
Alright Charlottesville monkeys...FESS UP!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 8, 2005
I know there are a few monkeys on here from the Charlottesville area. Do any of you buy DIRT from Barnes N Noble in Barracks Road? Is there anywhere else to get it in C-ville? I have always bought my copies from BNN, and they have ALWAYS been there, but they have been oddly "out of stock" everytime I've been within the last year. I can only guess that this reason is from the growing numbers of groms in the area. Dirt should be a privelidge for these punks after a certain number of years riding, it's too bad@ss for their virgin eyes. (Plus we vets deserve it more; period!):biggrin:

Anyone interested in buying an extra copy when they go and mailing them to me? We can work something out for your sake,no doubt.

Stop stealing my DIRT dangit!


Aug 20, 2003
Rivermont, Va
Sam I have the most recent copy. I am done with it so you can have it. It is the first issue I have been able to pick up the past few months. Likewise they are always out when I went to buy a copy.