
American History X/Ed Norton.


Feb 9, 2004
Finally got around to buying this dvd the other day. Who else here has seen it. Like's/Dislikes? This is by far in my top 10 for favorite movies. Anyone else as moved by this film as I was? One of the better films of the last decade in my opinion.

Ed Norton has done some great stuff, I own American History X, Fight Club, and 25th Hour. All 3 are great movies. He's a great actor in my opinion, and seems to be good at taking on almost any role.

My other favorite actor would have to be Denzel Washington. I own Training Day and Man on Fire, and I've seen almost all of his other stuff. Truely talented actor. Manchurian Candidate is on my 'to buy' list, I thought it was great.

Just curious as to who else has seen American History X and their thoughts on it, or who their favorite actors are.



One of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. Not bad, disturbing.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Wassobe said:
Just curious as to who else has seen American History X and their thoughts on it, or who their favorite actors are.

Most definitly one of the better movies out there.

Edward Norton happens to be my favorite actor.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I love that movie, and think that everyone should see it. It is very powerful, and an amazing piece of cinematic art. I make all of my friends that haven't seen it watch it, and they are moved by it as much as I. I have seen it over 50 times, know most of it verbatim, and STILL get chills at the end.

Ed Norton is my favorite actor because of his diversity. If you look at him in the Itialian job vs. Death to Smoochy vs. Rounders, he plays all types of different parts very well. The two BEST movies I think he has done are: #1 Primal Fear, which is AMAZING! One of my very favorite movies! I also know that movie verbatim, and his line "well How the F&^K should I know?!" gives me chills EVERY time. (same with the ending)
#2, The Score. Very good movie (Deniro, Brando, Norton) and he is great in it. He plays a robber who's cover is a janitor at the U.S. customs house.

I highly suggest both of those movies to anyone who likes Norton, and just to people who like movies.

The only Norton flick I have yet to locate is The People vs. Larry Flint. That and Frida are the only two I havent seen of his, and I am just not interested in Frida.


Turbo Monkey
BigMike said:
I love that movie, and think that everyone should see it. It is very powerful, and an amazing piece of cinematic art. I make all of my friends that haven't seen it watch it, and they are moved by it as much as I. I have seen it over 50 times, know most of it verbatim, and STILL get chills at the end.

Ed Norton is my favorite actor because of his diversity. If you look at him in the Itialian job vs. Death to Smoochy vs. Rounders, he plays all types of different parts very well. The two BEST movies I think he has done are: #1 Primal Fear, which is AMAZING! One of my very favorite movies! I also know that movie verbatim, and his line "well How the F&^K should I know?!" gives me chills EVERY time. (same with the ending)
#2, The Score. Very good movie (Deniro, Brando, Norton) and he is great in it. He plays a robber who's cover is a janitor at the U.S. customs house.

I highly suggest both of those movies to anyone who likes Norton, and just to people who like movies.

The only Norton flick I have yet to locate is The People vs. Larry Flint. That and Frida are the only two I havent seen of his, and I am just not interested in Frida.
I agree, EVERYONE should rent PRIMAL FEAR his best movie. It is rediculouos the acting and the twist of the film is unmatched in anything ive ever seen. I stayed home sick one day and saw it at like 1200 in the afternoon. Im grateful i saw such an amazing movie at such an odd time. American History X truly makes me hate racist people, One of the more truly moving movies ive seen.

Sorry ive had a run in with Jack DeezaY tonight laterrzzzzz


Sep 17, 2004
New York City
Dude, the movie is like 10 years, Im surprised you wtill didnt see such a good movie.

He was great in Fight Club as well.

How do you thing 25th hour ended? Cuz me and my bro keep on having arguments about it. He sayd that he went to prison and I say that he went off to that town and lived his life.


Apr 8, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
I loved the movie. I saw it at the movies. Probably one of the few movies that I really actually flinched at. The curb scene was just brutal. It really made me think about the impact you have on your children.

I've seen and own most of his movies as well. As far as younger actors go I think he's one of the best out there. He definitely has great abilities as an actor. Primal Fear is another favorite.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Wasn't the date flick of the year.

I rented that movie at a rather inopportune time. Ed Norton rocks, though.

Evel Monkey

Oct 28, 2003
konarky said:
How do you thing 25th hour ended? Cuz me and my bro keep on having arguments about it. He sayd that he went to prison and I say that he went off to that town and lived his life.
As I see it, He went to prison. Him escaping are the hopes and dreams of his father.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dh girlie said:
HAHAHA! Noooooo! What I meant is...Deliverance left me with a really sad depressed feeling...as did American History X and Seven...

its a shame all that a lot of people got out of that movie was a banjo tune and the impression that hillbillies are butt rapers and toothless. There was so much more to that movie than that.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
MudGrrl said:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

of course, this :love: is all from a purely respectable admiration of his work.
The man's great.

speak for yourself. my love of him comes first from a respectable admiration of his ass. his acting ability is a nice extra. :cool:

i love death to smoochy.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
stoney98 said:
American History X is a great movie. It changed my life significantly for the better.
As for the skinheads, they actually were pretty much spot on when dealing with the socal, inland empire variety. They're a little more uppity then those up north. I know this, as you learn alot more when you're tied in, instead of just being a friend to a skin. There are still areas in socal that I won't return to, as I fear for my safety, due to leaving "the fold". Beyond that though, American History X is on my top 10 list of movies. It's disturbing, but it gets a point across.
Yup, he gives a perfect representation of a SoCal skinhead. That movie is disturbing, and that's why it's so good. Ed Norton is definitely one of my favorite actors.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
dh girlie said:
Don't forget his abs...and I believe in the opening scene of American History X you get a glimpse of his ween....

every time you say ween i get that song stuck in my head that goes like this

if i were king, i'd wear a ring and never hurt my people
i'd stay alert and dress to kill
i might even slip you something
the sun comes up and i'm all washed out
is this what deener was talking about
i don't think i will ever return again my friends


Is Pressley a skinhead too??? Did anyone ever take you bowling, stoney?


stoney98 said:
Hey Loco-
Here's some food for thought. SHUT THE F*** UP! Drop all this Pressley S***! DON'T EVER REFER TO ME AS A SKINHEAD! EVER! I was in a bad crowd, but I was NEVER a skinhead.
There have been times when you've skirted the line and I've let it slide, but not this time. You think you're funny, you're not. You exploit other people for your humor and jollies. Well here's a wide open one for ya, you're a F'IN PRICK! Your humor is about at solid as water and you have no tact. I understand why HelloKitty follows you around taunting you, it's because you're a F'in a**hole.
Learn to grow up, and please learn to realize that life is not one happy little bubble where you can go about spouting with impunity. Karma is a big vicious ****ing circle and I really hope it bites you hard and soon
Lighten up, bro. I apologize for the pressley deal, but not the camper van beethoven piece. If you have parts of your past bugging you, sorry. By the way, I think you broke the flame rule. Just a guess, but I think you have. Put on some Avril and let the soothing thougts begin. Sheesh. Like you are better than me or anyone that screws with you. This is like number 10 of the times you wished ill will on people. Talk about growing up. :think: