

butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
So why not have a vote?
Because the GOP is full of asslickers who will lie incessantly, stall, and bring in all sorts of tinfoil hat extraneous crap. See Trey Gowdy. Also, because no laws or rules says Pelosi has to.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
So why not have a vote? If the left is so confident they're correct with all their allegations, have a house vote. They should have the numbers to do so. The republicans want the vote to bring the hearing out to the public, if there is no vote, the left can keep everything private, will continue with their false narratives. Adam Schiff has been making shit up since the beginning, if it is behind closed doors, he'll continue to do the same. Why not bring it out into the open? They won't do it because they know & fear it will more than likely backfire on them, just like the Mueller report did. I would think you'd want to see both sides have their fair say, don't you? You hate Trump and that's totally fine, but shouldn't the playing field be fair. All I'm saying is let both sides plead their case openly & fairly.

This is such a disingenuous, bad faith, red herring of an argument I'm not even quite sure where to start. Congress can impeach for whatever reason it wants. They could impeach him for his fucking hair if they wanted, and they should, because that mop he calls a head of hair surely constitutes a crime against humanity. The house can interpret “high crimes and misdemeanors” to mean whatever it wants. There is no vehicle to challenge the validity of an impeachment inquiry. The constitution is very clear that the House was to decide what impeachment means. IT IS in the open. Trump, Colludey Rudy and the Ukraine Clown Posse are OPENLY defying congress by refusing to comply with subpoenas. They are OPENLY committing crimes by soliciting foreign powers to interfere in our elections on live TV. They are OPENLY denying the legitimacy and power of Congress. What complete and OPEN bullshit to cry about "fairness" and "both sides" when only one side obfuscates and blocks every attempt to out truth.

While we're discussing "OPEN and FAIR", the GOP controlled Senate just released a report declaring that the current GOP occupant of the Whitehouse has been lying about the circumstances of his election, simultaneous to being embroiled in a second election interference scandal, surrounding attempts to delegitimize the findings of the investigation into the first election interference scandal, which he claims exonerated him. I personally find it incredibly odd that every time the Trump administration claims something exonerates their behavior, they then immediately launch into protracted court battles to keep exonerating evidence and/or testimony under lock and key. Maybe that's just me.

Want "OPEN and FAIR"? It's fucking easy. Start with releasing the full Mueller report. Then Trumps Taxes. Then the complete transcripts of the phone calls to Ukraine, China, Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia. Since they are so perfect and innocent, surely they will clear the president of any wrong doing. Since nobody has anything to hide, turn over all the documents, quit blocking subpoenas. Obviously there is nothing incriminating to see, so why hide them?

Want the playing field to be OPEN and FAIR? Then for fuck sakes why has nothing been done to secure the next election and why, WHY, do republicans continue to gerrymander the ever living fuck out of the districts they control?

But democrats need to play fair and quit being so gosh darn mean. That's some stellar consistent messaging you have there.

Don't worry, the vote is coming.

See Trey Gowdy
Guess who joined Trump's impeachment legal dream team yesterday?

EDIT! while I was typing this, the Ukraine Clown Posse made the news!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
They're also side-stepping the vote to avoid forcing people to state their support on the record.
A generic 'we have the vote' statement protects those in vulnerable seats and needs no substantiation.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
So... *that's* your argument? :confused:
BoTh SidEs!

Enlightened Centrism®

Yeah, and every democrat in congress are complete angels too
Al Franken got Jeff Sessions to lie in congressional testimony and Democrats kicked Franken to the curb for a 20 year old questionable "groping" photo. Meanwhile the president is an unindicted co-conspirator to campaign finance violations involving payments to a pornstar he rawdogged whilst married to another woman in what would constitute at least his 3rd affair, who is also on tape bragging about sexual assault, and who was known to walk into the changing rooms of teen beauty pageants.

When I was but a wee lad, Gary Hart was sentenced to political purgatory for the rest of his life for having an affair.

