
"Am I holding you up?" how to answer w/o sounding like a dick?


Aug 25, 2003
So I was riding with a couple fellas I've never ridden with before the other day.

I'm a pretty fast rider but when I ride with new people I usually let someone else lead for two reasons: 1. I don't want to assume I am going to be the fastest and therefore seem arrogant. 2. If I am not the fastest, well... then I am not slowing anyone down and it lets me size the others up.

So the other day I am riding with these three dudes. The lagger correctly assumed he would be last and was. So, I was the middle guy. We were riding some nice rolling and DH single track none of us had been on before.

Starting off I was pretty much on the leader's rear tire the whole time and felt I could go a lot faster but, hey, that's cool. We had plenty of more riding to do that day. I'm sure I would have a chance to lead later on. I even asked the other guy if he minded me riding so close (he said he didn't.)

So... we had a couple breaks and it always somehow happened when we would start riding again that this guy was the leader. And it was really starting to harsh my mellow, if you know what I mean. I really wanted to take the lead and really rip but how could I do this in a tactful way? Again, I don't really know these dudes so I didn't want to ruffle any feathers.

At one point the lead guy asked me if he was holding me up. Mmm... I dunno... that seems like a loaded question. I thought that this was really obvious. As I rode behind him I was even trying to make extra noise with my bike so he could hear me right behind him (you know, like landing from jumps harder than necessary, locking up the tires in corners uneccessarily, etc.)

Strange, he just didn't get the hint to wave me by and instead asks me if I was holding him up.

"Uh, no man, it's cool. I am reciting prime numbers in my head - in the thousands now - yet I have been on your rear tire on this super-sketchy downhill single track for the last 20 minutes but, you know, yah, I'll just, uh, try and keep up man." :)


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
if he asks.
then it's game on.

just reply,
yeah. can i get around ?

to me d.h. riding is alot more selfish than the p.c. world of x-c.
and all the guys that ride here pretty much have the same mindset.

so we have a very egoless pecking order as to who drops in first.

that way everyone gets to rip it up at their own ability level without hold someone back.
or they get to follow and pick up lines and tricks from preceeding riders.

if somebody flys up on me, i'll usually pull to one side if possible.


Jul 30, 2004
portland or
that is why i always let people go by bc i know im slow... id say dont worry about being pc and just say ya can i get past?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
You'd be more of a dick by not passing him, and riding his rear tire the entire trail. If you have to ask, use a little tact or simply hit the trail before him (after a break).


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I agree with dhbuilder. Shouldn't be a big deal either way, and waiting for someone to take a hint is kind of lame. Yeah maybe he should have offered sooner, but at the same time you should have just asked to come around when it became clear you would be a lot faster.

About the only exception I can think of is if it's super dusty and you really aren't that much faster. Eating dust sucks. I'll throw a block on my buddies if I know all we would do is switch positions but stay close.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
What's worse is that a lot of guys assume because I'm a chick that they will automatically be faster than me on the downhills, and don't bother to ask "am I holding you up?" even though I'm not sure how they couldn't have heard me slamming on my brakes and fishtailing everytime they slowed down for a turn or bobbled over some simple obstacle.

This only happens when I'm riding with new people, and it only takes a couple times of me jumping in front of them on the downhill and smoking them for them to realize they should step aside before a big descent.

All my regular riding buddies though are really good at knowing everyone elses strengths and weaknesses and have no problems letting others go ahead or jumping ahead when they need to.

But if someone asks, I would be honest and say something like, "Just a little, mind if I take the lead for awhile?" Then once it's obvious that you are faster, I'm guessing the will get the picture.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Since I KNOW how slow I am, anytime I lead a group ride I tell the faster guys that if they want to pass me to give a yell and go for it. I try to not hold people up since I know how hard it can be to get back your momentum, be it uphill or down.


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
dhbuilder said:
or they get to follow any pick up lines and tricks from preceeding riders.
I love doing this behind faster riders..not for picking their lines neccesarily, but just to keep up with them.

Last year at Whistler I was getting ready to drop in to A-line and Rennie rolled up..."After you!" he says. :rofl: I shake my head and offer the trail. I think I saw him for two corners.

One guy we ride with won't hit any jumps. He uses the "I'm not a freerider" reasoning...whatever. He thinks he's fast (and he is decently fast on really steep stuff) so he'll often just drop in first, but then try and take the jump ride arounds at speed and re-enter the trail. So sketch. Sometimes I just want to kill him in his face.

If I'm on someone's ass and they keep wanting to drop in before me, I'll just ask: "mind if I giver first?". I've been asked the same and it's no troubles. I think it's up to the faster rider to speak up. Hint's and riding behind me like a hack don't work.


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
jingledell said:
So... we had a couple breaks and it always somehow happened when we would start riding again that this guy was the leader. And it was really starting to harsh my mellow,
Mmmmmmm... harshmymellows...



jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
Cooter Brown said:
just pretend you're Bob Hannah of the days of MX yore, stick your front tire right up under his front tire in the next corner, cut him off and keep going. It's all in fun, right?
or damon bradshaw.
those were the days.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
dante said:
take cues from a DH race and come up on the guy at top speed screaming "RIDER UP, RIDER UP, GET THE F**K OUT OF THE WAY!!!" :oink:

should work...
that's usually the point in their race where they think that they can keep you at bay.
then they start riding just that little bit beyond their ability.
and then lose it all over themselves and take you with them.

that's when "killing them in their face" becomes a viable option.

hey silent j. thanks for the new catch phrase. that rules !


