Interested to see this. My guess is that it's a momentary correction and business will proceed as usual in 2008/after the judgement. Be nice if it was the beginning of the end though nasty bastards mentioned in the article notwithstanding.
FOR the first time in three years, more than a month has passed in the United States without an execution.
A de facto moratorium on executions exists following a decision by the US Supreme Court in September to review the sentences of two inmates on death row in Kentucky. Ralph Baze and Thomas Bowling have challenged the legality of the way they are to die by lethal injection.
Baze was convicted in 1992 of shooting a sheriff and a deputy sheriff in Powell County, Kentucky. Bowling was convicted of murdering a couple and shooting their two-year-old, after their cars collided in 1990. Neither has an execution date yet.
Both men question whether the combination of drugs used to kill convicts amounts to cruel and unusual punishment, in violation of the Eighth Amendment. The court is expected to hear arguments in January.
This week the Supreme Court blocked the execution of a child killer and rapist in Florida four hours before he was due to die saying it should not proceed until the court considers the Baze/Bowling challenge.
Mark Dean Schwab, 38, convicted in 1992 of the rape and murder of an 11-year-old boy, was scheduled to die at 6pm on Thursday. The Supreme Court's stay of execution overturned a US appeals court ruling that the execution proceed regardless of the challenge.
The US is the only Western democracy to carry the death penalty.
While the Kentucky case is causing more soul-searching among civil libertarians, the legal fraternity and politicians about the morality of the death penalty, most legal experts believe the challenge is unlikely to lead to its abolition in the US.
"But it will certainly change the way the death penalty is administered by setting standards for states that use lethal injection," said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Centre, a non-profit organisation that collects information but does not advocate on the issue.
Polls show that 65 per cent of Americans support the death penalty, which is administered by lethal injection in 37 of the 38 death-penalty states. Nebraska still electrocutes convicts.
In practice, prosecutors seem increasingly reluctant to seek death sentences, much less see them carried out. Last year 53 prisoners were executed, down from 98 in 1999.
New Jersey is soon to vote on ending the death penalty, and even in "hang 'em high" Texas there seems to be a move towards life-long incarceration rather than execution.
The American Bar Association recently described the legal process leading to executions as "deeply flawed". It cited the disproportionate number of African-Americans who are executed (34 per cent of all executions since 1976) and the disturbing number of times that DNA evidence has led to convictions being overturned. There is also growing evidence that injections can cause excruciating pain. The present formula of drugs used was developed in Oklahoma in 1977 by Dr Jay Chapman. Veterinarians have stopped using it because it causes animals too much pain.
Most lethal injections involve three drugs: an anaesthetic, usually sodium pentathol, to render the victim unconscious; a paralytic agent that freezes the person's muscles, which Mr Dieter says is basically included for "cosmetic reasons" so the victim cannot flinch or cry out; and a drug that stops the person's heart, usually potassium chloride. This is fast acting if properly administered, but extremely painful without anaesthetic.
Last year in Florida, convicted murderer Angel Diaz grimaced for 30 minutes after the prison guard botched the injection by inserting the needle right through Diaz' vein rather than into it.
The medical examiner said Diaz had chemical burns on both arms.
Mr Dieter believes that the challenge will most likely result in some sort of protocol for lethal injections, such as requiring mandatory levels of training and acceptable levels of pain. He does not envisage the court specifying an improved drug formula.
There are alternative drugs available, including improved anaesthetics, and massive doses of barbiturates (sedative drugs) could instead be used.