

bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I doubt it.
You ever stop and wonder what horrors we’d see if the swamp was actually drained? As bad as it is, perhaps the layer of scum is shielding us from what transparency would reveal about what really goes on in government.
Since you and I seem to "enjoy" reading the same sorts of books, I have one I can send to you if you'd like. It's "The Fifth Risk" by Micheal Lewis, one of my favorite non-fiction authors. It makes the case that the fact that 'government' is slow, deliberative, and bureaucratic might be the only thing propping it up under an administration that seems bound and determined to eat it's own young. I think it's worth remembering that 99.5% of government workers aren't any different than anyone on here. Just earnestly punching the clock 9-5 with mortgages, kids, car payments and waiting on the weekend.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Two of my relatives are/were govt employees. One a Census mathematician, and the other an actuary/mathematician for the Pension Benefit and Guaranty Corporation, with which @jdcamb is now familiar.

They are thoroughly normal people who just happen to have "GS" as part of their pay grade.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Was just reading through that.

At this point, I believe we can say, OBJECTIVELY, that Trump is a complete moron.

SUBJECTIVELY, I will also say that it is very apparent he is a terrible human being.

People that voted for him and plan to vote for him again should be ashamed of themselves. :mad:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Trump organized his unorthodox worldview under the simplistic banner of “America First,” but Mattis, Tillerson, and Cohn feared his proposals were rash, barely considered, and a danger to America’s superpower standing. They also felt that many of Trump’s impulsive ideas stemmed from his lack of familiarity with U.S. history and, even, where countries were located. To have a useful discussion with him, the trio agreed, they had to create a basic knowledge, a shared language.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Was just reading through that.

At this point, I believe we can say, OBJECTIVELY, that Trump is a complete moron.

SUBJECTIVELY, I will also say that it is very apparent he is a terrible human being.

People that voted for him and plan to vote for him again should be ashamed of themselves. :mad:
That would my my Mother in Law with one exception. She is so uneducated that she doesn't begin to understand the concept that she should be ashamed regarding her actions.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
They owed me 10K. They paid me 15. Gave me a letter to sign so that I can't sue them. I said no and they asked for the 7K back. I set it aside for now. The lady on the phone kept saying I don't understand. I disagreed. 15-10=5 almost always.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Id rather be a whiney little crying cunt libtard loser than support that pos...
and thats the beauty of America, you don't have to support or like your president. Look at the bright side, your nightmare may be over in 1-5 more years. Then again, Trumps kid(s) may run for president in 2024.........and win:secret:


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
and thats the beauty of America, you don't have to support or like your president. Look at the bright side, your nightmare may be over in 1-5 more years. Then again, Trumps kid(s) may run for president in 2024.........and win:secret:
Admittedly, I do occasionally flip the script and think about the fact there were people who felt about Obama (or pick any other liberal President you like) the way some now feel about Trump. I feel more aligned with Obama than Tump, so imagining Trump support is difficult for me. Though I can acknowledge that it exists.


Feb 5, 2005
Admittedly, I do occasionally flip the script and think about the fact there were people who felt about Obama (or pick any other liberal President you like) the way some now feel about Trump. I feel more aligned with Obama than Tump, so imagining Trump support is difficult for me. Though I can acknowledge that it exists.
I think that's an important and noble thing to do. Obama's administration had its gaffes and scandals for sure, as did nearly all presidents before him. That being said, he seems like a decent person all in all. He has some class, intelligence and seems to have a semblance of empathy for others. Trump, on the other hand, is an objectively awful person. That cannot be denied with his past or the track record his administration has established. That anyone (with half a brain) still supports this guy just amazes me.


Turbo Monkey
and thats the beauty of America, you don't have to support or like your president. Look at the bright side, your nightmare may be over in 1-5 more years. Then again, Trumps kid(s) may run for president in 2024.........and win:secret:
You know theres a reason nepotism is generally considered a bad thing right?

I honestly cant believe how seemingly intelligent people like yourself still cant see the dangers of having a populist right wing piece of shit like donald trump as the president of an influential country like the USA.
You have either learned nothing from the history of our world and the state its in today, or you simply dont give a fuck and ignore it because its in your own best interest and the rest of the world can go fuck itself.

It really makes me lose all faith in humanity.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
You know theres a reason nepotism is generally considered a bad thing right?

