

Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
This is how it begins, public discrediting of the media. Convince your all too willing constituents that the media is telling lies. Then no more need for a government with transparency or accountability.

And if you think the GOP is going to stop him, think again. Here in NC the Repubs held a special overnight session of congress, with no notice, to pass the Bathroom Bill. Our state was ranked as low as Cuba in terms of democracy. The NC GOP uses every fucking under handed, devious ploy to stay in power. And this is nothing new for us.

Make no mistake, you cannot rely on the GOP to save our democracy from Donald J Trump. He and his ilk are going to prove themselves to be Hell bent on reshaping our government into autocracy.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Almost forgot. After the media is discredited and transparency is no more, the next step is isolation. Trump is already working to cut us off from the rest of the world via, pulling out of TPP, renegotiating NAFTA, imposing a 35% tariff on imports, and cutting ties with the UN.

And how will he get this approved ? Simple tell the working class that these steps are necessary to create jobs.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Trump has praised some of the planets most notorious dictators and made it very clear that that is who he wants to be. The most repulsive instance came when he said the Duterte was dealing with the drug problem the right way. Now Trump didn't actually say that extra-judicial executions of suspected dug dealers and users without a trial is what he liked, but he damn sure implied it.

Remember, Trump took out a full page ad in a NY paper calling for the execution of five innocent black men some years ago.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Killer Mike Has Some Advice For White Liberals Afraid Of Donald Trump

“Instead of worrying, just understand you’re going to be living in a Southern state for the next four years,” said Render, who speaks extensively about Southern politics in an upcoming HuffPost podcast about Reconstruction. “Your cousins who live in Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee or Florida ― you might wanna call ‘em.”


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication

Multiple federal agencies have told their employees to cease communications with members of Congress and the press, sources have told The Huffington Post.
Trump is now removing even more transparency. Seems like he is employing one of his campaign tactics of total bombardment to the point that the opponent is completely overwhelmed. He told so many lies, attacked and insulted countless groups and individuals. If he had only made one idiot comment or attack, then he, like Howard Dean and his weird yell, would be done. The volume of inappropriate comments and actions not only make it difficult to rebuff, but it sets the tone as normal. Looks like he's going to use the same strategy to undermine our government.

US democracy is under attack.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
And this is back.

3-5 million illegal ballots.

Goddamn, must his penis be tiny.

They aren't even trying to hide the truth, or debate the truth. They are just going to ignore it. Repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat the lie and then bombard you with a thousand others, each more nonsensical than the last, until you just bury dissenters under the mass of it all.

To top it off, there is this.

"No, the national liberal media won’t print that or air it or post it. Better to get your news directly from the president. In fact, it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth,” he concluded."


Can't shut off elections if you don't first discredit their legitimacy. He also needs a failed assassination before he can begin the purges.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
I hate to be the bearer of hard news... but Trump has done more for the rebuilding of our great nation in 4 days than the last 3 presidents combined. His brilliance is only shadowed by his relative lack of experience in politics. The truth is, just like Tantrum Cycles, Trump is bringing forth a new Era and system of operation. Of course everyone is going to poke sticks and revolt at the unknown. It's new and strange. Soon we will see the glory that is America First!

America First!


Jan 8, 2017
I hate to be the bearer of hard news... but Trump has done more for the rebuilding of our great nation in 4 days than the last 3 presidents combined. His brilliance is only shadowed by his relative lack of experience in politics. The truth is, just like Tantrum Cycles, Trump is bringing forth a new Era and system of operation. Of course everyone is going to poke sticks and revolt at the unknown. It's new and strange. Soon we will see the glory that is America First!

America First!

Happy that someone gets it. Strong leader, great leader. Much like the best European leaders in the late 1930s. The best. Bigly things to come.


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
What the actual eff, looks like you are caught in a Fox News / Trump feedback loop of bullshit:

One hour later:

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) January 25, 20175

On Sunday, one of the president’s confidantes told Politico that his staffers have to “control information that may infuriate him,” a task made difficult by the fact that the leader of the free world “gets bored and likes to watch TV.”


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Git r done: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/president-trump-is-planning-to-sign-executive-orders-on-immigration-this-week/2017/01/24/aba22b7a-e287-11e6-a453-19ec4b3d09ba_story.html

At least you could drive on Adolf's Autobahns after he finally ate some lead, what are y'all gonna do with that awesome wall?
Forest Grove has sided with Trump

About a quarter of the city's 21,000 residents are Latino.

Councilors said they worried the term is too polarizing. President Donald Trump has vowed to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities, and some Forest Grove councilors said the town can't risk losing the money. Others said they worry the label suggests a protection Forest Grove can't actually offer its residents.
It's where my daughter feels is her home town.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
What the actual eff, looks like you are caught in a Fox News / Trump feedback loop of bullshit:

One hour later:

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) January 25, 20175

On Sunday, one of the president’s confidantes told Politico that his staffers have to “control information that may infuriate him,” a task made difficult by the fact that the leader of the free world “gets bored and likes to watch TV.”
Whats the answer? MOHR GUNZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHREADUHMB!!!!!



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Doesn't Forest Grove have a transexual mayor?

Edit: nevermind, it was Silverton.
I lived there for 5 years, 3 of those with the local National Guard. My barber, my chiropractor, and my favorite Chinese food joint are there. Also the best wet burrito you can get anywhere. The Mexican food there is legit for a reason. It's just sad to see great little towns be so little town, I guess. :rofl:

I didn't know that about Silverton, though.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
also, from what i've seen so far, if trump *really* does go forward with his "illegal votes" investigation, he'll ensnare at least one cabinet member and one family member (both registered to vote in 2 states)


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Amazing how big that swamp has suddenly become eh!

For years, Ebell and the CEI have attacked efforts to limit climate change, through lobbying, lawsuits and campaigns. An advertisement released by the institute had the punchline “Carbon dioxide: they call it pollution. We call it life.”

It has sought to eliminate funding for environmental education, lobbied against the Endangered Species Act, harried climate scientists and campaigned in favour of mountaintop removal by coal companies. In 2004, Ebell sent a memo to one of George W Bush’s staffers calling for the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to be sacked. Where is Ebell now? Oh – leading Trump’s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency.