

butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001

I saw variations of this on Bookface and thought it was some SNL farce bit. Apparently those are his notes. This photo is from a WaPo article.

Mother of god. I do not have a :facepalm: large enough for this.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
and as Joseph McCarthy found out. don't fuck with the military. They will not lie for you or back down when it comes to defending the constitution



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Gah, project much Nunes ? Everything he is accusing the Democrats of his party invented. Fucking clown.
Please provide context,. I have decided to follow this thing via your posts.
Nunes after pontificating for 765 million years about BS tinfoil: "I yield to Mr. Schiff for story time hour."
Schiff, with total shit eating grin: "I thank the Gentleman, as always, for his remarks"
Chamber: Laughs at Nunes

In the video, even Castor looks embarrassed. It's the delivery that does it. Ill see if i can find a clip.

Edit: In review, it's not even so much schiff, it's just how much of a fucking clown Nunes sounds like, just to get shut down like the looney he is.

Edit 2: First thing that came up

Edit 3: "That's not anti-corruption. That is corruption."
Last edited:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Busy work day today, however my take form the 3+ hours I heard. Best morning so far for the Democrats, Sondland was very credible, and had an extremely strong & compelling opening statement and said there was in fact quid pro quo. While listening before work I said WOW, does he actually have something? However once the questioning started and they got into the center of it, once again no quid pro quo other than his assumption. Apparently he can add 2+2, however like usual, no direct proof of it. Didn't catch too much of the afternoon session, but what i listened to seemed to fall flat once again for the Dems. You do realize when all said & done, he more than likely won't be impeached. Again, want him out? Beat him in 2020 it's that simple.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Waiting for Brian to call liberals whiners and complain how unfair these hearings are
Nope, its fair. In a public hearing the majority always writes the rules. Its whatever works best in their favor right? LOL! You're not at all curious to hear someone a republican might subpoena for questioning? Or does just hearing the side you favor suffice? I always thought there was due process in this country? Well I guess it depends on the circumstances, right?