
and so it begins, AKA today's ride thread


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Who rode? Who's riding? Dalton is the big thing this weekend, what else is goign on?

I rode last night (road)... my first training ride for a couple of upcomming races. Ugh, I'm hurting this morning. Normally when I ride, I go out with the intention of getting a good workout and having fun. Last night my goal was to have it hurt (or at least be uncomfortable) the whole ride. I only had a little over a hour's worth of daylight, so it was a strength ride, not and endurance ride.

I kept the pace fast/hard enough so my legs burned from start to finish. I did about 12 miles and had 2 good climbs. The first one I made - it hurt like hell, but I made it. The second one was longer and steeper, and I knew it was going to be trouble. I walked 2 short sections (more as a breather than anything else - I probably could have rested and continued riding and done the whole thing), but over all I was surprised how much I was able to do. I had no idea my lungs/legs could hurt that much and still function. I guess that's good because it's gotta be pushing my limits harder than I've pushed them before.

So the training has officially begun. I'm going to dig my weight set out of the basement this weekend and do some light weight work on days that I don't ride. I should be doing this anyways... the races are just that extra bit of motivation that actually gets me to work out.

I've got another ride tonight - this time on dirt - with my LBS. I'm going to try to stick with the faster group and see how I do. That should be the first real guaging of my ability.

Who else is riding?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Dal-ton! Dal-ton! Dal-ton!!! :dancing:

I'm at work now, but leaving at noon to head to the big race! Got bike, got beer...it's all good! :thumb: Can;t wait to meet some new :monkey:'s as well!! :)


Mar 14, 2005
took the 7 point out for a bit, after changing some things. new longer stem, spring rate, lower linkage, tured wheels , tune-up etc. the bike is feeling more dialed in. I rode it around for a few hours launching off anything I could find. I am waiting for the smaller 2.3 tires to come in to lighten it up even more. Im startiing to really like this bike more and more!!!!!!!!


Mar 14, 2005
good luck tonight jackson!!!!
btw did u see my post in the nutrition area? check out that book... its really worth it, esp if you want to incorporate weight lifting into your schedule!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
hooples3 said:
good luck tonight jackson!!!!
btw did u see my post in the nutrition area? check out that book... its really worth it, esp if you want to incorporate weight lifting into your schedule!!
Thanks - we'll see how it goes.

Yes, I did see your post - thanks.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Lovin' the longer days.

Got in a quickie spin yesterday after work on the Bullit. Had time to get off work, go by the LBS and get a new chain, get home and put it on, and make it out to the trail with over two hours of light left. Only rode for a little over an hour as I was starving, and knew I had two big-assed steaks ready for the grill at home.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar

Went riding at the Rosaryville trails with my wife. It was the first time we'd been there. They really well groomed (ie. smooth as a baby's backside and as non-technical as a liberal arts college) The local club MORE had done a huge amount of work on them (too much?) I think the trail was around 9 miles total. A couple of good descents, there must have been a few climbs too but I didn't notice them. Maybe 4 good side log piles on the whole trail. It is a multi-use trail so a few of the creek crossings were pretty torn up from horse traffic but not too bad. The best part was an elevated shore style bridge that crossed one of the creeks. My wife walked it and I rode it. It was about 1' wide and 4' up at its highest point so it definately got my adrenaline going.

One weird thing happened while we were riding. In several places the trail emerged from the woods into some hay fiields and then followed the woods line before going back into the woods. I came out of the woods in one of these places and started following the trail. My wife was a bit behind me so I was just poking along waiting for her. Well the field took a right turn and so the wood line made a blind turn. I was about 100 ft from the corner when two horse back riders came galloping around the corner and out into the field. The first rider just cruised on by. The second horse shyed when it saw me and took a step sideways causing its rider to have an OTH (over the horse) experience. She did a nicely executed roll and the horse stopped just short of stepping on her. I was pretty freaked out. There was absolutely nothing I could do. The woman got up not hurt or anything and said that she had been riding all day and was just tired and fell off her horse. She didn't seem to think it was a big deal at all. So I told her her exit looked very graceful said hello to the horse and went on my merry way.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I rode last night and realized that a lighter bike makes a big difference. Also a bike that fits well makes a big difference as well. I rode the same trails on the Ted Wojcik that I did on the HP last Sunday and I rode them better and had more fun.

Leaving for Dalton tomorrow morning with my sons and our bikes and our gear, and plenty of water and gatorade etc. etc!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
MMcG said:
I rode last night and realized that a lighter bike makes a big difference. Also a bike that fits well makes a big difference as well. I rode the same trails on the Ted Wojcik that I did on the HP last Sunday and I rode them better and had more fun.

Leaving for Dalton tomorrow morning with my sons and our bikes and our gear, and plenty of water and gatorade etc. etc!
Awesome man... sounds like the Ted is a sweet setup for you. Good luck this weekend!


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
I rode the trails. It was hot. Met two new friends on the trail. Here is a pic of one. The other is easily identifiable by the tread marks on his tail.



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Wumpus said:
I rode the trails. It was hot. Met two new friends on the trail. Here is a pic of one. The other is easily identifiable by the tread marks on his tail.

was it that large? that's a big snake....


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
pnj said:
was it that large? that's a big snake....

The one I saw the full body of was probably a little over 2'. I didn't see all of the one I ran over, but he looked to be just a little larger.

Copperheads are usually colorful and strikingly patterned snakes. They derive their name from the copper-like coloring of the head. The background color of the back and sides is tan to pinkish. There are darker, chestnut colored bands across the back and sides. Each band is of varing width, often described as hour-glass shaped. Newborn Copperheads are colored and patterned like adults, excepting the last inch of so of the tail which will be a bright, sulfur yellow color.

Adults are usually in the range of 24 to 36 inches in length, although specimens of greater than 42 inches are not rare. They give live birth to young. Copperheads eat small rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, amphibians, and insects.