
and all they got was...


Sep 13, 2004
just a lil warning for anyone leaving their car in the new eastgate park and ride parking garage... yes it might look all new and fancy and lit up and have nice shiney cameras every ten feet and a fat security gaurd in a golf cart chaseing off skateboarders looking for a dry spot when its raining... but theres still a prowler looming about... to put it bluntly they broke into or should i say ripped and pryed their way into my car right in front of a video camera... bumbled around inside my car... threw cds all over the place took everything out of the center console and left with a huge haul..... seventy five cents.... all they took was seventy five cents... they left the mini disk player, the mag light, the stupid cd walkman i use for my bumpin car stereo, looked at my acdc greatest hits cd and probably had second thoughts before leaving it behind.. so anyway now i need to buy a whole new door handle cuz oviously they dont know how to break into subarus (all you have to do is pry the window out a lil bit and push down) and decided to smash and destroy it tryng to get in... i always thought my first car break in would come at sst or at some trail head someplace... not right under a camera?


Turbo Monkey
Wow...those guys are retards, or maybe they just needed the quarters for a parking meter.
If they had half a brain, they would have realized that they could have gotten at least a couple bucks pawning the AC/DC disc.
I wonder if thieves at the trails such as SST/Tiger would be as bold if you left a note on your window that read "go for it, I'm just on the other side of the bushes...give me a reason".