
All of the Corsair bikes are up!!


Jan 2, 2006
Well none of that is good news at all! I'm going to fill up his machine's tape... tee hee!
Like you I would love to find out a price range for the Marque or Konig. Especially since I am looking for a bike right now and would hate to buy a bike then find out that I could have got a Corsair if I had waited 2 to 4 weeks. Hopefully someone will have an answer for us soon, or Doug may happen to pick up the phone. I sent an email and got a response that there will be more info soon, hopefully that will be within a month.

Urinal Mint

Oct 10, 2003
made overseas, based out of washington im pretty sure and offices in cali. i could totally be making this up right now but im pretty sure thats what i was told
Any idea where in Washington? Bellingham area perhaps? That's what I am hoping, cuz I am moving there in May, and I want to work for them. Bellingham area seems to be a hot spot for bike companies with both Kona and Transition located there.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Alright, talked to him at noon. VERY chill guy! We talked about prices, availability, weight and shock options, and... well, it's too early for pretty much everything! Looking at January for the Maelstrom(so I highly doubt there's any bouncing around out there yet). Sorry, but that's the only one I asked about because that's the only one I'm looking at and because he seemed pretty tired! I forgot ALL ABOUT Eurobike, which is where he's been, which is why he wasn't answering his phone! Sorry Doug! There isn't an exact weight KNOWN yet, but he said that(knowing FREERIDE oriented bikes are on the heavier end of the spectrum) that the Maelstrom will be respectable and acceptable. No numbers were discussed, but I guess I'm thinking on the heavier end with the 10.5" shock and the various doodads? But most consider the Demo 8 a tank and I pedaled mine all over the country. Don't know.
Which leaves the price.... who's biting their nails? The price for the Maelstrom is... not open for discussion! Ha! Was that enough drama time? Should I have left more of a pause in there? Sorry, but he asked me very nicely to not repeat it as he didn't want to be quoted on something that's 6 months out from release. I gave me some numbers in hope that he was erring on the high side, but they usually go up, not down. If it WERE to be less than he told me...I'll take two. Let's put it that way. The original expectation of pricing within the top 25 percent of the high end bikes is a bit high. I'd say it is one ****ing hell of a bargain for a 2:1 ratio bike with the geo that it sports. The Big Red S just got date raped and knocked off their soapbox. The Corsair bikes are already twice the bike with a much more pleasant price tag. But like I said, it's 6 months out, there's SOOOOOOO much that can change. Hell, companies have gone belly up and never even opened their doors in 6 months.
Oh, there was talk about shocks: He finds it interesting that he reads about everyone not liking the Revox choice. He said that for one, it's his only viable option at this point to keep it nicely priced. He said the interesting part was that a few of those not liking the Revox mentioned wanting a ROCO. Apparently(I didn't know this) they're made in the same damn building. And he clarified that by telling me that Marzocchi HAS shown interest in the Corsair line. I suggested Avy(of course) and he's already been there. Not sure what that means, but atleast we know he's getting out there and really checking into things. Cool.
Now I REALLY REALLY hope I didn't say too much about the wrong things. IF so, someone should let me know and I'll delete whatever needs be.
So... I'm totally bummed that they're 6 months out. He WON'T sell me the proto. I WILL be getting one. And he's a really nice guy who sounds he needs a nap. Oh, and attractive bikes at attractive prices. Nice.


Jan 2, 2006
Thanks Thrillseeka! I sure hope they come out sooner than later:) The bikes look very well thought out, I can't wait to see one when they start selling.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2006
i've been really caught up in school shenanigans, but i keep thinking about that maelstrom frame, it's freekin' amazing. the suspension design still confuses me, but it looks sick, and the 2:1 ratio is awesome-o.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Oh man, Doug just sent me some of the sexiest pics of bike parts i've ever seen in my life. Period. I'll post them when I get more time! And yeah, he said it's cool to "do with them what I please..." Thanks Doug!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
A few more, then I gotta dump some old ones cuz my stupid quota is maxed. Lost my damn Imageshack passwords, they're not helping me out any. Darn it! there's porn to be looking at here! Have a few more pics yet. Gimme a few...
I also haven't been giving enough love to the Konig(not pictured)... Does it get any more simple appearing?? Now I need two Corsairs.


Jul 31, 2003
Mount Vernon
2:1 pfft......... I am holding out for a 0.5:1 bike to come out!

I love MTB marketing.

Seriously though the bikes look really nice. Wonder what the optimum ratio range is? MX bikes run around 2.3:1 for a little perspective.


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
2:1 pfft......... I am holding out for a 0.5:1 bike to come out!

I love MTB marketing.

Seriously though the bikes look really nice. Wonder what the optimum ratio range is? MX bikes run around 2.3:1 for a little perspective.

It'd be interesting to try building a 1:1 trail bike with the 5"-stroke shock from a Foes 2:1 Mono...


Sep 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
2:1 pfft......... I am holding out for a 0.5:1 bike to come out!

I love MTB marketing.

Seriously though the bikes look really nice. Wonder what the optimum ratio range is? MX bikes run around 2.3:1 for a little perspective.
Most off road vehicles including atv's, dune buggies and race trucks run around a 2:1 ratio. Their range is probably 1.75:1 - 2.25:1. I don't see why bikes shouldn't be similar as it allows lower spring rates and easier shock tuning, which is probably why most manufacturers are starting to lower the motion ratios.

It'd be interesting to try building a 1:1 trail bike with the 5"-stroke shock from a Foes 2:1 Mono...
Interesting maybe, but 1:1 or lower ratios don't really work that well. It would be difficult to tune the shock damping to work for the slow shaft speed and low spring rate that would be required.

Cave Dweller

May 6, 2003
the bikes are nasty and pablo is a great guy. real bad ass company producing awesome looking bikes that ride really well. you guys have to check out their pedals. one of the lowest sets i have ever seen (think old atomlab but thinner) but without the bearing and bushing woes of old
Any info on these pedals???


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Ugh.. Feb now? That blows. But good to hear he settled on a price in the same range that he gave me. I, too am anxious to see a complete unit. It always seems difficult to truly SEE a bike until it's on wheels...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
I was gonna say, if there's two people on the planet who's gonna know stuff about new stuff, it's the company and JV!
You should give us the Sicklines.com creation story someday...


Jan 2, 2006
where'd you get that info? 1699 would be in my price range...interesting...let's wait till interbike

Doug sent me an email with the same price and a release date for the Marque(not sure about the others) of Feb 2008. I know you were asking the other poster, but that's where I got my info.

I hope it's sooner, the bikes look super strong and very well designed. If any of you guys see the Marque and have any feedback on it, post it:)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
I can't even name any non mondo travel frames that use an idler... And Corsair even has it on the Marque, their AM/XC rig! Which looks pretty much like a tightened down Maelstrom.
More than prices and due dates, I REALLY want to see some weights! That Konig is starting to get a bit more of my attention as well. I would call that our version of an aggressive XC bike... looks light, nimble and quick.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2004
just Santa Cruz...
Hey THRILLSEEKA, the Corsair site says the Maelstrom has an adjustable head angle, but geo is listed at 66*. Didn't happen to ask Doug what the other settings are, did you?


Turbo Monkey
May 14, 2006
The Corsair adjustable headtube is a 3 degree adjustable system.

Ships in 0degree mode. So unless its different, i'd say you have a range of +/- 1degree (i.e. 65*, 66*, and 67*).