
Am I being oversensitive or am I right in being annoyed???

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
So, for about the 3rd or 4th time in a row now, I'm sitting in a meeting with just me and my boss, waiting for the meeting to start, because he's on the phone with someone else. This is on top of the few meeting over the past few weeks that he has either been late for or I've had to schedule because he couldn't make them. I'm starting to get torqued and wondering if I'm just being oversenstive because I'm so fed up with all the crap and lack of management around here????


Oct 17, 2002
No, you have a right to be upset.

My boss often calls me into his office to discuss a project and he almost always needs five minutes to sort out his thoughts. I just walk out now when he's like that, but I'm in a small company so I can get away with it.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
You get to be annoyed about whatever you wanna be annoyed about. Meetings hack me off and meetings that don't start or end on time make it even worse.

If you wanna push it, just leave and see if they come get you.


Aug 5, 2003
You do have every right to be annoyed, but it's a pretty tough subject to broach with a boss. If you're running the meeting, it's a totally different story - start the meeting promptly and make a public spectacle of late attendees. :thumb:

Side note - I really am constantly amazed at how people think it's perfectly reasonable to be late to any and every business meeting. It seems that it's so prevalent that it's totally accepted as the norm... :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
The phone in my bosses office is always ringing. When we are in a meeting he refuses to answer it which is pretty cool, but really pisses off the owners :D

One if our owners often yells at me to come into his office when I walk by, then getting on the phone and I have to sit like a nerd until he gets off. It's stupid, but I just let it go. I can't change him, nor would I take it personaly. He does it to every one.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Cooter Brown said:
suck it up princess ;) :D
**insert sucking noises here**

Are you sure you haven't been talking to my brothers and dad because that's precisely the answer I'd get from them. Or they would tell it's because I'm a girl...LOL!

At least I'll say he's apologetic, but it's just getting annoying. And trying to get stuff done in this company takes about 2 stacks of paperwork, 15 emails, and 8 different managers signatures (that report up to 3 different vp's) so my paitience for such crap is getting worn thin.....I know big buisness has alot of red tape but we swim merrily in it over here!!!


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
you do have a right to be annoyed. But he's also your boss and calls all the shots. In his eyes, time is money and when he's wasting your time, he's wasting money. I think you could remind him of how much work you have or tell him to call you in when he's ready to actually start because you want to get work done in the meantime (and hey, even if you're surfing the monkey instead, that's more time that you don't have to listen to him!)


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
You have every right to be mad. My boss did that to me once, and I just got up and walked out. If I call someone into my office, and my phone rings, I let it ring. I was in a manager's office one day, and he picked up his cell phone and starting yelling at his wife--right in front of me. He's a real knucklehead though, I tried to slip out of the office, and he yelled at me to sit down...GOOD TIMES!


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Velocity Girl said:
So, for about the 3rd or 4th time in a row now, I'm sitting in a meeting with just me and my boss, waiting for the meeting to start, because he's on the phone with someone else. This is on top of the few meeting over the past few weeks that he has either been late for or I've had to schedule because he couldn't make them. I'm starting to get torqued and wondering if I'm just being oversenstive because I'm so fed up with all the crap and lack of management around here????
I had a boss that did this. I could almost guarantee that the phone would ring or... something would interrupt the meeting and I would be expected to sit patiently doing nothing until he was ready to resume the meeting.

So the next time he called me into his office, I brought my knitting with me. When the phone rang and he answered it, I took out the sweater I was working on and began knitting. :D

I wasn't rude about it, just very matter-of-fact. "Oh. You were on the phone, so I... (puzzled look up at him) You don't mind, do you?"

If you don't knit, maybe you could bring in a crossword puzzle or a magazine.

Many people do not know etiquette, and have no idea that the person in front of you takes precedent over the person on the phone. That's what voice mail is for.



May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
I dont know if you relationship to him/her is at this place yet but tell them its pissing you off. Explain that you take time out of your schedule to have this meeting and that if he wants to chat on the phone you have better things to do. Put it to him from a productivity stand point, I doubt that a single conversation he has had is sooo important that it couldnt wait 15 min. Some managers need to have fires going all the time so that they feel like they are...well managing. That isnt my style but then again I only manage 3 guys and 1million worth of merchandise. I have no illusions of being a CEO.

I say next time he hops on the phone get up and go work on something that really needs to be done (dont hop on the monkey just yet) then if he questions it tell him you felt like he needed privacy for his phonecall and you had other work to do. Or make him put the call on speakerphone, maybe you can learn something that will help you climb the Corporate ladder to middle managment. YAY!!


Our sales guy has no regard for other people and it pisses me off. :mad: He expects me to wait on him all the time. I am not sure that you have the same deal, but if I could have less than zero respect for him, I would.


loco said:
Our sales guy has no regard for other people and it pisses me off. :mad: He expects me to wait on him all the time. I am not sure that you have the same deal, but if I could have less than zero respect for him, I would.
Homeslice ended up with a little demotion, and I am not entirely sure they are done with him. :think:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
loco said:
Homeslice ended up with a little demotion, and I am not entirely sure they are done with him. :think:
Most companies only care about one thing when it comes to salesguys, sales.


Westy said:
Most companies only care about one thing when it comes to salesguys, sales.
Yup - it doesn't help that he hasn't been living up to task lately. :think:


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Take a glazed donut into the meeting with you. When you are finished eating it, suggestively lick and suck the sugar off your fingers and thumb.

That should get his attention. :sneaky:



May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
loco said:
Our sales guy has no regard for other people and it pisses me off. :mad: He expects me to wait on him all the time. I am not sure that you have the same deal, but if I could have less than zero respect for him, I would.

Is this just a common trend with Salesman that think they are salesman? I just left a company to become self employed and my sales rep/man was a total tool like that also. Outside of work we could get along but behind the counter he was a D!ck