
...and the Dem's Call Op Iraqi Freedom Failed?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Serial Midget
You spend all those words and then bankrupt your arguement with a personal insult? What else did you learn while at "University" ?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Hey, don't forget there was an insult at the start as well:D :D
P.S- How come you've become so precious all of a sudden?

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by valve bouncer
Think before you post SM, we're used to a higher quality from you.
I have gone from quality to quantity...

Actually it really pisses me off when those who have the good fortune of higher education use it to put down those who have not yet had the opportunity.

From what I read - and I really read a lot of your posts... you, partsbara and a few others take great delight in putting people like BS and DT down simply because they have militaristic views about the way things work. You accuse them of being narrow minded in their views while exhibiting a sense of singular superiority in your own views.

In my humble opinion you and partsbara are guilty of being as narrow-minded as you’ve repeatedly accused others of being. From the opposite end of the spectrum, of course… :think:

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
The spouses of servicepeople cannot work on base in many foregin countries due to agrements with the host countries which reserve those jobs for citizens of said host country. Your gripe is not with the US, but may be with Germany who as a condition of having our bases on German soil, (protecting their arses through 30-odd years of Eastern-bloc threat mind you) has demanded that we not only protect them but provide employment for their citizens because their sorry economy cannot.

Now here is where my knowlege of the subject stops.

Is there something that prevents you from working in the private sector? You hold a dual citizenship I assume. Can you not via the Aussie consulate get a German work visa?

BTW, Australia has some pretty harsh laws in regard to foreign nationals gaining work visas. I tried to get one in 1990 and was shot down cold. Has a job in hand as a helo mech, but the Aussie Imigration dept. said that they had to reserve "skilled trade employment" (or someother such term) for Australians. Contrary to popular belief it seems protectionism is not a uniquely American trait.

That being said, why would you want to work on base? Seems to me that one would benfit more, both in terms of cultural exposure and in broadening ones social ties beyond military circles (something I ALWAYS strove to do) by working in the private sector outside the gate. Seriously dude, on-base jobs suck and consist of little more than "work-fare".

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Serial Midget
I have gone from quality to quantity...

Actually it really pisses me off when those who have the good fortune of higher education use it to put down those who have not yet had the opportunity.

From what I read - and I really read a lot of your posts... you, partsbara and a few others take great delight in putting people like BS and DT down simply because they have militaristic views about the way things work. You accuse them of being narrow minded in their views while exhibiting a sense of singular superiority in your own views.

In my humble opinion you and partsbara are guilty of being as narrow-minded as you’ve repeatedly accused others of being. From the opposite end of the spectrum, of courseE:think:
Mmmmmmm, something for me to chew on while I washed the dishes.... Anyway I think you might have touched on one of the few cultural differences between Australians and Americans. One of the tenets of Australian life is "don't take yourself too seriously" and often I, and many other Australians, find that some Americans are guilty of that. Certainly I feel that DT and BS are guilty of that so they tend to cop a bit of stick from the likes of Partsbara and myself. For example I don't often agree with what Lord Opie, Manimal or even your self say but whatever I think I can't say that that little trio take themselves too seriously. Because of that I tend to attach a little more credence to their and your opinions because I know that you are not going to be dogmatic about it.
When all is said and done this forum amounts to little more than mental masturbation and is not really to be taken seriously although certainly serious things are discussed here. BS and DT are big and ugly enough (in DT's case certainly ugly enough:D :D ;) ;) :p ) to look after themselves just like I can. I dish it and out and get it served back to me, it's all good and if your sensibilities are shaken (not meaning you SM) go to the lounge and talk about naming puppies.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Damn True

Is there something that prevents you from working in the private sector? You hold a dual citizenship I assume. Can you not via the Aussie consulate get a German work visa?

BTW, Australia has some pretty harsh laws in regard to foreign nationals gaining work visas. I tried to get one in 1990 and was shot down cold. Has a job in hand as a helo mech, but the Aussie Imigration dept. said that they had to reserve "skilled trade employment" (or someother such term) for Australians. Contrary to popular belief it seems protectionism is not a uniquely American trait.

