

Artisanal Tweet Curator
Lindsey is about as desperate as a human can get. My guess is if it's not the Russians, then he's just realizing he isn't going to have his orange, alpha male to protect him from the rest of the pack anymore.

Giuliani is either compromised by the Russians as well or is just completely bonkers and detached from reality.

all that


and more!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Lindsey is about as desperate as a human can get. My guess is if it's not the Russians, then he's just realizing he isn't going to have his orange, alpha male to protect him from the rest of the pack anymore.

Giuliani is either compromised by the Russians as well or is just completely bonkers and detached from reality.

I don't know if it is really all that complicated. I have worked with people who will lie and cheat and make complete asses of themselves and have every single person they work with hate them for something as simple as a promotion that comes with a 3% raise. I feel like my self respect is worth a hell of a lot more than that, as I am sure you do. But there are a lot of people out there that are cheap as hell to buy and sell. Have you ever seen fear factor?


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I don't know if it is really all that complicated. I have worked with people who will lie and cheat and make complete asses of themselves and have every single person they work with hate them for something as simple as a promotion that comes with a 3% raise. I feel like my self respect is worth a hell of a lot more than that, as I am sure you do. But there are a lot of people out there that are cheap as hell to buy and sell. Have you ever seen fear factor?


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Yeah, pretty much the first 4 for me as well. He also wrote Ride the Lightning before getting tossed for being to awesome. :rofl:

But he also went through drummers and guitarists at an alarming rate.
Saw in Seattle, was hoping he wouldn’t fire the band before the show. Was ok. Scorpions and Megadeth was an odd combo though. Dave is a paranoid nut.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Sadly, and I wish it wasn't true, but he's right. The Republican party (Democrats have their faults, but let's face it, this problem emanated from the right) has cultivated a base that is completely untethered from reality, with an understanding that Democrats are like a pestilence that must be defeated and wiped out, no matter the cost. As if accepting fascism is a small price to pay for the quasi-liberty they crave.

Regardless of whether Biden transitions into power, the damage has already been done. The cracks in the foundation have been revealed. The fragility of our democracy has been exposed and its only through an unwritten understanding that decorum and respect for our system has been maintained. Im afraid we are too far gone at this point with no safeguards in place to restore sanity to our democracy.

Let's not fail to recognize that while Donald Trump may have been the messenger, this is a deliberate operation to subvert majority rule thats been in motion for decades. The past 4 years didn't birth this movement. America isn't great again, and our moral failings are now blatantly obvious to the rest of the world. Goodbye to the idea of American exceptionalism. The shining city on a hill is but a mirage, a ruse for the weak to hide behind.

"I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never." - John Adams


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
The author was on this podcast. He starts just before the 10:00

For non-Apple people it is Endless Thread “Things Are Bad” episode from Oct 22.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
even tucker carlson isn't having her shit



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Let's not fail to recognize that while Donald Trump may have been the messenger, this is a deliberate operation to subvert majority rule thats been in motion for decades. The past 4 years didn't birth this movement. America isn't great again, and our moral failings are now blatantly obvious to the rest of the world. Goodbye to the idea of American exceptionalism. The shining city on a hill is but a mirage, a ruse for the weak to hide behind.
this. it's the result of the culmination of years of erosion and undermining by the GOP and religious right.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I've been wanting to come back to this the last couple days but have been short on time.
I came across something months ago in a pandemic context that laid out Herbert Hoover's infection with the 'spanish' flu and how that had long term psychological effects on his mental acuity. It discussed at length both his inability to deal with the conditions worsening the great depression, but also his forgetfulness in the international hearings following up in WWI treaty discussions. Mostly that he'd forgotten discussions he'd had with advisors regarding not being too hard on germany because it would drive poverty, social unrest, and create a volatile environment for rising extremism in the country.

Funny that.
I do recall reading/hearing something along these lines with Hoover. Radiolab? I do not recall for sure. But this is the part I really want to talk about:

While not necessarily the tone of that wapo piece, I'm a little tired of the 'we must create unity with fascists' discussion, the way the obama administration did. We gotta stop this pattern somewhere. It really is not a bad thing to call people liars when they are liars, dangerous when they deliberately are.
I too, find this to be the case, and the wife and I had quite a long discussion about it recently. I remember reading quite some time back, some historians take on the civil rights movement that to paraphrase, was something along the lines of MLK wouldn't have gotten anything done if there hadn't been Malcom X. The gist, was without the sort of "grind the white man underneath your bootheel" that Malcom X was promoting, vs the much softer rhetoric of MLK made it palatable for "moderate" whites to get behind MLK. That's possibly a simplistic way to think about the civil rights movement of the 60's, but it's an idea I find compelling because I've long been shouting to the sky that this is what's happening on the right, today. The rightward shifting of the Overton Window. I think it's long past time that someone yanks that bitch back left.

