

The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
We don't need a wall afterall

Fewer than 12,500 people were caught at the southern border in March, the lowest monthly figure in at least 17 years and the second straight month that border arrests dropped sharply. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, in testimony submitted to a Senate committee, called the decline "no accident" and credited Trump.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Srsly. Probably haven't watched news in 10 years (occasionally, sure, but rarely). Quit listening to NPR mid-year last year because fucking election.

Have decent filters defined for social media so most of the retardation is blocked.

You guys are my main source of news. :monkey:
my favorite way to avoid it is to be in the middle of nowhere in wyoming/montana.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Bannon exploiting Trumps impulses, who could have thought that the man behind the fear and hate mongering espoused by Breitbart would bend the ear of the president into expressing similar sentiments? Perhaps this is indication of the administration finding it's feet, though I still don't see them eschewing the chaos and amateurish bureaucracy that has plagued the first few months of Trump's presidency. Sigh, this is going to be a long, long 4 years.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
also, nuclear senate go.

rules changed. simple majority only.

will the recent discovery of his plagiarism impact the vote?
Not in the least. Plagiarism is an insignificantly surmountable obstacle when it comes to ensuring that the Supreme Court leans right for the foreseeable future. Anything to ensure our right to bear arms and regulate the decisions women can and cannot make about their own bodies.

Every time I see Mitch McConnell I can't help but think he looks like a microwaved slug whose chin is so embarrassed about the words coming out of his mouth that it's trying to escape.

What a god damned shame that our government is so stymied by partisanship that we are now rolling back the rules that helped to make our democracy what it is in the first place.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Alt-Westy says:
  • Chemical weapons thing happens in syria.
  • Traditional spooks offer pew pew pew solution
  • Bannon pounds the desk about 'Merica first
  • Trump bumps heir Bannon from NSC
  • pew pew pew


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
For those who havent been paying attention- courtesy Robert Reich.
Update for Trump voters.

1. He said he wouldn’t bomb Syria. You bought it. Then he bombed Syria.

2. He said he'd build a wall along the border with Mexico. You bought it. Now his secretary of homeland security says "It’s unlikely that we will build a wall."

3. He said he’d clean the Washington swamp. You bought it. Then he brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses.

4. He said he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “wonderful.” You bought it. Then he didn’t.

5. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. Then he created the most chaotic, dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, in which no one is in charge.

6. He said he’d release his tax returns, eventually. You bought it. He hasn’t, and says he never will.

7. He said he’d divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest. You bought it. He remains heavily involved in his businesses, makes money off of foreign dignitaries staying at his Washington hotel, gets China to give the Trump brand trademark and copyright rights, manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted.

8. He said Clinton was in the pockets of Goldman Sachs, and would do whatever they said. You bought it. Then he put half a dozen Goldman Sachs executives in positions of power in his administration.

9. He said he’d surround himself with all the best and smartest people. You bought it. Then he put Betsy DeVos, opponent of public education, in charge of education; Jeff Sessions, opponent of the Voting Rights Act, in charge of voting rights; Ben Carson, opponent of the Fair Housing Act, in charge of fair housing; Scott Pruitt, climate change denier, in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency; and Russian quisling Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State.

10. He said he’d faithfully execute the law. You bought it. Then he said his predecessor, Barack Obama, spied on him, without any evidence of Obama ever doing so, in order to divert attention from the FBI's investigation into collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives to win the election.

11. He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the generals did. You bought it. Then he promptly gave the green light to a disastrous raid in Yemen- even though all his generals said it would be a terrible idea. This raid resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL, an 8-year old American girl, and numerous civilians. The actual target of the raid escaped, and no useful intel was gained.

12. He called Barack Obama “the vacationer-in-Chief” and accused him of playing more rounds of golf than Tiger Woods. He promised to never be the kind of president who took cushy vacations on the taxpayer’s dime, not when there was so much important work to be done. You bought it. He has by now spent more taxpayer money on vacations than Obama did in the first 3 years of his presidency. Not to mention all the money taxpayers are spending protecting his family, including his two sons who travel all over the world on Trump business.

13. He called CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times “fake news” and said they were his enemy. You bought it. Now he gets his information from Fox News, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars.

More to come.