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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Microsoft can't pass on a buck.

Microsoft UK said:
Remember Amy Winehouse by downloading the ground-breaking ‘Back to Black’ over at Zune:

Microsoft UK said:
Apologies to everyone if our earlier Amy Winehouse ‘download’ tweet seemed purely commercially motivated. Far from the case, we assure you.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
You are all awful heartless humans. As an addict I have witnessed the deaths of many of my loved ones. At a point in most addicts lives they lose control. Nevermind you 4chan idiots I am wasting my time here....

I find this thread to be highly offensive. Someday I may meet you and heaven help your sorry asses...

Bighitr my Mother was an addict and died because of it, should I neg rep you?

Phug this noise....


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Does anyone know what her drug(s) of choice were?

Do they know what she OD'ed on? (Assuming it was an OD)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Does anyone know what her drug(s) of choice were?

Do they know what she OD'ed on? (Assuming it was an OD)
honestly....i think it was all of the above.

i would have liked to see her live when she was somewhat sober.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Does anyone know what her drug(s) of choice were?

Do they know what she OD'ed on? (Assuming it was an OD)
From what I read, the autopsy was inconclusive, but they are still waiting on the toxicology report.

What does it matter anyway ?

Most of ya'll that are mocking her death write post after post related to binge drinking and don't even see the similarities.

This really is the worst thread I have ever seen on RideMonkey. Absolutely pathetic.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
From what I read, the autopsy was inconclusive, but they are still waiting on the toxicology report.

What does it matter anyway ?

Most of ya'll that are mocking her death write post after post related to binge drinking and don't even see the similarities.

This really is the worst thread I have ever seen on RideMonkey. Absolutely pathetic.
It doesn't matter, I was curious. I don't see the problem with my question.

Well Binge drinking is an addiction, but I'll take a binge drinking habit over a heroin habit any day. (Yes, I have seen both. Thankfully, I am not addicted to either)

And if you think this is the worst thread ever on Ridemonkey you clearly haven't been reading the old threads. A thousand people die tragic deaths every day. Where's your bleeding heart for them? (To steal a phrase)

Seriously, I think you're taking this all a bit too personal or seriously.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It doesn't matter, I was curious. I don't see the problem with my question.

Well Binge drinking is an addiction, but I'll take a binge drinking habit over a heroin habit any day.

And if you think this is the worst thread ever on Ridemonkey you clearly haven't been reading the old threads. A thousand people die tragic deaths every day. Where's your bleeding heart for them? (To steal a phrase)

Seriously, I think you're taking this all a bit too personal or seriously.
don't forget all the morons that take themselves out playing with firearms or driving like idiots (ryan dunn - that was a pretty epic thread too, some good lulz were had)


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
You are all awful heartless humans. As an addict I have witnessed the deaths of many of my loved ones. At a point in most addicts lives they lose control. Nevermind you 4chan idiots I am wasting my time here....

I find this thread to be highly offensive. Someday I may meet you and heaven help your sorry asses...

Bighitr my Mother was an addict and died because of it, should I neg rep you?

Phug this noise....

i'm addicted to proper use of commas, and have no plans to go to rehab.

no, no, no.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
i'm in a meeting right now
Brainstorming about what cliche your going to adorn youself with and how to raise the funds for said tattoo little rich boy..... You know if you go to jail, after they make you their bitch maybe they can give you a nice one. I hear they got some real talented artists in Rahway..... I got an idea, a Hayes rotor tat, or maybe Scuba Steve.....


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
so, when somebody dies in an ironic, but personally unrelated way, its still funny.
yet, as soon as said death becomes slightly reminescent of some past personal memory, it not only stops being funny but also becomes RM most ethically miserable and worst thread...

nice double standard there....


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Brainstorming about what cliche your going to adorn youself with and how to raise the funds for said tattoo little rich boy..... You know if you go to jail, after they make you their bitch maybe they can give you a nice one. I hear they got some real talented artists in Rahway..... I got an idea, a Hayes rotor tat, or maybe Scuba Steve.....
You are taking this TOO PERSONALLY!!!!!

There is always going to be something on here that offends someone else. If this offends you deeply due to your own PERSONAL circumstances then maybe you shouldn't read it. But don't berate everyone else and wish horrible things on them because their level of douchbaggery is amplified by your own personal experiences.

I'm sorry that you had bad experiences, but geez, lighten up Francis! Or don't read the thread.
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Turbo Monkey
Jeez people have a lotta sand in their vaginas...
If someone is mocking a dissease or something i can understand that people get upset. Im not one of them but at least Ill understand when someone does have a problem with it.
But having a drugproblem is peoples own damn fault unless the drugs somehow stuck itself up your ass.
Ive been around drugs for more then half of my life so I think I know what the hell im talking about as well.

Junkies can cry me a river.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Brainstorming about what cliche your going to adorn youself with and how to raise the funds for said tattoo little rich boy..... You know if you go to jail, after they make you their bitch maybe they can give you a nice one. I hear they got some real talented artists in Rahway..... I got an idea, a Hayes rotor tat, or maybe Scuba Steve.....
Man I wish I was rich, that'd be sweet. I'd buy myself a bitchin' camaro.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Man I wish I was rich, that'd be sweet. I'd buy myself a bitchin' camaro.

Then you could get the chevy emblem across your back. Wait you better run that by your frat boy friends first, they might not think thats so cool..... I know, I know, Hoodies with Camaro in Old English font on them. I'm sure all your friends would buy them after they bought Camaros themselves....


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Then you could get the chevy emblem across your back. Wait you better run that by your frat boy friends first, they might not think thats so cool..... I know, I know, Hoodies with Camaro in Old English font on them. I'm sure all your friends would buy them after they bought Camaros themselves....
nah man I'll be too busy driving it up from the Bahamas to get a tattoo.

but i'll make sure to grow a kentucky water fall and start wearing cut-off stonewash jeans


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Go cry us a river. Somewhere along the line SHE made the decision to start taking drugs. Somewhere along that road SHE decided to start taking heroin. She died as a result of her decisions.

I'm sorry that this hits close to home for you due to your own addictions. You need to look beyond the commonality that you have; look at what makes you different. You acknowledge that you have/had an addiction and have done something about it. You mention above that you went to a meeting last night, which is a decision the YOU made. She repeatedly refused to go to rehab and continually went back to her heroin addicted boyfriend, despite what her family's attempts.

I've lost friends due to their bad decisions too, we all have. Some have been very close friends doing activities that we do or did without realizing that we were making bad decisions.

People who die of their own hand, which an OD exemplifies, made their decisions. In a case with a long-term addiction like she had, it was a decision she made a long time ago and never tried to remedy. It's like committing suicide in slow motion - a perpetual f* you to everyone who has ever loved or cared about you.

Oh, and if you feel like judging us for how we react to the death (suicide) of this individual go for it. But do you hear anybody judging you for your addiction? I haven't.

Get over it, because you aren't her and she isn't you. You've made the hard decision to get off that deadly path.
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