It's no secret to anyone who frequents this place that I have a Sherman-esque view of Trump, his policy, and/or his supporters. Pull them up by the roots, salt the earth, burn it to the ground, etc.. Rhetorically speaking, of course. My wife, the still practicing Episcopalian, takes a.....gentler view. A Lincoln like policy of "Reconciliation and reconstruction". Which I suppose is great if your trying to reconcile with a group that literally doesn't believe that you're all pedophiles who need to be beheaded for such horrible atrocities as say, counting votes or asking people to wear masks during a pandemic. My wife's claim is that when I say these people can't be reached or reasoned with is that makes me sound almost as bad as the trump supporters themselves. I, of course don't think this is true, but she's been right before, so I've been spending a lot of time in my head re-considering my views. I don't have a problem with people who hold most opposing views. The issue as I see it, is that Trumpism falls so far out of the correctable error measure is so morally repugnant, as to be wholesale evil. The truth, I suspect, lies somewhere in the middle.

During the Korean War, MacArthur basically wanted to start WW3 with China when they sent troops onto the Korean peninsula. Truman of course found this idea unpalatable and extreme, and "relieved" MacArthur of command. 70 years later, we are still technically at war with North Korea and have spent FSM only knows how much money and American resources fighting a forever war against the godless communists.

All this is to pose the question, so where does the "line" exist? I suppose the best example we can find is Germany post WW1, vs. Germany post WW2, and this is the case I think that the original article I posted makes as well. To come full circle back to Hoover, clearly the post WW1 grinding of Germany practically out of existence wasn't the greatest way that could have been handled. How do you "De-trump" civilly, with kindness and respect, but also make it not possible for another Trump to climb from the fascist/racist ooze that this country has because it never really dealt with it's own original sin, post civil war? Trumpism I fear, is something this country may be dealing with for generations. If we aren't careful it becomes another anchor on the nations soul, like slavery, or a literal anchor that sucks the nations finite cash and resources, like Korea. It's certainly going to take someone smarter than I.

Edit to add: I think this is the piece I listened to about Hoover. Maybe?
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
How do you "De-trump" civilly, with kindness and respect, but also make it not possible for another Trump to climb from the fascist/racist ooze that this country has because it never really dealt with it's own original sin, post civil war?
Eliminate the culture of bullshit that made them crazy by spreading lies while giving everyone healthcare, access to education, and a life less dependent on crushing debt when 'life' happens. Plus infrastructure week!

You have to deal with reality. Operating in a parallel world of fiction always has a way of getting the shit knocked out of it by reality. That's because it prepared for the fiction that doesn't exist. See flat earth guy crashing rocket because he has to rely on physics to prove physics is not reliable to prove the roundth. That's why all those idiots in DC this past weekend are just flabbergasted that people would 1)vote for biden the pedophile and 2)sit by and let a socialist dictatorship that isn't real happen in the US.

We don't need to dismember anyone. But we we sure as shit don't need to give creedence to batshit lunacy either. Ignore the crazy while genuinely, truly fixing problems and offering a better alternative that everyone benefits from.

Everyone dismisses half of america's willingness to join the trump cult of cruelty due to 'economic anxiety'. So we wrap that shit up, whether they fight the whole way to what they mistakenly think is socialism or not.

We're entering the dark ages of american democracy where people believe bullshit to explain their frustration and give to give them an enemy. We need a renaissance a la FDR that gets people working for something that is truly beneficial following this mess.

radiolab annoys me but I'll listen to that bit. Bleeps bloops and rewinds be damned........
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Eliminate the culture of bullshit that made them crazy by spreading lies while giving everyone healthcare, access to education, and a life less dependent on crushing debt when 'life' happens. Plus infrastructure week!

You have to deal with reality. Operating in a parallel world of fiction always has a way of getting the shit knocked out of it by reality. That's because it prepared for the fiction that doesn't exist. See flat earth guy crashing rocket because he has to rely on physics to prove physics is not reliable to prove the roundth. That's why all those idiots in DC this past weekend are just flabbergasted that people would 1)vote for biden the pedophile and 2)sit by and let a socialist dictatorship that isn't real happen in the US.

We don't need to dismember anyone. But we we sure as shit don't need to give creedence to batshit lunacy either. Ignore the crazy while genuinely, truly fixing problems and offering a better alternative that everyone benefits from.

Everyone dismisses half of america's willingness to join the trump cult of cruelty due to 'economic anxiety'. So we wrap that shit up, whether they fight the whole way to what they mistakenly think is socialism or not.

