


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA

We made number 9 on the list!

9. You

Charges: You believe in freedom of speech, until someone says something that offends you. You suddenly give a damn about border integrity, because the automated voice system at your pharmacy asked you to press 9 for Spanish. You cling to every scrap of bull**** you can find to support your ludicrous belief system, and reject all empirical evidence to the contrary. You know the difference between patriotism and nationalism -- it's nationalism when foreigners do it. You hate anyone who seems smarter than you. You care more about zygotes than actual people. You love to blame people for their misfortunes, even if it means screwing yourself over. You still think Republicans favor limited government. Your knowledge of politics and government are dwarfed by your concern for Britney Spears' children. You think buying Chinese goods stimulates our economy. You think you're going to get universal health care. You tolerate the phrase "enhanced interrogation techniques." You think the government is actually trying to improve education. You think watching CNN makes you smarter. You think two parties is enough. You can't spell. You think $9 trillion in debt is manageable. You believe in an afterlife for the sole reason that you don't want to die. You think lowering taxes raises revenue. You think the economy's doing well. You're an idiot.

Exhibit A: You couldn't get enough Anna Nicole Smith coverage.

Sentence: A gradual decline into abject poverty as you continue to vote against your own self-interest. Death by an easily treated disorder that your health insurance doesn't cover. You deserve it, chump.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Wow, take that man's dictionary away. Get's a little much about 25 spots in, but damn the fella has a way with words. Very entertaining. 5 minutes at a time.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
what an ass.

28. The Troops

Charges: Rubes, the lot of 'em. Come back all fugly. They keep telling John McCain they want to win. They need so much support, it's clingy and sad. Matching outfits? Kind of gay.

Exhibit A: Too cheap to buy their own body armor.

Sentence: Walter Reed.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
So awesome...

1. George W. Bush

Charges: Is it a civil rights milestone to have a retarded president? Maybe it would be, if he were ever legitimately elected. You can practically hear the whole nation holding its breath, hoping this guy will just ****ing leave come January '09 and not declare martial law. Only supporters left are the ones who would worship a ****ing turnip if it promised to kill foreigners. Is so clearly not in charge of his own White House that his feeble attempts to define himself as "decider" or "commander guy" are the equivalent of a five-year-old kid sitting on his dad's Harley and saying "vroom vroom!" Has lost so many disgusted staffers that all he's left with are the kids from Jesus Camp. The first president who is so visibly stupid he can say "I didn't know what was in the National Intelligence Estimate until last week" and sound plausible. Inarguably a major criminal and a much greater threat to the future of America than any Muslim terrorist.

Exhibit A: "And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to elevate it."

Sentence: Dismembered, limbs donated to injured veterans


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
My favorite post all year!!!! Good find. Can't wait for the conservative neocons on RM to get home from work to see this:)


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Been waiting to finally see it said.

32. The Founding Fathers

Charges: Lionized as moral pillars and demigods ad nauseam without the slightest hint of irony. Can't be judged by today's standards. Electoral College? Dumb ****ing idea. Invoked by every asshole in the last two hundred years to support every stupid idea ever. The original liberal elite. Able to withstand lightning strikes and the British military; unable to fathom poor people voting.

Exhibit A: Owned wigs, Africans.

Sentence: Depicted as cartoons on rapidly devaluing currency; beaten at effective democracy by former monarchies.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Damn you kidwoo for deleting your post. clearly it wasn't up to par, but it set up my response, dammit


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
My favorite post all year!!!! Good find. Can't wait for the conservative neocons on RM to get home from work to see this:)
Is there a word for over zealous, calloused liberals?? (Not saying you are Spinteck!)

Neo-lib? And isn't saying conservative neocon redundant?

Good link, entertaining.