
Am I wrong for being pissed?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Ok, so i've been going to Guilford College ("uber-liberal college in NC run by the quakers) for 4 years now and am about to graduate. I attend in the evening and sometimes have to show up in uniform. i have never had anything negative said to me about being in uniform at school and most of the time, people mention feeling safer w/ an officer in the room.

so, enter this semester. I'm taking an independent study course entitled; "Understanding Oppressive Systems." My professor pretty much has made it known that i am an oppressor simply because i'm a cop. she preaches that there are no real criminals, just victims of oppression that must cope with their situation :rolleyes:
anyway, i normally change into regular clothes before i go to class but on thurdsday, i was busy working on a search warrant which made me late to class and i didnt have time to change. this was the first time i have come to class in uniform this semester so i got the usual, "hey, can i see you gun?" joking comments from classmates.
the professor comes over to me as i'm getting settled and, in front of the class, asks me if i would mind "putting your gun somewhere". i question what she just said and she stated, to the whole class, that guns make her nervous and would i mind "putting the gun somewhere."
i told her that it is "somewhere"; inside of a triple retention holster and yes, i would mind and no, it's staying where it is. she blatantly rolls her eyes, moves her chair to the other side of the classroom and continues the class.

**Legal Note: As a law enforcement officer, certified by the state of NC, there is no place, private or public that can prohibit me from carrying my weapon, concealed or otherwise. (exeption: federal courthouse) as long as i am in possession of my badge/credentials**

i thought about walking out of class in protest but then i thought it would be fun to watch her squirm in her ignorant fears for the remainder of the class...so i stayed.
after class, she pulled me aside and asked why i felt it necessary to carry the gun on campus. I explained that I AM IN UNIFORM and it's not the brightest idea to walk around in a uniform that says POLICE on it and not have a weapon. i tried to explain to her the type of people i deal with and why i ALWAYS carry a gun w/ me because i frequently run into people that i've arrested and not all of them like me very much and would love to get a shot in on me, especially when i'm w/ my family. the fact that i drive my patrol car to school and department policy requires that i be armed when in a police car.
well, she still didn't quite understand that and proceeded to tell me that this is a safe campus and there is no need for a gun. i promptly reminded her that Virginia Tech is a safe campus and so is columbine, that kind of pissed her off but i think she got my point.
finally, she ended the conversation by demanding that i not come to class armed anymore and i politely told her that it is my right and responsibility as an officer to be armed and that i'm sorry to dissapoint her but i will not cease to carry in class.

so anyway, should i be as livid as i am over this? i mean, i'm all for a safe learning environment and respecting the wishes of others but does she really think a cop w/ a gun in her classroom is going to just start flailing the gun around or something?
i'm not so pissed that she pulled me aside to talk about it after class as i am the fact that she called me out in front of the students and made me the bad guy because i told her no.

i think i'll have a chat w/ the department head on monday to express my concerns; besides, i'm sure she's already brought up her deathly fear of an oppressively armed police officer in her classroom.

4 YEARS at this place and no problems...until now :disgust1::twitch:


Oct 17, 2002
Are you allowed to be in uniform without your gun?

As for being pissed, well, I think you're over-reacting a little... only to the extent that you're so upset, not because you're wrong in anyway.

I've had many run-ins with teachers. In fact, one could argue that, on campus, some are known to be "oppressors". They get a reputation for being tyrants for a reason.

regardless, you should talk to the Dean of the College or Dean of students as her request is retarded.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Yes, I would be pissed and agree you have a right to be as well.

That being said, getting mad is a waste of good energy, so get over it and move on. You are there for the credits, not to impress her, or try to change her views. She obviously has issues, sorry you get to be the embodiment of one of those issues.

A funny side note:
There was a case where an officer was in plain clothes playing with her kids at Discovery Zone (like Chucky Cheese) and lost her gun in the ball pit. She left the ball pit and whispered in the ear of one of the employees that she "thought" it might be in there. The place was shut down while the entire play area was searched. It was funny.

elf 232

fewchur serjin
Jan 5, 2007
Im in your head
Heres a few sayings that pretty much describe my view on guns:

1. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
2. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
3. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
4. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.
5. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more.
6. Colt: The original point and click interface.

yes, id definetly be upset, her request was absurd.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
Wow. Take a deep breath, let it go. Sounds like you handled it OK, and I agree that a chat with the dept head is in order. The turning down the offer to patrol with you is... lame.

This make me think of my anti-gun mother. Granted she's never even been near one. She maybe is like your prof, politically. Anyhow, my son was taking hunter safety and she was freaking out about it so I had her go with him one night. She came out of it not so ignorant and knee jerk as before, with a little more respect and understanding of appropriate use of firearms.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
It would be funny to start a discrimination lawsuit of some type. Call the ACLU about it.

btw, she is an idiot. she may hate cops, guns, and freedom; but you are legally required to carry a gun. i wonder if she pays her income tax.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
yes, and i've had three accidental discharges. one of which is rather well known around here ;)
there is no such thing as an accidental discharge, It is called a NEGLIGENT discharge. A gun does not go off by "accadent" it goes off because you did something you were saposed to.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I think the biggest fear about cops is abuse of power combined with guilt.

