
Americans and Torture


Jun 1, 2006
On an Island
I approve of torture, when arabs murder thousands of inocent Americans we must do what we must to make sure these things never happen again. We must make our enemies never even concieve the idea of attacking the U.S. again.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I approve of torture, when arabs murder thousands of inocent Americans we must do what we must to make sure these things never happen again. We must make our enemies never even concieve the idea of attacking the U.S. again.
Christ...if you're going to advocate torture and genocide, at least learn to spell. Hitler and Stalin could spell, you know. :disgust:


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
I approve of torture, when arabs murder thousands of inocent Americans we must do what we must to make sure these things never happen again. We must make our enemies never even concieve the idea of attacking the U.S. again.
Please clarify your statement. In what specific situations do you approve of torture? Any situation?

Which individuals should be tortured? Anyone?

Why do you approve of torture? What benefits or results do you expect torture to bring our nation?

I eagerly await your well-reasoned reply.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
pardon my nosey-parkerness; i'd like to add something to the conversation
Please clarify your statement. In what specific situations do you approve of torture? Any situation?
when i'm doing it
Which individuals should be tortured? Anyone?
this is highly inefficient; employ economy-of-scale tactics
Why do you approve of torture?
i'm just trying to live up to our global reputation as terrorists
What benefits or results do you expect torture to bring our nation?
cures erectile disfunction (yes, i'm projecting)
I eagerly await your well-reasoned reply.
i already voted.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I approve of torture, when arabs murder thousands of inocent Americans we must do what we must to make sure these things never happen again. We must make our enemies never even concieve the idea of attacking the U.S. again.
you are the reason america is going down the tubes. you deserve the future that you are bringing about.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
you are the reason america is going down the tubes. you deserve the future that you are bringing about.
Unfortunately my daughter is going to live in it. I served in the military and I never thought I see the day when an american president condones torture, kidnapping, lying to congress, avoids due process, wiretapping, and is seen by an ally as being more dangerous than a certifiably insane foreign leader with nuclear weapons.


Jul 5, 2006
you are the reason america is going down the tubes. you deserve the future that you are bringing about.
Actualy preists railing young boys, fags getting married, illiterate presidents, crap weed thats way over priced, law suits on every corner, killing babies as a means of birth control, pandering to insano aaaaarabs, giving a **** what french people think, the inability to make a decent car, the notion that political parties actually give a damn about the people they represent, special interests, the fact that cheney can have a gun when it takes me months to get one, Doc not making bikes, french fries from mcdonalds, global warming or the lack there of depending on who you talk to, the fact that people from new zealand can express their views in this country, fear of silly koreans, Don Rumsfeld, Nacy pelosi, PETA, the urban population(you know who I'm talking about), Mark Foley, the 3 major news channels, dancing with the stars, Brittany spears,the internet, and most of all. TOOLS LIKE YOU! are the reason this countries going to hell, but what do I care. Im driving the bus. Enjoy the ride:)



Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Actualy preists railing young boys, fags getting married, illiterate presidents, crap weed thats way over priced, law suits on every corner, killing babies as a means of birth control, pandering to insano aaaaarabs, giving a **** what french people think, the inability to make a decent car, the notion that political parties actually give a damn about the people they represent, special interests, the fact that cheney can have a gun when it takes me months to get one, Doc not making bikes, french fries from mcdonalds, global warming or the lack there of depending on who you talk to, the fact that people from new zealand can express their views in this country, fear of silly koreans, Don Rumsfeld, Nacy pelosi, PETA, the urban population(you know who I'm talking about), Mark Foley, the 3 major news channels, dancing with the stars, Brittany spears,the internet, and most of all. TOOLS LIKE YOU! are the reason this countries going to hell, but what do I care. Im driving the bus. Enjoy the ride:)

Wow, you hate everything about America! Maybe you should kill yourself. You sound pretty retarded so I'm sure no-one would care.


Jul 5, 2006
I love everything about america except you douches sitting on the innerweb bitching about. Wanna be american, shut the **** up, bend over and take it, thats the america. What would you know about that though. Right buddy:)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
I love everything about america except you douches sitting on the innerweb bitching about. Wanna be american, shut the **** up, bend over and take it, thats the america. What would you know about that though. Right buddy:)

You should seek help for your obsession with taking it in the rear.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I love everything about america except you douches sitting on the innerweb bitching about. Wanna be american, shut the **** up, bend over and take it, thats the america. What would you know about that though. Right buddy:)

Let me guess, you were a Congressional page?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
So if anything bad happens, don't try and fix it, just accept it and STFU?

