
America's World View


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Damn True said:
We've clearly digressed from the topic of the thread.....
Not really. Chang started a thread that dealt with misinformed merikanz, and then I brought in the media aspect of that. Now you and I are on two sides of that concept.

Damn True said:
Not necessarily. But one must as they say "follow the money" then upon finding out where it comes from view the information through the appropriate lens of skepticism.

You'd do the same if the study was funded by, for the sake of argument, The American Enterprise Institute.
Lets compare



You tell me which has more of an agenda.

You're right about following the money though. And that's why fox was deemed entertainment. The reporters were attacking the money and they were fired. They fought back and fox had better lawyers. The entertainment clause was their way out. Terrible excuse for news these days.

NPR on the other hand is has seen so many budget cuts under this administration that more and more of their stories are coming from AP pipelines. If you listen to them as frequently as I do you know this. And you should know that it's the same crap that makes it everywhere else. I'm not naive or impressionable enought to think that the entire mainstream media, most of which is owned by large coorporations, reports with some sort of liberal bias which would be completely against it's own interest.

I'm just weary of hearing the same regurgitated faux dislikes.....aclu, france, dixie chix, etc that ALL right wing pundits just happen to have a problem with. Any time anyone gives the impression of not following this administration full bore, they are deemed worthy of dismisal and attack. I don't feel one way or another about the dixie chix but I was told by Bill O'riely that they were unamerican......and I understand why they make topics on fox news. They don't fall in line. Griping about a publicly supported media outlet as a left wing slanted device is just repeating the same old crap. Again, I'm sick of hearing the results right wing programming being passed along as truth.

At least give me some reality.....like clinton got a blow job and he's a creep for doing so. There's a fact and an opinion. Recycling the opinion only, is useless.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
kidwoo said:
Not really. Chang started a thread that dealt with misinformed merikanz, and then I brought in the media aspect of that. Now you and I are on two sides of that concept.
Good place to start IMO.