
Am I totally F-ed?


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
Life is going to suck a whole lot, very very soon.

About a month ago I got a speeding ticket for going 71 in a 55 at around 2:00am. That sucked, then I missed the court date on the 7th due to a class. I got a letter and I can make the next one which is good.
Anyhow, the bad part comes now - I got another speeding ticket last friday at 2:30am; 81 in a 55. I used my cruise control every day and the first time I turned it off was at the top of a hill. I put my foot on the pedal and disabled it then thought I was coasting down the hill. Well, the cruise must have been accelerating slightly when I put my foot on it so I gained a whole bunch of speed at the bottom of the hill where the officer got me.
It was the same officer.
Now, I have a 3rd speeding ticket from about a year ago. In NYS 3 speeding tickets in 18 months is an automatic license revokation, not to mention the **** ton of points I'm going to get.

my first course of action is a point reduction course which I should be able to get into this weekend. I also plan to write the officer a letter of apology.

I'm really not all that pissed off about the idea of not having a license in general, but the fact that I commute to both school and work throws a pretty serious monkey wrench into things. What are the chances I'll still be allowed to drive? Am I taking the right course of action as is?
Any advice from the monkeys as to other things I can do to make the judge like me a little more?

This has got me pretty depressed. I feel like I'm having some bad luck, but my own stupid behavior (my preference to travel at great velocities) doesn't help any.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
Sounds like you are screwed. If you knew that a third ticket would be grounds for a license revoking and could ruin your school/work plans, I don't know why you would risk it, but what has been done is done. Your best bet is to explain the situation in court and see if they will be kind enough to let you carry on.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
first of all, don't make excuses for your speeding. 81 in a 55 is way over. no excuse for that.

second of all.... don't skip court because of class, if you do, call in advance and reschedule your court date.

third..... take the driving course. it will probably be your saving grace in keeping your liscence. i took one in high school and got to keep mine.

fourth......don't skip the class for any reason, don't speed in that zone again and don't make up anymore excuses. you like to drive fast, you are irresponsible and skipped your court date ( for whatever reason), you are lucky to keep your license.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
Lead foot. Best advice is to suck up, cause it doesn't look like there's much else you can do. Those letters of apology are a good start. Maybe try to get some community service?


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
I guess the points reduction course is the equivalent to our defensive driving which for a small fee and eight hours of your life the ticket is forever gone. If you wouldn't have gotten two that close together, you could have tried for deferred adjudication which around here will get rid of the ticket if you don't get another in the probation period. Maybe you could still go that route.


Mar 14, 2005
not only are you screwed now wioth no liscense.. just wait until u get it back... do you have any idea of what insurance is going to cost.. let alone if the decide to insure you??? not good.. and you cant even hide under your parents insurance... yes your screwed ..bravo.. great job


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
you are not screwed

go to court and
plea bargain # 1 down to a parking ticket

go to court and
plea bargain # 2 down to not so much over the speed limit, or Failed to obey a traffic signal

go the driver point reduction program


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
That's why I rotate from a sports car to a truck evey year or so. I tend to drive trucks much slower and I get in a lot less trouble. But I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in quite a while.

88 in a 55 is bad though. I did 85 in a 70 and was going with the flow of traffic.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
step one: see if you can get either of the speeding tickets pleaded down to a non-speeding ticket. who knows, the cop may be in a good mood (explain to the cop that you have the other two tickets, and see if he'll allow you to plead guilty to some other type of moving violation).

step two: even if your license is suspended, you are allowed to apply for a restricted license if you haven't done so in the past x years (can't remember the limit, think its 18mo). The restricted license will allow you to drive to school and work.

step three: slow down. no, seriously, slow down to 60-65 for the next 18mo or whatever it takes to get these off your record. A coworker got f'ed by this, did the restricted license and then got *another* ticket in a speed trap. Well, I got to ferry her ass back and forth to work for the next 2 months. :angry:

good luck!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
oh, and dont take the course before court, they might make require you to take the course (and you will have to do it all over next week)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Funny, I used to have situations like that untill my license was suspended. Now I don't speed anymore, and don't get tickets anymore. Funny how that works, huh?

Go to court and apologize to the judge, he'll likely lower the fine. Then stop speeding. Tickets are easy, it's going to be alot more difficult when you hurt or kill someone.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 2, 2005
DC/Bluemont VA
my only one was 106 in a 75. that was ugly. take the advice from all these people and then buy a radar detector and learn to spot potential cop hiding places. the trick to not getting speeding tickets is to be paying more attention than the cop. the price of being allowed to drive fast is that you have to be on edge and watching like a hawk the whole time. you just have to spot him before he can get the gun on you. probably makes you a safer driver than some putz on his cell phone driving the speed limit. also, if you do go to court, request to see the printout from the radar gun and its certificate of calibration (they are cheap bastards and they let the certificates lapse as a general rule). this little trick might get you out of the tickets.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Ciaran said:
Funny, I used to have situations like that untill my license was suspended. Now I don't speed anymore, and don't get tickets anymore. Funny how that works, huh?