Jimmy Carter had to sell his fucking peanut farm because it might appear improper.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
BoTh SidEs!

Enlightened Centrism®

Al Franken got Jeff Sessions to lie in congressional testimony and Democrats kicked Franken to the curb for a 20 year old questionable "groping" photo. Meanwhile the president is an unindicted co-conspirator to campaign finance violations involving payments to a pornstar he rawdogged whilst married to another woman in what would constitute at least his 3rd affair, who is also on tape bragging about sexual assault, and who was known to walk into the changing rooms of teen beauty pageants.

When I was but a wee lad, Gary Hart was sentenced to political purgatory for the rest of his life for having an affair.

Jimmy Carter had to sell his fucking peanut farm because it might appear improper.
Oh yeah? Well what about Benghazi? Eh???


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
EDIT! while I was typing this, the Ukraine Clown Posse made the news!
Re this, they have been spending like some one with deep pockets (a Russian oligarch, perhaps?!) has been footing the bill...



My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Re this, they have been spending like some one with deep pockets (a Russian oligarch, perhaps?!) has been footing the bill...

I read the document. I wonder who congressman #1 is?


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I don’t know if this was posted...



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Regarding Sessions, the indictment against the two men states that they “committed to raise $20,000 or more for a then-sitting U.S. Congressman” who is referred to in the court document as “Congressman-1.” The indictment goes on to state that the congressman “had been the beneficiary of approximately $3 million” in donations from a campaign committee. NBC News and other outlets identified that person as Sessions and reported that the committee was a Trump-aligned super PAC.
Guess who else got money from these guys?
The Republican National Committee, Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott, Joe Wilson, the Republican Party Committees of Alabama, Connecticut, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Tennessee, New York, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Minnesota, Kansas, California, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, North Carolina, and North Dakota.
edit: These are links to the "individual" donations by The Ukraine Clown Posse and a totally not Russia linked "energy company".

They also donated the max amount of $2,700 directly to Donald J. Trump and $325,000 to the PAC America First Policies.

EDIT #2. HOLY FUCK! Guess what Pete Sessions tried to block in 2017! Coincidence, I'm sure!

edit 3, because lulz:
Toward the end of Sessions' toughest — and unsuccessful — campaign for reelection last year, Giuliani headlined a fundraiser on his behalf.

Cue the "what laws has he broken??!1?" from Brian, any minute now I assume

I don’t know if this was posted...

That's it. I'm done with the internet today. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Guess who else got money from these guys?
The Republican National Committee, Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott, Joe Wilson, the Republican Party Committees of Alabama, Connecticut, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Tennessee, New York, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Minnesota, Kansas, California, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana, North Carolina, and North Dakota.

They also donated the max amount of $2,700 directly to Donald J. Trump and $325,000 to the PAC America First Policies.

Cue the "what laws has he broken??!1?" from Brian, any minute now I assume

That's it. I'm done with the internet today. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
explains why a lot of the GOP is being so quiet.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
This is such a disingenuous, bad faith, red herring of an argument I'm not even quite sure where to start. Congress can impeach for whatever reason it wants. They could impeach him for his fucking hair if they wanted, and they should, because that mop he calls a head of hair surely constitutes a crime against humanity. The house can interpret “high crimes and misdemeanors” to mean whatever it wants. There is no vehicle to challenge the validity of an impeachment inquiry. The constitution is very clear that the House was to decide what impeachment means. IT IS in the open. Trump, Colludey Rudy and the Ukraine Clown Posse are OPENLY defying congress by refusing to comply with subpoenas. They are OPENLY committing crimes by soliciting foreign powers to interfere in our elections on live TV. They are OPENLY denying the legitimacy and power of Congress. What complete and OPEN bullshit to cry about "fairness" and "both sides" when only one side obfuscates and blocks every attempt to out truth.

