
...and divided they fall?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
are these the last days of a united kingdom? more & more articles like this seem to be easily found:

schoolgirl arrested for refusing to study with non-English pupils

English schoolgirl sues Scottish council over 'racist bullying'

with this, the jack straw flap, bobbies who successfully lobby to wear their religious garb outwardly as a part of their uni, a significant part of their society who refuse to assimilate...

man, i'm telling you, it looks a lot like france only a few years back, which is to say it don't look too good from fly-over-fundyville.

anyone here in UK, been there recently, or know someone who is?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
"Miss Stott, who is separated from Codie and her 18-year-old brother Ashley's father, lives with her partner Keith Seanor, a 36-year-old cable layer, in Walkden. "
Cable layer.....snigger snigger.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
The fact that the first school has a Police officer based full time at it says a lot about the area......

A complaint was made to a police officer based full-time at the school, and more than a week after the incident on September 26 she was taken to Swinton police station and placed under arrest.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
some more from today:

This Is London: christian BA employee suspended for wearing cross necklace
A Christian woman has been banned by British Airways for wearing a small cross necklace to work - while muslims and sikhs are allowed to wear headscarves and turbans.

Heathrow check-in worker Nadia Eweida was sent home after refusing to remove the crucifix which breached BA's dress code.
Daily Mail: non-muslim students at islamic school forced to wear headscarves
Female students at a new Islamic school will be made to wear head scarves regardless of their religion, it was revealed yesterday.

The Madani High School in Leicester [this little town is getting quite the press these days, eh?] will be required by law to accept 10 per cent of its 600 pupils from a non-Muslim background.
The Sun: miss axed for keeping veil on
A MUSLIM teacher claims she was forced out of her job for not removing her veil in class.

Pupils said they found English lessons hard to understand because they could not see Aishah Azmi’s lips moving. [VB - please don't make references to "feeding a horse" m'kay?]
Londonistan calling...


sexist pig
May 14, 2006
leicester uk
also talking about the cross necklase a BBC news reporter i think it was Fiona Bruce has been asked to remove her necklase in case it upsets anyone.

****ing nanny state


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Am I the only one that finds this one particularly disturbing?
I mean its one thing to forbid something like this but to force people to do wear this type of religious clothing is retarted.
I don't find it disturbing at all. What is disturbing is the fact that there are publicly funded religious schools in the first place. This is just the crap that comes along with it...


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
I don't find it disturbing at all. What is disturbing is the fact that there are publicly funded religious schools in the first place. This is just the crap that comes along with it...
well, to be honest and to give credit were its due.

the best public schools in most of southamerica are "fe y alegria" (faith and happiness), which are public funded schools run by a cathollic charity.

well, actually it isnt so hard to be above average when the norm are 3rd world public institutions.. but there is some merit nonetheless.


Dec 16, 2001
I don't find it disturbing at all. What is disturbing is the fact that there are publicly funded religious schools in the first place. This is just the crap that comes along with it...
I'm sure it's been going on for as long as these schools have existed. I know it was happening at the roman catholic school where I grew up 15 years ago. I knew several non religious friends that had a really bad time there. The school had a good reputation so a lot of parents would turn a blind eye, plus the town was growing fast so finding a place elsewhere was difficult.

I don't think the daily mail would be intrested in that situation though, only when immigrants are the ones doing it.