Go to court and apologize to the judge, he'll likely lower the fine. Then stop speeding. Tickets are easy, it's going to be alot more difficult when you hurt or kill someone.

you NEED to talk to the arresting officer or the DA ( or assist DA) before the judge calls you


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
Douglas -
Many of the people I've been talking to recommended taking the point reduction course as soon as possible. Would it makes sense to speak with the DA ahead of time to see whether or not I should wait? Also, how often are those guns supposed to be calibrated? If I ask to see that print out, how do I know whether or not the calibration is valid?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
MMike said:
But then he'd get busted for pirating music. Great idea, Steinberg!
maybe he can hire sammy as his attorney, and then sammy busts it out live in court? i'm sure the red rocker could use the extra $.



back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
What part of this was bad luck?

Interesting side note: Sammy said in an interview that he has made more $$$ selling Cabo Wabo tequila then he ever made in the music business. I find that hard to believe but I heard him say it.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I have heard of alot of drunk drivers requesting to see the source code for the breathalizer machines, and because it is proprietary info the manufacturers won't release it. Technically this falls under the ability to face their accuser and since they can't some of these cases are being thrown out.

Maybe you could do the same with the radar gun.



makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Tenchiro said:
I have heard of alot of drunk drivers requesting to see the source code for the breathalizer machines, and because it is proprietary info the manufacturers won't release it. Technically this falls under the ability to face their accuser and since they can't some of these cases are being thrown out.

Maybe you could do the same with the radar gun.

I would consult with a lawyer before I walked into court and tried that. I have a feeling that if it doesn't work out for you that you are going to get screwed. Some judges are funny like that.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Spitfired said:
Douglas -
Many of the people I've been talking to recommended taking the point reduction course as soon as possible. Would it makes sense to speak with the DA ahead of time to see whether or not I should wait? Also, how often are those guns supposed to be calibrated? If I ask to see that print out, how do I know whether or not the calibration is valid?
do you already have points on your license?
if so then take it now to get those off, if not then theres no reason to take it ahead of time

I assume you already checked not guilty & supporting deposition requested and mailed the ticket in?

the best bet is to talk to the cop and ask if you could get the ticket reduced......about a month ago I watched as about 50 people with speeding tickets do that, and they ALL had the ticket reduced to a parking ticket

not sure about the calibration thing but that might piss the cop off (not a good thing) and they more than likely could use his expertise in the area of vehicular speeds, to be enough to convict you anyway


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Tenchiro said:
I have heard of alot of drunk drivers requesting to see the source code for the breathalizer machines, and because it is proprietary info the manufacturers won't release it. Technically this falls under the ability to face their accuser and since they can't some of these cases are being thrown out.

Maybe you could do the same with the radar gun.

thats why you get two tickets (one ticket is the chemical and one is what the cop witnessed and tested for - ie touch your nose), and besides you usually have to blow into 2 seperate breathalyzers

so sorry, you are not getting out of a dwi/dui infraction


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
No, I havn't sent anything in yet.
When you say talk to the cop, do you mean to do so in court during court or are you suggesting I try to speak with him privately?


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
skatetokil said:
also, if you do go to court, request to see the printout from the radar gun and its certificate of calibration (they are cheap bastards and they let the certificates lapse as a general rule). this little trick might get you out of the tickets.
No better way to piss off the cop and the court than doing this. From what a good family friend of ours (who happened to be a judge at one point)....that will guarantee you losing the case just for trying to be a technical smartass (at least in most NJ courts).

And you want my advice?

Stop F-ing speeding.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
douglas said:
you NEED to talk to the arresting officer or the DA ( or assist DA) before the judge calls you
On a speeding ticket?

Here in So Cal you go t the clerk who asks if you want to pay the fine or see the judge. You choose to see the judge and you stand in line. Your turn comes up, the judge gives you a minute to say your piece, then you go back to the clerks window to pay whatever fine was levied against you. If you are lucky the fine is less than what was originally levied.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Ciaran said:
On a speeding ticket?

Here in So Cal you go t the clerk who asks if you want to pay the fine or see the judge. You choose to see the judge and you stand in line. Your turn comes up, the judge gives you a minute to say your piece, then you go back to the clerks window to pay whatever fine was levied against you. If you are lucky the fine is less than what was originally levied.
I know NJ you see the DA before you ever step into the courtroom or you're screwed. I believe it's the same in NY.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Ciaran said:
On a speeding ticket?

Here in So Cal you go t the clerk who asks if you want to pay the fine or see the judge. You choose to see the judge and you stand in line. Your turn comes up, the judge gives you a minute to say your piece, then you go back to the clerks wondo to pay whatever fine was levied against you.

the fine is no biggie, its the points, enough points=no license therefore its the need to get it reduced to something point free (i.e. parking ticket)


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
narlus said:
burn copies of sammy hagar's "i can't drive 55" and distribute to the judge and court clerks.
If I were the judge he'd be on death row for that.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
douglas said:
the fine is no biggie, its the points, enough points=no license therefore its the need to get it reduced to something point free (i.e. parking ticket)
Ahhhh. Now I grok.

Though I would say that if he's speeding enough to warrant a suspension then good. Get him off the road for a while and on the bus. Maybe he'll slow down. Too many people forget that speeding doesn't just cause tickets. You can kill someone.


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
Echo, he is a county sherrif out of the East Rochester location I presume. The first one was in brighton (on 590) and the more recent one was on 441 in penfield.


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
yet another reason Jeep > car

my ZJunk doesnt go over 75 thus no speeding tickets
my ZJunk doesnt go around corners all that fast so no speeding tickets