Well, after careful consideration of your proposal, I think that it sucks balls. I think I'll keep on making a point of thing that I find to be sub-par if that's OK with you. You're just going to have to just bend over and take that too I think.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I love everything about america except you douches sitting on the innerweb bitching about. Wanna be american, shut the **** up, bend over and take it, thats the america. What would you know about that though. Right buddy:)
you are the inspiration of john kerry's comment:

johnkerry said:
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
my guess is that you flicked one too many spitballs back in the day.


valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
I love everything about america except you douches sitting on the innerweb bitching about. Wanna be american, shut the **** up, bend over and take it, thats the america. What would you know about that though. Right buddy:)
Bloody hell, the PAWN forum brings all the worms out of the woodwork. I'm guessing your future here is not bright.


Jul 5, 2006
So if anything bad happens, don't try and fix it, just accept it and STFU?

Well, after careful consideration of your proposal, I think that it sucks balls. I think I'll keep on making a point of thing that I find to be sub-par if that's OK with you. You're just going to have to just bend over and take that too I think.
Acualy being an american all my life I've learned that this country is yours for the taking if you keep your bussiness your own and just do what you do without drawing much attention to yourself

Either way, I made that list rather jokingly as more of a fishing expedition tahn anything if you will, I know you, you were more than happy to bite. Your not from here, yet by your own words you say that my list is everything that is america. SImple fact is that list really is how the world see's america, its the face Tv puts on us, its the way we're projected throughout the world. Pretty F'n sad considering 99.9% of us have no say in the matter. what would you think if some new zealender posted up a list like that, and some fvck from the other side of the world who had nothing to do with your country said DAMN you hate everything that is new zealand like they actualy understood what average life was like in that country. Its a sorry badge to wear and certainly nothing to be proud of, yet here we all are saddled with it like we actually have a choice. Lets get real, what are we gonna do shoot GW? Theres an even bigger tool waiting to take his place. I guess I'm just tired of the world always pointing and saying you Americans. Simple fact is you people dont know a damn thing about us americans. NO voice, No opinion, just numbers in a system lead to believe we actually mattter. Nigga Please. Couldnt change it if we tried


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I love everything about america except you douches sitting on the innerweb bitching about. Wanna be american, shut the **** up, bend over and take it, thats the america. What would you know about that though. Right buddy:)
dude, we need to get drunk & set fire to some kittens.

then we'll shave each other & see what happens. you're a roadie, ja?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Acualy being an american all my life I've learned that this country is yours for the taking if you keep your bussiness your own and just do what you do without drawing much attention to yourself

Either way, I made that list rather jokingly as more of a fishing expedition tahn anything if you will, I know you, you were more than happy to bite. Your not from here, yet by your own words you say that my list is everything that is america. SImple fact is that list really is how the world see's america, its the face Tv puts on us, its the way we're projected throughout the world. Pretty F'n sad considering 99.9% of us have no say in the matter. what would you think if some new zealender posted up a list like that, and some fvck from the other side of the world who had nothing to do with your country said DAMN you hate everything that is new zealand like they actualy understood what average life was like in that country. Its a sorry badge to wear and certainly nothing to be proud of, yet here we all are saddled with it like we actually have a choice. Lets get real, what are we gonna do shoot GW? Theres an even bigger tool waiting to take his place. I guess I'm just tired of the world always pointing and saying you Americans. Simple fact is you people dont know a damn thing about us americans. NO voice, No opinion, just numbers in a system lead to believe we actually mattter. Nigga Please. Couldnt change it if we tried
Just so you know I did actually live in the US for a few years. Sedona AZ and San Fran mainly. Whilst I understand where you're coming from and I have actually met many people like you who are very frustrated about their lack of 'voice' in the US, it's not totally true. You can change stuff if you want to. You can easily change your own reality for a start even f you can't change anyone else's. Honestly, if you are so frustrated, just move. I moved out of the UK, to the States and then on to NZ. Just do it. It's not as hard as you think. Ever fancied living in Jamaica? Just try it. At least that way Bush doesn't get your tax dollars anymore.


Jul 5, 2006
I love my home, just hate the people running it. EVery see the grand canyon or go snow boarding in colorado, fly fishing in montana, DH'n at plattekill, new years eve in NYC. I have I dont want to leave these things, just the people in charge of destroying them


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I approve of torture, when arabs murder thousands of inocent Americans we must do what we must to make sure these things never happen again. We must make our enemies never even concieve the idea of attacking the U.S. again.
That's funny. Ignoring international laws is exactly what terrorists do, and their justification is to prevent anyone from attacking whatever group of people they are trying to defend.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
san fran is one of the top 3 cities in the us (NYC and portland OR being the other two). if i had the cash i'd live there in a nanosecond.