talking about RM)...I have no issues with Canadians myself, and my ribbing here is just that...ribbing. I'm a complete smart ass. BUT...read through this thread and you'll see a few examples...as far as I'm concerned the attitude of hating Americans is just as bad as hating blacks and Jews, etc. It's generalizing on Americans as a whole...I certainly hear a lot of Canadian people bag on Americans and our government and how bigotry and predjudism is bad and Americans are so guilty of it...when they are doing the same thing when baggin on Americans...sure our government sucks...but I'm not moving out of the country because of that...

And you don't need to waste your time writing a reply to this specific post because I am OUTTA here with my jello shots and snowboard to Tahoe in exactly....4 minutes...

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
To put my above comments into some kind of perspective, I live near a particularly unhappy and unhealthy American metropolis that happens to be right across the border from Ontario. Enjoy the weekend, DHG!


Apr 17, 2004
Has anyone ever seen "Talking to Americans" on CBC. Yes, Canadians do have attitude or at least seem like they have something to prove.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Damn True said:
Hahahahahaha, once again.........

If America is sooooo darned awful, why is it that the majority of the planets population would prefer to live here?

WOW thats an over statement. MOST of THE WORLD hates the USA. THATS A SIMPLE FACT.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
dh girlie said:
No kidding...and instead of bitching about how awful the US and Americans are...and constantly patting themselves on the back...why don't the Canadians (SOME Canadians, not all...I would like to add that disclaimer, cuz I ain't predjudice and a bigot) do something productive...like maybe think about taking a role in world politics or saving whales or naugahydes or SOMETHING!
OK DH GIRLIE now that fcking pisses me off "saving whales" you say the US does more than Canada? YEah ok you obviously not **** about that my dad is basically one of the main people in the world working to save whales and dolphins both my rents have dedicated their lives to that. Much of their time is fighting stupid american laws.... so go fukc yourself.


I make a motion to BAN JMAC. He is a mean spirited hater. He is also a bigot, since he was just saying how much prejudice we have in the US. I think he is a pinko commie traitor plotting our demise.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
loco said:
I make a motion to BAN JMAC. He is a mean spirited hater. He is also a bigot, since he was just saying how much prejudice we have in the US. I think he is a pinko commie traitor plotting our demise.
I agree I've been trying for ever to get baned, damnit ban me you ********************************************** AMericans. :mad: