

filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I remember when this policy came out...a total carrot/stick retention tool. Manymanymany guys and gals who were on the fence re-upped in order to take advantage of this benefit. The more sane amongst us said it was too good to be true and will be the first benefit cut...

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth

A federal judge in New York has granted a stay order on President Donald Trump's executive order temporarily restricting entry to the U.S. by those from several predominantly Muslim countries, the American Civil Liberties Union said.

The stay blocks anyone with a valid visa being detained or stranded at airports from being deported, lawyers for the group said. They do not have to be released from detention.

"Stay is granted," ACLU Voting Rights Project Director Dale Ho said on Twitter. "Stay is national."

Crowds outside federal court in Brooklyn cheered the news. The ACLU said the judge ordered a list of detainees to be provided, and said it would go through the names and ensure they are released.

"But the critical point tonight is no one can be sent back to one of these countries," attorney Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project, said.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Please dont lump us all in together...please.
Bitch please!
Your government represents YOU.
Your nation has gleefully inflicted collective punishment on others on a nauseatingly regular basis, often on farcical grounds, and often because you didn't like the government that you by hook or by crook installed.

Collective is as collective does...... It's your collective bed that you collectively made.
Now lay in it and shut the fuck up or fix it pal.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Bitch please!
Your government represents YOU.
Your nation has gleefully inflicted collective punishment on others on a nauseatingly regular basis, often on farcical grounds, and often because you didn't like the government that you by hook or by crook installed.

Collective is as collective does...... It's your collective bed that you collectively made.
Now lay in it and shut the fuck up or fix it pal.
Easier said than done. Yes, this government unfortunately represents me. And many other decent and caring progressive thinkers. But that will not last...it never does.

And may I add that it is easy to sit well insulated and removed from the US while critiquing everything that is done by a government that is fully aided and abetted by yours and others throughout the world. So go ahead and smugly critique the US...but you helped it become what it is whether you will admit it or not. You are a willing participant in the collective, Comrade.

Additionally, this government does not truly represent the will of the American people...it represents the will of the special interests that run it. While I freely and willingly acknowledge that this is not the best arrangement, tell me that yours is any better or more pure.

This is NOT the collective that I made, nor is it a true collective of anything other than $$ed fools who wish to inflict their skewed will upon others. Yes, we have idiots about, as do you, and all the other nations of the world. The trick is not to let them run the circus, and we have unfortunately let that one slip for the time being.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I'm convinced, scary as it is, that Pence is a much bigger threat than Trump.
Truth. I dont remember if it was here or elsewhere that I read someones ideas that he is the presumptive GoP fall back guy when Drumpf takes a header and loses his ass because of all his foolishness before and during his reign. Then the theocracy that the Religious Right wants so badly...followed by a resounding chorus or 47 of "Onward Xtian soldiers"...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
20% voter turnout...FBI and foreign interference. Collective voter apathy combined with cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance. Throw in a healthy shot of racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and just plain stupidity. Shake well...
And the attempted coronation of another Clinton by the idiotic, corrupt DNC.
Truth. I dont remember if it was here or elsewhere that I read someones ideas that he is the presumptive GoP fall back guy when Drumpf takes a header and loses his ass because of all his foolishness before and during his reign. Then the theocracy that the Religious Right wants so badly...followed by a resounding chorus or 47 of "Onward Xtian soldiers"...
Onward, Christofascists...


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
I see the right wingnuts are now trying to say that Obama enabled this visa issue so it's all his fault and totally legit for trump to use the tools Obama left him.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I think Pence is more predictable and easier to deal with than Trump. Trying to blend Christianity with Government in a country founded on religious freedom is nothing new to us Southerners. We've been fighting it for a looong time.

Trump is all over the board with the crazy, creating multiple fronts. Pence would be more narrow in his focus making him considerably easier to oppose.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Remember when the outraged right wingers claimed Obama was going to round people up and put them in FEMA camps? Notice their utter silence now that Trump is having people here "legally," detained?
because the actions of commander in cheeto line up with their own personal prejudices.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I think Pence is more predictable and easier to deal with than Trump. Trying to blend Christianity with Government in a country founded on religious freedom is nothing new to us Southerners. We've been fighting it for a looong time.

Trump is all over the board with the crazy, creating multiple fronts. Pence would be more narrow in his focus making him considerably easier to oppose.

Pence is a scary guy when it comes to ideology, but I'm not sure he would abuse the executive privilege the way tramp does. I'd rather have a single fight on our hands, against political ideology (ie abortion and gays) than on quite literally all fronts (a second holocaust, ww3, defunding our vets, overfunding our military, outlawing abortion, banning gays, outlawing islam, spending vast amounts of money through the facets of small government, and so forth). Tramp has packed a bag of garbage to go with him to the white house, whereas maybe pence would just try to elect a crappy SCJ.

I never thought I would long for the days of Bush 2, but I'd take it. At least the creepy shit they did was quiet.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
What worries me most about the events of the past few days is that Trump apparently ordered Federal employees to disobey a Federal court order (to provide access to counsel for those illegally detained by the Trump travel ban)... and those employees followed Trump, not the court.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
What worries me most about the events of the past few days is that Trump apparently ordered Federal employees to disobey a Federal court order (to provide access to counsel for those illegally detained by the Trump travel ban)... and those employees followed Trump, not the court.
agreed its concerning, but i suspect it will catch up with them; i'm assuming formal complaints will be filed


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
What worries me most about the events of the past few days is that Trump apparently ordered Federal employees to disobey a Federal court order (to provide access to counsel for those illegally detained by the Trump travel ban)... and those employees followed Trump, not the court.
Benito Cheetolini is definitely working from the fascist dictator playbook. He can only be successful if Congress and the rest of the government let him. Average Joe worker may fear losing their jobs like the state department heads. Republican Congress can stop him but so far they seem more interested in colluding for sake of power than their mighty ideals of constitutional worship. Rather scary as every successful incremental power puts him one step closer to...