I commit all kinds of minor crimes from riding my bike drunk to smoking pot. I don't think these things are crimes, but if I cross the wrong police officer, I could spend $$$ and time trying to free myself.

I try not to challenge any cop for that reason, so I could see how a police officer in uniform could stifle conversation in a classroom.

You are not going to tazer me for offering my opinion, are you?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
manimal, this is me being serious:

you have every right to be pissed. you are obviously in the right here, this lady is just some bleeding heart fruit cake. don't let her bother you. because you know at the end of the day you've accomplished more good deeds than her.

also, your kids are adorable. i didn't know you had a lil' girl too. your son is a total ripper. i'll be seriously disappointed if he's not a world cup pinner some day. while you're at it get your daughter on a bike. you have the next atherton family brewing here.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I think you handled the situation well, but I think you have every right to be pissed. I find it very disrespectful. You put your neck on the line to keep others safe and this is how she thanks you? :disgust1:

I do agree that a talk with the dept head is in order. If for nothing else than to have the situation documented in case something else happens in the future and because well, the dept head/university needs to know a member of their staff has their head up their a**.


May 21, 2006
Take your professor to the range and let her shoot your weapon. For some reason and im not a phycology major, But women feel empowered when they shoot handguns for some reason. Then they all of a sudden have a change of opinion about the whole thing. This is a proven system it really works i'm telling you. If you were single which your not of course. Actually i have a better idea. If you have a single buddy on the force then have him take her to the range. After the range he can take her out for a few drinks and then who knows where the night will end. But from experience it ussually ends up pretty good if you know what im saying. Its the small victories.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Why would you ever take that class... unless you were looking for new ideas for oppressing people? :lighten:

You should clean your gun during your next class...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'd start showing up in uniform to every single class...

But I'm an asshole. You handled it fine. I'd just let it slide. You only had one wacko in four years? You're lucky.


Jan 25, 2006
Not where I'd like
Tubby, thats a funny story...

While it would be interesting to show up to her class every day in uniform, with your sidearm, the one thing I learned while serving my sentence at NCSU is that the professor holds the magic red pen. She is the one giving the grades and if she wants to screw with you, she can.

So yea, being pissed is fine, I would be too. However, I would try to please her as much as possible during the semester. Do go speak with her department head, as well as the dean of the college about this. I dont see any way that they would side with her. Your simple presence there is a benefit to the school and everyone's safety. Let them know what has transpired and that you feel that confronting her about it during the semester may have a negative impact on your grading. Its not fair, or right, or morally just, but it can and does happen.

Then as soon as the semester is over, lay it on thick and heavy. Report her actions to anyone and everyone you can think of...the department head, deans, school newspaper, the Rhino Times, whichever organization provides her teaching licensing, student bulletin boards, etc.

Oh, and make sure you run her plates, maybe she has something outstanding and you can bust her ass for it. ;)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Why would you ever take that class... unless you were looking for new ideas for oppressing people?

You should clean your gun during your next class...
it was the only thing left in the time slot and it covers my independent study requirement. well, that's not entirely true, i could've chosen "Understanding African American Oppression in the US"

i actually like taking courses like this. it may be hard to believe but politically speaking, i'm in the middle. somewhere between N8 and Silver ;) i like bringing an adult opinion to these types of courses; i get to hear interesting ideas and i can add ACTUAL worldwide experience to the conversation (unlike most of the professors :rolleyes: ) most of the classes have less than 25 students so we can get into some good debates. i suppose it gives me a chance to influence the traditional (18-22yr old) students to consider opinions that are different from the usual socialist/communist propaganda put out by most professors at this school.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Tubby, thats a funny story...

While it would be interesting to show up to her class every day in uniform, with your sidearm, the one thing I learned while serving my sentence at NCSU is that the professor holds the magic red pen. She is the one giving the grades and if she wants to screw with you, she can.
i think she's professional enough to know better than to let it reflect my grade. we are, however, required to keep a journal of our responses to the reading materials. i think i'll add a bonus entry that expounds upon our conversation.

side note: the department head is an ex prison guard. :D

i think i'll just come to class and set the gun on her desk ;)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Next time she asks, just laugh hearty man-laughs and recite lines from Full Metal Jacket, all the while stroking your gun.....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
You're also SWAT right? Switch uniforms and up the firearm ante on her. Bonus points for leaving the APC idling outside the window all class long.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Next class period, dive into the room and roll military style to your desk. Roll it all Tackleberry style with a 44 and yell "Class will start NOW, Mister!"
Watch her poop.
Some college professors take a bus as far away from reality as they can get all the while encouraging the college know-it-all hippie. You know, the worst kind.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I would also mention to her that she should be open to new experiences. I am sure there are no other cops in her classes, and she should appreciate your experiences and insights.

I think she really messed up by passing on the ridealong.

I think that should also be part of the next monkeyfest.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Next time she asks, just laugh hearty man-laughs and recite lines from Full Metal Jacket, all the while stroking your gun.....
Nice one, I was thinking the same thing.
Manimal, you're going to run across people who are freaked out by the sight of guns. And cops. And cops with guns. And tasers. In the face.:twitch::busted:
A bit late now but it might have been worth saying to your teachers that you're a cop and sometimes you might have to come to class in uniform including gun. I'd definitely be a little shocked if one of my students was a cop and came to class wearing full uniform.