
American History X/Ed Norton.

dh girlie

stoney98 said:
Hey Loco-
Here's some food for thought. SHUT THE F*** UP! Drop all this Pressley S***! DON'T EVER REFER TO ME AS A SKINHEAD! EVER! I was in a bad crowd, but I was NEVER a skinhead.
There have been times when you've skirted the line and I've let it slide, but not this time. You think you're funny, you're not. You exploit other people for your humor and jollies. Well here's a wide open one for ya, you're a F'IN PRICK! Your humor is about at solid as water and you have no tact. I understand why HelloKitty follows you around taunting you, it's because you're a F'in a**hole.
Learn to grow up, and please learn to realize that life is not one happy little bubble where you can go about spouting with impunity. Karma is a big vicious ****ing circle and I really hope it bites you hard and soon

Damn dude...two words for you....ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES...ok...that was three but you get my drift.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
stoney98 said:
Hey Loco-
Here's some food for thought. SHUT THE F*** UP! Drop all this Pressley S***! DON'T EVER REFER TO ME AS A SKINHEAD! EVER! I was in a bad crowd, but I was NEVER a skinhead.
There have been times when you've skirted the line and I've let it slide, but not this time. You think you're funny, you're not. You exploit other people for your humor and jollies. Well here's a wide open one for ya, you're a F'IN PRICK! Your humor is about at solid as water and you have no tact. I understand why HelloKitty follows you around taunting you, it's because you're a F'in a**hole.
Learn to grow up, and please learn to realize that life is not one happy little bubble where you can go about spouting with impunity. Karma is a big vicious ****ing circle and I really hope it bites you hard and soon
If you're a believer in Karma, then surely you'd know that it is not a circle. Karma is a cause and effect and does not necessarily cycle in a perfect, not a vicious circle. However, hoping it bites someone hard would in fact result in bad karma for you eventually. The idea of reaping what you sew is the basic idea of karma. Wishing ill on one would in turn result in ill being found upon you.

Good luck.


SkaredShtles said:
We should get him in touch with Knuck. Apparently he has found a new path.........

I would have rather knucks not gone abroad. Maybe I should. Heck - I don't know. Gawddd.


dh girlie said:
No you shouldn't...you should send me my damn Dwight Yokum Mega Mix, c**t!
OK - I'll get on that this week. I have been busy. Really, I was gone for a week. Did you miss me?


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
loco said:
Lighten up, bro. I apologize for the pressley deal, but not the camper van beethoven piece. If you have parts of your past bugging you, sorry. By the way, I think you broke the flame rule. Just a guess, but I think you have. Put on some Avril and let the soothing thougts begin. Sheesh. Like you are better than me or anyone that screws with you. This is like number 10 of the times you wished ill will on people. Talk about growing up. :think:

Dude, The hoodie/avril/pressley jokes are getting a little old.


chicodude01 said:
How so?

Do I keep making the same lame ass jokes all the time?
I'd venture to say that you have been a part of repeated lameness. I don't have specifics, but I am sure. I think I recall you even being on the wagon to hammer stone. I sent the dude a pm and apologized. I do, however, say that if something bothers you, just send a pm and ask them to stop. Hell, I should send a note to RM and the mods and ask that mark be banned for wishing horrible crap on people. He kind of brought a lot of it on himself. Whatever, enough of the drama. Jeebus.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
TheMontashu said:
Its a sub culter that startes with the british mods in the 70s and evolved with punk and morphed into Oi music and into harcore
Uh dude, here in North America. It's about hate. Do you read your posts before you submit them? You should.....


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
jdcamb said:
Uh dude, here in North America. It's about hate. Do you read your posts before you submit them? You should.....

uhmmmmm yup. Skinheads arent skinheads because they are open minded peace lovers.

maybe montashus friends are posers?

Evel Monkey

Oct 28, 2003
It's to bad potentially interesting threads typically end this way.

Anyhow, Norton is one of todays best actors. I wish he was able to have gotten out of The Italian Job as he wanted.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Skins come in all flavors: racist, gay, straight edge...and limitless combinations thereof.
The common theme though is they are all a bunch of insecure tools who need to dress up in costume and exclude others to make themselves feel better.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
dan-o said:
Skins come in all flavors: racist, gay, straight edge...and limitless combinations thereof.
The common theme though is they are all a bunch of insecure tools who need to dress up in costume and exclude others to make themselves feel better.
Thanks. I'd been trying to find a way to phrase that thought myself, but you just did it impeccably.



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
It's funny that the Master Race hangs around in Big Bear pizza shops and tattoo parlors instead of running the world.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
dh girlie said:
Man we saw some skinheads in Big Bear at the pizza place...and this one guy has his eyebrows shaved off and tattooed where his brows should be was White Power...I wanted to ask him if he was Clayton Bigsby...

That is rediculous!


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dan-o said:
Skins come in all flavors: racist, gay, straight edge...and limitless combinations thereof.
The common theme though is they are all a bunch of insecure tools who need to dress up in costume and exclude others to make themselves feel better.

man it must suck to get brainwashed. I wonder if it hurts.

dh girlie

BigMike said:
That is rediculous!
Well the eyebrows were the LEAST of the ridiculous-ness...there were TONS of white power, skin head, tattoos all over him and his friend...even their bitches were rough lookin with skinhead tattoos and all of em had skinhead/arayan race shirts. We were sweatin bullets! Here I am sittin there with a lazy Puerto Rican! :p


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
dh girlie said:
Well the eyebrows were the LEAST of the ridiculous-ness...there were TONS of white power, skin head, tattoos all over him and his friend...even their bitches were rough lookin with skinhead tattoos and all of em had skinhead/arayan race shirts. We were sweatin bullets! Here I am sittin there with a lazy Puerto Rican! :p

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
TheMontashu said:
Its a sub culter that startes with the british mods in the 70s and evolved with punk and morphed into Oi music and into harcore
I like how people always associate being punk with being a skin head/racist or whatever. Some skinheads are punks, not all punks are skinheads or racist. The subculture and history of skinheads isn't directly dependents on music movements.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i finally saw _primal fear_ a few months ago, and agree that it was a very good movie. however, from the bit i saw in _score_, ed seemed to be repeating characters a bit. guess i need to see _american X_

there are some disturbing movies out there alright...anyone see this one:


there's a DVD of the richard kern short films i've been meaning to get. i had a VHS copy of _Fingered_ but lent it to a friend from work and haven't seen it in about 10 years.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
jdcamb said:
Uh dude, here in North America. It's about hate. Do you read your posts before you submit them? You should.....
Uh, JD, New York is in North America, right? :) :)

I agree with you that a good number of skins are into the whole hate scene, but back in the day of CBGB's hardcore matinees and the like, one of the most visible groups of skins in NYC was S.H.A.R.P. - Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice.

White power types were scared to show their faces when these guys were in the house.

Brief synopsis here: