
Am I totally F-ed?


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Spitfired said:
Thanks for the kind words, Stinkyboy.
I'm not that stupid.
I never said that. I said, well... it's right up there...

People think they're bulletproof, especially when they're young, and when they run into a car full of kids, or lose a leg, it really has a way of growing these people up pretty fast...


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Spitfired said:
Thanks for the kind words, Stinkyboy.
I'm not that stupid.
16 and 26 over in the same month? Same cop? One prior ticket?

After one ticket you should be slowing down. After two you should be sticking to the speed limit like glue. Stupid? Sure you are. I say again: stop f-ing speeding and this wouldn't be a problem. You made the bed, if you have to lie in it, it teaches you a good lesson.

Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Unfortunately, I think this one of those "character-building" life experiences...


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
Geez, I was responding to the video. I would never speed enough to lose control on a turn like that. I also always maintain the speedlimit on city streets.
My problem is 2:30 am trips back home to my bed on the expressway after a 17 hour day at school.

No, I'm not trying to justify anything. I broke the law, and should have learned the first time. With respect to that, I am absolutly the stupidest mother****er I know.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
Nothing will cause you bigger problems than missing a court date. If you have a $200 ticket, it will go up to about $700 bucks. Not to mention the fact that judges tend to get pretty upset about people missing their court dates.

Here's what you need to do. 1) Sign up for traffic school (on one of the tickets, anyway). 2) Appear on all of your court dates, even if you have to miss school. 3) SLOW DOWN.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
You should look at your life and see why you're at school till such an ungodly late hour. At the rate you're going racking up speeding tickets, you could have had a few solid months of rent paid.

This is what being young is about; learning things the hard way. I did with speeding and I had to pay for it the first year I was on my own. But when I got my first insurance bill and realized I had to pay every cent of it, my foot lost its lead.

NYS is definitely tough on this stuff. Realize that what's done is done and instead of wasting your energy kicking yourself repeatedly, use it to look at why you're speeding, and how you can slow down in both your life and behind the wheel.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Spitfired said:
Geez, I was responding to the video. I would never speed enough to lose control on a turn like that. I also always maintain the speedlimit on city streets.
My problem is 2:30 am trips back home to my bed on the expressway after a 17 hour day at school.

No, I'm not trying to justify anything. I broke the law, and should have learned the first time. With respect to that, I am absolutly the stupidest mother****er I know.
Hey I got a ticket, didn't pay it, then had my license suspended (in NYS). I cleared both things up, and I avoided a ticket again.

I realize speed limits are not my limits, but staying close is the key.

I worked late shifts, but I try to keep a reasonable speed where there were potential speed traps.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BTW, I regularly do 10 miles over the limit. But I don't 15, and I won't speed in places where there are speed traps. I think being smart not following the letter of rule is important.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
some of you all need to STFU, I bet every single one of you speed every time you get behind the wheel - bunch of damn hypocrites

...give the kid a damn break


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
douglas said:
some of you all need to STFU, I bet every single one of you speed every time you get behind the wheel - bunch of damn hypocrites

...give the kid a damn break
No sh!t we all speed. Are we all dumb enough to get caught? Howabout getting caught 3 times at relatively excessive overages?

Everyone makes a mistake here and there, I know I did. But three times you almost need to get a good suspension to get the point across. But hey, it's less of a pain than being chucked in jail with a guy named "bubba".


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
robdamanii said:
No sh!t we all speed. Are we all dumb enough to get caught? Howabout getting caught 3 times at relatively excessive overages?

Everyone makes a mistake here and there, I know I did. But three times you almost need to get a good suspension to get the point across. But hey, it's less of a pain than being chucked in jail with a guy named "bubba".

karma & jinxed = you are ****ed


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Brian HCM#1 said:
You F'ed up get a slower vehicle, like a 4 cylinder Toyota 4x4 with 44" tires that way you'll have a max speed of 48 mph:thumb:
Or a 4 banger Ranger like mine. 0-60 in 5.3 minutes.

skatetokil said:
my only one was 106 in a 75. that was ugly. take the advice from all these people and then buy a radar detector and learn to spot potential cop hiding places. ...[yada ya]...
Bag the radar detector gambit - it just prolongs the agony - you'll get nailed again, guaranteed.

Learn to drive within reasonable bounds of the limit.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
well at least you still have a car greg:dead: being young and learning lessons sucks. i got arrested for curfew and got lucky and got away with it, good i learned my lesson im not driving after curfew anymore. i went to a party the next weekend and was too mess up to run when the cops came. got away with that one because they let us go. the weekend after that same thing happened but i got away. lesson learned, im not gonna drink for a bit. now i got in a car crash with some friends in the car and almost got my license revoked till im 18. yeah no more driving friends. can anyone think of any other lessons i need to learn myself so i can see it coming? heh:nuts:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
lovebunny said:
can anyone think of any other lessons i need to learn myself so i can see it coming? heh:nuts:
Stay away from trannies.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Spitfired said:
Anyhow, the bad part comes now - I got another speeding ticket last friday at 2:30am; 81 in a 55.
I'm suprised no one has mentioned this by this part of the thread, but with a ticket at more than 20 over the speed limit, you might want to check the yellow pages for a lawyer who specializes in traffic infractions. 20 over the speed limit in NYS is a big deal, especially with the other offenses listed. He/she might even be able to work out a plea bargin with the judge to settle both tickets that includes a combination of a fine, driving class, and driving school where you might even be able to keep your license. Lawyers have more leverage in this area that you will. Good luck, and don't even consider the radar gun calibration route.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
berkshire_rider said:
I'm suprised no one has mentioned this by this part of the thread, but with a ticket at more than 20 over the speed limit, you might want to check the yellow pages for a lawyer who specializes in traffic infractions. 20 over the speed limit in NYS is a big deal, especially with the other offenses listed. He/she might even be able to work out a plea bargin with the judge to settle both tickets that includes a combination of a fine, driving class, and driving school where you might even be able to keep your license. Lawyers have more leverage in this area that you will. Good luck, and don't even consider the radar gun calibration route.

good points (I mentioned getting that one reduced to a lower amount over ticket)

check it:



Aug 3, 2003
Charlottesville, Virginia
Take the class prior to court, it shows that you are taking the initiative in re-educating yourself. And it makes it appear as if you have a less terrible driving record. For my reckless ticket all it earned me was $150 off my fine, but it could make a difference for you....

Get a lawyer. IF your sentance can be reduced it could mean an emense difference in cost over the next dozen or so years. But, you said 3 tix = revoked license right? Unfortunatly that seems inevitable, they will not just erase one of the, for you because you got 3 in a row.

Be humble and appologetic in court. You are wrong, they know it, you know it, dont try to hide it.

GO TO COURT NO MATTER WHAT. You have no excuse for just not showing up.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
MMike said:
Read the firt page. That CAN'T be real....can it?

What are you doing looking at that forum anyway???
it was linked from the subaru board NASIOC as an example of how stupid liberty, er, make that cobalt owners are. :D

oh yeah, he gets another ticket on page 3. 81 in a 55. idiot.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 13, 2005
sorry its not that bad my friends dad just got a speeding ticket and got his licence taken away for a year keep in mind that this is a forty year old man the was going 50 miles per hour on a school crossing zone while school was in session.