

My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Big deal. If that mattered, this dickbag wouldn't be in office right now. It's not like you couldn't see this coming.
Also true.
Im curious to see what our % of eligible voters turnout is this year. Everyone thinks it'll be 100% (or moar!) But id be surprised if we break 75%. Only hit 58% in 2016 when all this was on the line.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Head to Italy and see if they'll accept us a political refugees.
Have you noticed how 95% of the planet has their borders closed to Americans these days?......... Think the Atlantic and Pacific are a lil big for the "refugee boat people" plan. ;)
And odds are getting pretty good now of Mexico stumping up and building a wall to stop political & ecconomic refugees heading south.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
"But a new force looms into view. For the whole Trump era a certain sort of conservative has been cowering from the Trump onslaught. Certain sorts of moderates and liberals have also been keeping their heads down, so they won’t get bitten off by the woke mobs. But now the very existence of the Republic is at stake.

It turns out, amid the existential crisis, there really is a group of sober people who are militant about America, who can see reality unblinkered by the lens of partisanship, and who are finally compelled to organize."

This. There are many times more centrists than either extreme end of our spectrum.

I'll gladly be the armed security at @Westy's Cascadia Freedom Compound & Fro-go Camp.

The problem is that so many of those centrists are also racist and/or misogynistic fuckheads.