I honestly cant believe how seemingly intelligent people like yourself still cant see the dangers of having a populist right wing piece of shit like donald trump as the president of an influential country like the USA.
You have either learned nothing from the history of our world and the state its in today, or you simply dont give a fuck and ignore it because its in your own best interest and the rest of the world can go fuck itself.

It really makes me lose all faith in humanity.
This has me reconsidering the population around me and why certain people act in ways I wouldn’t or cannot understand.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Admittedly, I do occasionally flip the script and think about the fact there were people who felt about Obama (or pick any other liberal President you like) the way some now feel about Trump. I feel more aligned with Obama than Tump, so imagining Trump support is difficult for me. Though I can acknowledge that it exists.
I personally thought Obama was an awful president, now that my opinion. I'm a registered Republican voted for Regan in 1984 right after I turned 18, Bush Sr. in 1988 & Clinton in 1992. So I'm stoping there for example. For me personally I vote for someone who I feel will have a positive impact for our country. I loved Regan, felt Bush Sr wasn't a great president. I liked how Clinton balanced the budget and felt this country needed a change. Clinton wasn't a bad president, and could care less what happened with him & Monica. For me, I hate all this political correctness and watching Trump during the first debates had me laughing, thinking this is so refreshing! Reminded me of how things used to be, like watching Blazing Saddles, All in the family, Andrew Dice Clay, old Eddy Murphy videos etc and not worrying what people thought and back then, and no one got their panties in a bunch. Everyone had tougher skin in those days. Anyways, I don't agree with everything Trump says or does. However I really do feel, he has the American peoples best interest at heart as far as building a stronger economy, trying to bring jobs back to the US, keeping our military strong and we now have to compete with Russia & China and it would be a huge mistake ever giving them the upper hand. Just putting us first. I like what he did to Iran, Obama kept getting pushed around, tried to buy Iran's love with the nuclear deal. I really think it set a great stage for other world leaders like Putin & Kim Jong-un don't fuck with us. Again this is my opinion, take it for what its worth.

Funny thing is, the left seriously thought the would was going to come to an end when Trump got elected. The predicted WW3 was going to happen. If you think about it, what bad things have happened to this country since he took office? Just imagine if the left actually was willing to work with Trump instead of spending all their efforts to impeach him. He wants to work with them, its quite possible a better healthcare system could have been worked out, only if one side wan't still bitter Hillary lost. I takes two sides to make this country work and the thought of a nonpolitical coming out of nowhere the win the presidency is crazy. Once again, you can thank Washington for Trump. Its because both sides were severely broken and something had to change.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I like what he did to Iran, Obama kept getting pushed around, tried to buy Iran's love with the nuclear deal. I really think it set a great stage for other world leaders like Putin & Kim Jong-un don't fuck with us.
The Iran deal was better than the current situation. You've been swayed by a bunch of BS--I bet you believe Obama paid Iran billions of dollars as hush money or some crap like that, right?

Putin and Kim have 0 respect for Trump, I can absolutely guarantee you. They're playing him because he's a straight up idiot, susceptible to flattery and empty gestures.

If you cannot see these things there is no hope in bringing you to rationality.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
This has me reconsidering the population around me and why certain people act in ways I wouldn’t or cannot understand.
View attachment 140161
I've been telling @jonKranked for a while now that I think the whole situation we are living in is proof that we are all living in a simulation and that the designers are just fucking with it now to see what happens.

Prove me wrong.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I personally thought Obama was an awful president, now that my opinion. I'm a registered Republican voted for Regan in 1984 right after I turned 18, Bush Sr. in 1988 & Clinton in 1992. So I'm stoping there for example. For me personally I vote for someone who I feel will have a positive impact for our country. I loved Regan, felt Bush Sr wasn't a great president. I liked how Clinton balanced the budget and felt this country needed a change. Clinton wasn't a bad president, and could care less what happened with him & Monica. For me, I hate all this political correctness and watching Trump during the first debates had me laughing, thinking this is so refreshing! Reminded me of how things used to be, like watching Blazing Saddles, All in the family, Andrew Dice Clay, old Eddy Murphy videos etc and not worrying what people thought and back then, and no one got their panties in a bunch. Everyone had tougher skin in those days. Anyways, I don't agree with everything Trump says or does. However I really do feel, he has the American peoples best interest at heart as far as building a stronger economy, trying to bring jobs back to the US, keeping our military strong and we now have to compete with Russia & China and it would be a huge mistake ever giving them the upper hand. Just putting us first. I like what he did to Iran, Obama kept getting pushed around, tried to buy Iran's love with the nuclear deal. I really think it set a great stage for other world leaders like Putin & Kim Jong-un don't fuck with us. Again this is my opinion, take it for what its worth.

