


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
For the ominous V-Day on Saturday I went to a german import store in Salt Lake and bought some German chocolate for my girlfriend. So I go in, look around, and get a box of "brandy filled chocolates" and some chocolate covered spice cake kind of things. Being the naive 17 year old I am, I assumed the brandy filled chocolates were nothing more than a sort of cordial cherry concoction in chocolate. I bought the chocolate, leave store, come home.

Fast forward to today. This evening, I brought her the chocolate and flowers, etc, and she looks at the box, turns it over, and starts reading it. Apparently, I missed the part where the box says "It is unlawful to sell this product to those under the legal age for purchasing alcohol.". Laughter ensues, followed by opening of the box and eating of chocolate. Yep. Straight brandy in chocolate. I'm sure there's at least 4 shots of brandy in one of those boxes. I should've bought the big one...

Why is it that when I intentionally attempt to purchase illegal substances I can't, but when I do it by accident, it goes off without a hitch? :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
xbluethunderx said:
Why is it that when I intentionally attempt to purchase illegal substances I can't, but when I do it by accident, it goes off without a hitch? :mumble:

Maybe you didn't look as guilty as you do when you intentionally try. :p