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
Cookie! said:
How about stop and start screaming, then when they come back to help you, you pick up and head off back down the trail? :D

that doesn't work with our group.
"hey you guys didn't hear me yelling back there ?"
"yeah. we sure did. what was the problem ?"

what's behind us doesn't matter.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Two words: booby-trap.

Next break, just sneak around the corner and dig a tiger pit. When he falls in you're good to go as fast as you want. :thumb:


Nov 21, 2005
This happens a lot riding downhill. Im not super fast by any means, but I cant STAND it when people who are more begginer riders (nothing wrong with that) know you are coming, and try to speed up so you dont have to pass them. Not only does this never work, but it usually ends up in them riding super out of control with you still on their wheel. Eventually they will crash and get mad if you plow into them.

Ive been at mountains where people will go as far as to put their elbows out and literally swerve into your path to prevent you from going. Its the type of peolpe who also are stopping mid run for cigarette breaks. After yelling RIDER! the 20th time, you kind of have to just say f-it, sprint towards them and cut them off inside in a corner.

Ive been passed during a race before, and I drop whatever the hell im doing to get the f out of the way, at any means. I know what its like to be on the other end, and it sucks.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 10, 2005
what i normally do if a slower rider wants to go first is leave a really long buffer then start riding. and if i do catch up i just try to overtake as clean as possible with loads of warning. rider, on your left, ect... when i do get held up in seeding runs i am pretty chill as the races here aren't very big so starting order doesn't really matter.. 'take your time'... they get out of the way pretty fast. but then if its in the race run its all guns blazing. fvck off!!! fast rider coming through...but i have only had to do that once, and it was with a total idiot too.
but then there is this one guy who just plain doesn't get it. each time we line up ready to go he just waits in front or inbetween the faster riders.:nonono: then we just squeze him out of the way before he does any damage or sorta anounce the starting order.. (of course with him really far back.)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
In my area, if someone's faster than you, you let 'em pass. Simple as that. If you don't, expect to get passed. It's not some intricate balance of being mean and nice, it's just a fact.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Well if you are on a group ride and like riding with others then maybe you could just stick together and enjoy the company because its not always about being faster or slower. I find people who are adaptable to any social situation are more fun to ride with - no matter what their skill level.

I always presume I am the least skilled rider - that way I never have to prove anything to myself. :thumb:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
jingledell said:
So I was riding with a couple fellas I've never ridden with before the other day.
blah blah blah etc etc etc.
When the guy asked you should have said "Sure" and rode and not cared. If the guy has a problem with somebody being faster than him, then it's his problem.
Personally i just don't think it's that big of a deal, there are some rides where i'm the fastest and some rides i'm the slowest.

And is that really DHgirlie?....


Aug 25, 2003
If the guy has a problem with somebody being faster than him, then it's his problem.
Yah. You're probably right.

The problem is I can be a bit competitive when I ride with other people. And I really have a hard time finding people that can keep up with me. So maybe I am overly concerned about shoving these things in someone's face.

It's one thing for the fast guy to just "be" the fastest. But, to me, it is a bit much for someone to say it outright. Which is what I would have to do when answering the guy's question "Am I holding you up?"


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
jingledell said:
The problem is I can be a bit competitive when I ride with other people.
Get over yourself, you'll be alot happier. Everyone has a bit of competitive nature to them, but if that's all your focused on it's hard to trail ride and have fun. There are alot more fun aspects of riding than trying to be the Alpha Dog, but it's up to you to figure that out.
You always have the option of spending alot of money and be a racer and get it out of your system. Or try to find riders that are on or above your level. But in my opinion if that was the way i looked at my riding i'd be ripping myself off of alot of killer rides, and great company.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Skookum said:
Get over yourself, you'll be alot happier. Everyone has a bit of competitive nature to them, but if that's all your focused on it's hard to trail ride and have fun. There are alot more fun aspects of riding than trying to be the Alpha Dog, but it's up to you to figure that out.
You always have the option of spending alot of money and be a racer and get it out of your system. Or try to find riders that are on or above your level. But in my opinion if that was the way i looked at my riding i'd be ripping myself off of alot of killer rides, and great company.
Dammit. I would approve of this if I could. :thumb:

I got passed the other morning by a walker going up one of our local steep-ass grunts. :eek: Figured I catch up and pass him.


I'm OK with that. :rofl:


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
to kind of add to what i earlier posted about d.h. riding being different from x-c sociality.

the back of a truck or a ski lift is where you can be social.

on the d.h. trails it's dog eat dog and every man for himself.
at least that's the way it works around here.
and from the fastest to the slowest rider here. that's the way we like it.

we all know that if we "adjust" the pecking order and drop in early, we'll get a tire buzzin before we reach the bottom.
but then again we have so many different trails here that usually everyone is on a different trail soon after the start.

the selfish nature of agressive d.h. riding is what appeals to most riders i know.

it's kind of like when rick mears used to race indy.
he'd be cool calm and collected right up until the time he put the helmet on.
then you could see the change come over him.