Funny thing is, the left seriously thought the would was going to come to an end when Trump got elected. The predicted WW3 was going to happen. If you think about it, what bad things have happened to this country since he took office? Just imagine if the left actually was willing to work with Trump instead of spending all their efforts to impeach him. He wants to work with them, its quite possible a better healthcare system could have been worked out, only if one side wan't still bitter Hillary lost. I takes two sides to make this country work and the thought of a nonpolitical coming out of nowhere the win the presidency is crazy. Once again, you can thank Washington for Trump. Its because both sides were severely broken and something had to change.
I just don't get what was so horrible about Obama, he didn't take your guns, he didn't force you to get gay-married, he didn't sacrifice goats and he continued the search for OBL, ultimately getting him. I'm pretty sure he was just as serious into the never-ending "War on Terror" as any of the last 3 presidents. I think the constant battering of Obama was for one reason. He's black. Oh no one will admit it in the open, they'll just buy in and go along with the bashing. When I see Trump, I remember sleeping with hookers and paying them to shut up, pussy grabbing, putting down people on the internet, making fun of disabled people, attacking a blue ribbon family and POW, there being "good" white nationalists, being too busy to go golfing-except doing it more than Obama, making outrageous claims like Mexico will pay for a wall that won't stop airplanes, submarines, boats, trebuchets and drones, and so on. The stuff that comes out of the white house is so idiotic it's beyond belief. My dad taught me about honor and this guy has none. You sell your soul and anything that you are worth when you buy into this bullcrap.

TRUMP: No, not at all. Nothing’s a hoax. Nothing’s a hoax about that. It’s a very serious subject. I want clean air. I want clean water. I want the cleanest air, I want the cleanest water. The environment is very important to me. Somebody wrote a book that I’m an environmentalist. It actually called, the environmentalist [sic]. Actually, before I did this. But they wrote a book. I’d like to get it. I have it in the other office. I’ll bring it to my next news conference perhaps. I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to see it. I’m sure you’ll report all about it. No, I’m a big believer in that word. The environment. I’m a big believer.
I never understood wind,” Trump said, according to Mediaite. “I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous — if you are into this — tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right?
I mean, this is an insult to retarded people. WTF? And this is just the latest. You seriously believe that Trump knows windmills better than anyone? He "believes in the environment", so the "environment" is not make-believe? This is fucking insane.
Last edited:


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
. For me, I hate all this political correctness and watching Trump during the first debates had me laughing, thinking this is so refreshing! Reminded me of how things used to be, like watching Blazing Saddles, All in the family, Andrew Dice Clay, old Eddy Murphy videos etc and not worrying what people thought and back then, and no one got their panties in a bunch. Everyone had tougher skin in those days.
jesus fucking tap dancing christ I hate this argument. "I'm a closet racist, and I miss that I can't say 'faggot' and 'retard' anymore". We've grown as a nation and we should be thankful for that, not sad that we have to be considerate of treating others with respect.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
jesus fucking tap dancing christ I hate this argument. "I'm a closet racist, and I miss that I can't say 'faggot' and 'retard' anymore". We've grown as a nation and we should be thankful for that, not sad that we have to be considerate of treating others with respect.
The reason those things Brian mentioned were said was because it wasn’t okay to say them. The comedy came from the fact that they were saying over-the top things that weren’t socially acceptable, and that’s what gained attention. Back then it was also a mix of taboo topics and hate speech that made those things shocking. Now the taboo nature of those subjects has been largely removed, and most of what’s left is the hate speech.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
jesus fucking tap dancing christ I hate this argument. "I'm a closet racist, and I miss that I can't say 'faggot' and 'retard' anymore". We've grown as a nation and we should be thankful for that, not sad that we have to be considerate of treating others with respect.

The best part is that Brian surely missed the fact that his comparison only referenced comedies, fitting considering the president is a fucking joke, sadly a bad one.

The cognitive dissonance in Bryan's arguments is fascinating and somewhat terrifying.