We're entering the dark ages of american democracy where people believe bullshit to explain their frustration and give to give them an enemy. We need a renaissance a la FDR that gets people working for something that is truly beneficial following this mess.

radiolab annoys me but I'll listen to that bit. Bleeps bloops and rewinds be damned........
You're preaching to the converted.

The issue, as I see it, is how do you do it? There are examples on this very forum of so called "Democratic moderates" who think programs like a "Green new deal" and some minor police reforms are brought by Looney Leftist Berniecrats hell bent on sending their kids to Homosexual Agenda Death Camps. And this doesn't even begin to address people who actually support trump and only get their news from OANN and facebook.

I think you give people too much credit. To say that they will suddenly just wake up one day because they get hit in the face with reality is awfully optimistic. I think "Q" proves that there is no rabbit hole too deep. Reality suddenly intervening? Just double down on stupid! (Looking at you, Michael Flynn!)

Hillary specifically toured "Coal Country" in 2016 with a promise of retraining and new jobs outside of the coal pits, and coal country told her, quite loudly, to fuck right off with that shit. They would rather die of black lung to make guys like Bob Murray rich than to improve their own lives. Trump gave them a boogey man to hate, and they bought it hook, line, and sinker because it was easier than "change". If "bullshit" is supposed to explain the frustration and animas of the downtrodden white man, how do you combat that? You don't reason a person out of a position they didn't use reason to get into in the first place.

So to circle back around and keep with the analogy, how do you create the "renaissance", when at least half the country isn't interested in enlightenment in the first place? I'm a skeptic that such a thing can be forced, no matter how much finesse one might have.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I think you give people too much credit. To say that they will suddenly just wake up one day because they get hit in the face with reality is awfully optimistic. I think "Q" proves that there is no rabbit hole too deep. Reality suddenly intervening? Just double down on crazy.
FTFY. Based on my dating history, I agree. Back nutty into a corner and it just gets nuttier.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I think you give people too much credit.
As you well know, my firmly established rosy outlook and favorable opinion of fellow humans is well documented. GUILTY! :maninlove:

The issue, as I see it, is how do you do it?
You ignore them and do it anyway. I'm not saying you need to convince idiots of anything. I'm saying quit wasting time with them and move forward.

Eliminating the electoral college, pulling money from politics by establishing publicly funded election, and reinstating the fairness doctrine and dodd frank are good starts. Establishment/repeal of every one of those is a systematic way of empowering dumbasses and sadists.

in all seriousness, you know I do genuinely hate humanity right? Right? I mean I've had the same username for 17 years on this site.........there really should be no confusion. I don't know how many times I've typed "we are a nation of morons" lately. I did mean that. I have no interest nor hope of convincing these hollow cell bags of anything

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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
the worst part, from the dissenting opinion:

View attachment 152632
Hopefully states get creative. If they cannot ban it outright, regulate the shit out of it to not only make is safer, but to also make it unfeasible. As I understand it, these outfits are a little more than mentally abusive bible camps. Require difficult and expensive licensing, make providers liable for results.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Hopefully states get creative. If they cannot ban it outright, regulate the shit out of it to not only make is safer, but to also make it unfeasible. As I understand it, these outfits are a little more than mentally abusive bible camps. Require difficult and expensive licensing, make providers liable for results.
So basically how republicans regulate abortion? That's honestly not a bad idea.

And it's terrible that this is where we're at.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
in all seriousness, you know I do genuinely hate humanity right? Right?
We're all aware of the fact that you're a cynic, and I believe I share a very large portion of it. ;)

Ive also been something of an advocate for just cramming some leftism down people's throats for a change, wether they like it or not, just as the right has done for the better part of two decades to us. I guess my struggle is, what makes it different if we do it? I am not an advocate of "might makes right", though I understand the appeal.

Hopefully states get creative. If they cannot ban it outright, regulate the shit out of it to not only make is safer, but to also make it unfeasible. As I understand it, these outfits are a little more than mentally abusive bible camps. Require difficult and expensive licensing, make providers liable for results.
So, like it's a missouri planned parenthood. Good idea.

Edit: sniped
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
We're all aware of you're a cynic, and I believe I share a very large portion of it. ;)

Ive also been something of an advocate for just cramming some leftism down people's throats for a change, wether they like it or not, just as the right has done for the better part of two decades to us. I guess my struggle is, what makes it different if we do it? I am not an advocate of "might makes right", though I understand the appeal.

So, like it's a missouri planned parenthood. Good idea.

Edit: sniped

Not becoming a complete market state and fulfilling some of the basic premises of the constitution aren't 'leftism'.

There's just an industry telling everyone it is. When keeping people alive is 'extremism' you know you can ignore the people saying it.