While we're discussing "OPEN and FAIR", the GOP controlled Senate just released a report declaring that the current GOP occupant of the Whitehouse has been lying about the circumstances of his election, simultaneous to being embroiled in a second election interference scandal, surrounding attempts to delegitimize the findings of the investigation into the first election interference scandal, which he claims exonerated him. I personally find it incredibly odd that every time the Trump administration claims something exonerates their behavior, they then immediately launch into protracted court battles to keep exonerating evidence and/or testimony under lock and key. Maybe that's just me.

Want "OPEN and FAIR"? It's fucking easy. Start with releasing the full Mueller report. Then Trumps Taxes. Then the complete transcripts of the phone calls to Ukraine, China, Russia, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia. Since they are so perfect and innocent, surely they will clear the president of any wrong doing. Since nobody has anything to hide, turn over all the documents, quit blocking subpoenas. Obviously there is nothing incriminating to see, so why hide them?

Want the playing field to be OPEN and FAIR? Then for fuck sakes why has nothing been done to secure the next election and why, WHY, do republicans continue to gerrymander the ever living fuck out of the districts they control?

But democrats need to play fair and quit being so gosh darn mean. That's some stellar consistent messaging you have there.

Don't worry, the vote is coming.

Guess who joined Trump's impeachment legal dream team yesterday?

EDIT! while I was typing this, the Ukraine Clown Posse made the news!
While I agree with all of what you're saying, I still don't understand what his taxes have to do with anything? I mean, we know the rich essentially pay no taxes, so what's the purpose of pursuing the tax angle? Is there an implication that he may have accepted funds from Russian sources or sheltered funds in Russian-related tax-havens?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
While I agree with all of what you're saying, I still don't understand what his taxes have to do with anything? I mean, we know the rich essentially pay no taxes, so what's the purpose of pursuing the tax angle? Is there an implication that he may have accepted funds from Russian sources or sheltered funds in Russian-related tax-havens?
that, plus he's been suspected of laundering money for the russians for decades. his atlantic city casino was ultimately fined something like $10 million for failing to have adequate money laundering controls in place (and was coincidentally the preferred casino for known russian mobsters). units in his various real estate properties that were purchased by russians were often overpaid for by millions, and in some cases never actually lived in.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
that, plus he's been suspected of laundering money for the russians for decades. his atlantic city casino was ultimately fined something like $10 million for failing to have adequate money laundering controls in place (and was coincidentally the preferred casino for known russian mobsters). units in his various real estate properties that were purchased by russians were often overpaid for by millions, and in some cases never actually lived in.
That's pretty much why he was banned from operating in NZ years ago.
Same in Australia.
The police objected here due to organised crime links and suspected money laundering.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
That's pretty much why he was banned from operating in NZ years ago.
Same in Australia.
The police objected here due to organised crime links and suspected money laundering.
Yea, none of this is exactly new or secret information.

Oh and the reason he had to start working with Duetsche Bank is because no banks in America would issue him credit anymore.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
While I agree with all of what you're saying, I still don't understand what his taxes have to do with anything? I mean, we know the rich essentially pay no taxes, so what's the purpose of pursuing the tax angle? Is there an implication that he may have accepted funds from Russian sources or sheltered funds in Russian-related tax-havens?
Yeah, the whole tax thing seems like nothing...(the real crimes don’t get reported), but OTOH, if it is nothing, then why the extraordinary efforts to hide them?
So, @jonKranked covered most of it already, but I'd like to point out two more.

1. There is based on the preponderance of evidence, a HIGH likelihood that Trump's tax records do not match any loan documents he might have filled out.

2. Because he said he fucking would. Then the excuses started.

I want to see them so we can finally put to rest the utterly ridiculous notion that this 4 time bankruptcy declaring, bank defrauding, daddies money losing, Wharton grade hiding, pathetic loser, is some kind business genius. I actually believe this is why we haven't seen them. Not that they might reveal something nefarious, simply because he's fucking embarrassed by them. That's it. The world's most fragile ego simply can't handle letting you know he's broke as fuck.

Edit: Here is a piece from NPR on the subject, from 2 days ago.
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