
Aluminum frames brittle?

Turd Ferguson

Dec 21, 2004
This question from the thread about the guy who destroyed his Scream. How does storage temperature affect the material.

If you store it in a warm climate and ride it in a cold condition you increase the chances of breakage?
And if so, is this a temporary condition or have you conditioned the frame to break?

I thought of comparing to airplanes. Take off at 70 deg. Cruise at 35,000 ft. Temp diff approx (every 1000 ft 3 deg)maybe 100 deg difference. I think the stress would be greater for this condition.

Any ideas?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
lux said:
C'mon, guys. Enough with the obtuse and evasive "engineer speak." Is there an effect or not, dammit?

LOL....The long answer.

There is no effect within the temperature range a mountain bike will ever be used in.

Rapid heating or cooling, on the other hand, can create stress in a material, however any aluminum mountain bike is so over built for it's intended use that the stress isn't significant. There are some more exotic phenomena like brittle fracture, which can happen below the freezing point, if the material has an pre-existing flaw of sufficient size.

In all likely hood the person with the scream damaged the frame in the last few rides. As he continued to ride the aluminum probably started to flex, causing micro fractures and embrittling the material. Eventually the frame takes a seemingly minor hit and fails because of the earlier damage. Hard to say without EM pictures of the failure site.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
splat said:
well my has been in the basemant and today took it out for a ride , it was 7 degrees out there , I took 2 falls where my frame came down hard making impact with a rock , end result , some chunks of paint removed , nothing else.
Just wait, its bound to burst into flames any minute now.


Nov 30, 2003
Soak your frame in liquid nitrogen then ride it, you might get the desired effect then.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Storing aluminium in damp and/or salty conditions can be bad - Bimetalic corrosion can be a serious problem for Alu as the corrosion product has a significantly higher volume than iron oxide. If you have a steel BB or headset shell and an alu frame, and corrosion starts to occur between these components, a hell of a lot of stress can be placed on the frame around the headtube or BB. Another common area for bimetalic corrosion to occur is the seatpost/seattube interface, but hardly anyone runs steel seatposts these days.