
And some think burning witches is a bad thing...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed

Baby Dies After Her Arms Are Severed

PLANO, Texas (AP) - With a calm and dispassionate voice and a hymn playing in the background, Dena Schlosser confessed to the unthinkable, telling a 911 operator she'd cut off the arms of her baby girl.

The woman was sitting in her living room covered with blood when police arrived Monday. Her nearly 11-month-old daughter lay fatally injured in a crib in a bedroom of the family's apartment in Plano. The child died shortly afterward at a nearby hospital.

Police have charged the 35-year-old mother with capital murder, but declined to reveal where she is being held.

Schlosser, who had a history of postpartum depression, had been investigated on child neglect allegations earlier this year, but Texas Child Protective Services had recently closed a seven-month investigation, concluding that Schlosser did not pose a risk to her children. Neighbors said she seemed to be a loving, attentive mother.

``There were never any indications of violence with this family,'' agency spokeswoman Marissa Gonzales said. ``The children had always been healthy, happy and cared for.''

But, on Monday, authorities discovered a grisly scene at the family's apartment after the child's father called a day-care center, and asked them to check on his wife and daughter.

Day-care workers called 911 after talking to the mother; an operator then called Schlosser.

Asked if there was an emergency, Schlosser calmly responded ``Yes,'' according to 911 tapes released by police.

``Exactly what happened?'' the 911 operator asked.

``I cut her arms off,'' Schlosser replied, as the hymn ``He Touched Me'' played in the background.

``You cut her arms off?'' he repeated.

"Uh huh,'' she answered.

It was not immediately clear what instrument was used to sever the baby's arms or why the child's father called a day-care center to check on his family.

Schlosser lived at the apartment with other family members, including her two older daughters. Authorities said the girls, ages 6 and 9, were at school when police arrived, and that their father was at work.

No one answered the door Monday night at the family's apartment in suburban Dallas. Children's bicycles rested near the entrance along with angel garden statues.

Neighbors said Schlosser took her children swimming in the summer, had picnics in the courtyard and walked her baby around the complex the same time each afternoon.

Dena Livingston, 43, said she saw Schlosser making her rounds with the stroller on Sunday. Two days earlier, she saw Schlosser waiting with the baby outside the elementary school where her two other daughters attend.

``She didn't give off like she was in a distant world or didn't care about the baby,'' Livingston said.

Livingston's husband, Brad, added: ``To see her with the girls, you would just think she was a great mother.''

Child-protective officials were interviewing Schlosser's daughters and would talk to the father before deciding whether to remove the girls from the home.

In January, the agency was called to the home after Schlosser was seen running down the street, with one of her daughters bicycling after her, authorities said. When officials arrived, the child told them her mother had left her 6-day-old sister alone in the apartment.

Schlosser appeared at the time to be suffering from postpartum depression and having a psychotic episode, Gonzales said.

Schlosser was hospitalized, and later agreed to seek counseling and saw a psychiatrist, Gonzales said.

``At the time we closed the case, we had been assured that Mom was stabilized and that she was not a risk to herself or her children,'' Geoff Wool, spokesman for the Family and Protective Services Department, said.

11/23/04 06:32
© Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.


narlus said:
why are all these insane f*ckers from texas?
:stupid: I want to know too. It pisses me off that it seems like all of the idiots are from here. I am tired of all the crazies damnit. :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
This story almost made me break down right here in my cube. How could someone be so f*cked up as to do something like that? I just want to go home and hug my daughter :(


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Certainly more research and help is needed regarding post partum depression, but if anything ever made me do something like that to one of my daughters, I would hope the world would quickly act to rid itself of my inhuman wickedness.


Crazy people are a danger to society. Only someone that is insane is capable of any kind of horrific killing in my opinion, making crazy people a burden on society. If you are capable of killing once, you should not exist with us. Really. Without a damn good reason, killing is inexcusable.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
loco-gringo said:
Crazy people are a danger to society. Only someone that is insane is capable of any kind of horrific killing in my opinion, making crazy people a burden on society. If you are capable of killing once, you should not exist with us. Really. Without a damn good reason, killing is inexcusable.
I'm with you on this.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
loco-gringo said:
:stupid: I want to know too. It pisses me off that it seems like all of the idiots are from here. I am tired of all the crazies damnit. :mumble:

No ****. There was this one guy named John that I rode with out at the greenbelt and he was....uh....never mind......