That said, I wonder what the results in all these measures are for the educated, urban social slice that pretty much anyone who posts on RM lies within, by definition. The US is very heterogeneous--and no, that doesn't have anything to do with hatin' on gays --and the results necessarily reflect that.
That said, I wonder what the results in all these measures are for the educated, urban social slice that pretty much anyone who posts on RM lies within, by definition. The US is very heterogeneous--and no, that doesn't have anything to do with hatin' on gays --and the results necessarily reflect that.
that gini index is pretty banana republic like.
and the food insecurity... well, considering how fat americans are on average, it was bound to be higher by definition.
i wouldnt be surprised if the average ridemonkeer lifestyle is comparable to the average scandinavian lifestyle.
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