
Alexis takes a 5-day weekend trip... Part 1


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Last week was Easter. Big holiday down in South America.
Being that am getting married on 4/20... I decided to take one last mtb trip as a single guy with my downhill buddies.

Flew to Cusco from Lima, for 5 days of riding, eating and drinking.... The plan was to hit 2-3 downhill runs per day, and score at least 10000ft of vertical downhill per day.. runs in cusco are 5000ft-10000ft each.

This is Lares, starting at a mountain pass one at 14500ft below freezing point and finishing at around 9000ft, 30 deg F warmer... one of the many runs to be made last week.

me and my trusty steed

shuttle van

my friend, checking if my gopro was on...


llamas everywhere!

a little run down the highway in between singletrack... giant mudslide

down from the highlands, into the jungle...

kids as we approached a small town

high five!

hairpins, as we get lower... the arid highlands become jungles...


my friend, superman-ing his way down the mountain

back in the jungle...

the old city of lares



Sep 8, 2009
Sweet pics! That looks fun as hell.

Are those just stills from videos or did you actually use the picture mode on the camera?