
alloutGREASE trailer#2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
The video is looking SWEET. Some great riding and good shots in there. EDIT: I just went back and watched the first All Out Grease trailer, and I'll have to say upon further review, trailer #2 is definitely lacking in random hot chicks, recumbents on the highway, and fat guys on motorcycles.

Great work! The dude on the 303 going over the bars was intense.
No kidding, eh? That was a teammate of mine, at Deer Valley. That drop was funky, real bucky-like. Kyle walked but another friend of ours didn't fare so well, wound up with a bunch of stitches holding his arm together.
Kyle walked but another friend of ours didn't fare so well, wound up with a bunch of stitches holding his arm together.
Was that Kendel?

Yeah that drop tried to end Gene's career, and messed up a few others for sure.
Not a hard section just wierd. 30 minutes with a shovel and a rake and all the weekends injuries could of been avoided. Instead they just let a bunch of people get messed up and then cutt the section on race day, Yeay TBB!!!!


RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
that's some mean corner shreddin.... nice work
Feb 10, 2003
A, A
If there is video of Haderer crashing, you know I will buy two!
alas but that is not me crashing in this version of the teaser...i went otb in the first trailer on my 4x...thats what separated the shoulder in whistler...

that DV drop was cake..ppl just reee-ed out on it and thats what happens.