
And on the 8th day, God created Blockheads...


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Here's one for the friggin' idiot who shouldn't own a car file...

I drove to my old apartment last night to pick up the last load of crap to bring to my new place. The car is stuffed and I'm happily driving away for the last time when BAM! A car shoots out of a parking space and plows into my driverside door and hits the rear door too. This guy, who looks like Bob Marley, colorful beaded necklaces and all, hops out of his Nissan, sucking on the stub of a cigarette. I can't even get out the door, so I have to crawl over the stuff in the passenger's side.

"Oh, man...err, lady. That, like really sucks," He says. "I mean, man, I was full of anger at something and came out and didn't even look when I hit the gas. I shouldn't even be driving right now."


Then comes his name: Willard J. Blockhead. Sorry if this is someone's uncle, but, how does someone like this not trip and fall down all the time!?

Now it's off to the body shop and time to get a rental. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to unpack.