I believe he is going down the road to dual citizenship, just a right royal pain in the arse.
As for the Aussie Immigration dept. don't get me started on them f*ckers. Biggest bunch of crypto fascist w*nkers unhung in my personal opinion. Yours is a perfect example of the head up the arse attitude you encounter. It's shooting yourself in the foot big time to be shutting the door on perfectly qualified immigrants. Actually having said that you would probably have a better chance now of getting in as the immigration programme has swung towards more skilled migrants unfortunately at the cost of people wanting to come as refugees or as family reunion migrants.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by valve bouncer
I believe he is going down the road to dual citizenship, just a right royal pain in the arse.
As for the Aussie Immigration dept. don't get me started on them f*ckers. Biggest bunch of crypto fascist w*nkers unhung in my personal opinion. Yours is a perfect example of the head up the arse attitude you encounter. It's shooting yourself in the foot big time to be shutting the door on perfectly qualified immigrants. Actually having said that you would probably have a better chance now of getting in as the immigration programme has swung towards more skilled migrants unfortunately at the cost of people wanting to come as refugees or as family reunion migrants.
It was really frusterating both for myself and the gentleman who wanted to hire me. He was unable to find someone with my background so he went looking overseas (something many American companies were forced to do during the boom years not so long ago). I had the background he needed and being that I was recently divorced, it would not have been dificult for me to move.
Sigh.....if not for those draconian immigration laws I would be sunning myself on Queensland beaches and feasting on the waves at Noosa Heads.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Damn True

Sigh.....if not for those draconian immigration laws I would be sunning myself on Queensland beaches and feasting on the waves at Noosa Heads.
And you probably might have become a half decent downhiller as well:D ;)

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by Damn True
LOL, I thought all the good DH action was in NSW?
To tell you the honest truth DT I wouldn't really know. I didn't even own a mtn bike until I came to Japan 6 and a half years ago so I've never really ridden seriously anywhere outside of Japan something I hope to rectify in the very near future. But yeah, I believe the Snowy Mountains have some good riding.
Actually it's got me f*cked how Australia is able to produce so many world class dhers considering there aren't any really decent mountains in the whole country (well at least not compared with what they have here and in the US, Europe and Canada). I guess enough can't be said for good genes:D :D


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by valve bouncer
LOL@ BS, proving once again that he doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. Partsbara has more experience, skills and qualifications than you can shake a stick at. Having known the man since we were both young grommets at university I can assure you he has forgotten more than you'll ever hope to know. He has lived and worked in at least half a dozen countries, worked in a variety of jobs from teacher to barman to bike mechanic and more. The fact that he is having trouble gaining employment is more a reflection of the idiotic policies of your government than any inadequacies that he may have. Seems that being from a country that has been and continues to be a loyal ally of the USA counts for nothing in the real world.
You, on the other hand have been a Marine and a.....?? and also a....?? um um um. What exactly have you done that makes you an authority on everything? That's right you've been a grunt in the army which makes you just about qualified to be a grunt in the army. You unfortunately don't have enough common sense to know that there are things that you don't know and that you'll only learn these things by sitting back and listening to people who do. That's what experience teaches you and sometimes it's a hard and humbling lesson to learn. You'd do well to get some study in fella 'cos from what I see you're in for a rough time. Just remember the noun most closely associated with opinionated is asshole.
Wow pal, ya got me figured:rolleyes: And just when i thought this thead was cooling down.

In case you hadnt noticed, this all began when your 'oh so great and educated college buddy' began acting like a child and calling names with absolutely no provocation that i could see. Sound like the actions of an educated man? Now you want to come in spouting off and sticking up for him? Great. The two of you really are alike, which i find odd, because most Australians ive met are really friendly and interesting people. Oh, and those Australian girls;) they sure are friendly to Americans like myself.
Me, well, spill whatever you want about me. I'll let my posting do the talking, and i'm going to try not to get into bickering contests with people who have 2 (counte em' 2) degrees from now on:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yes, there is much i dont know, but i tend not to argue much about those things. If im engulfed in a heated debate, its usually because Ive taken the time to consider the options, and have come to a certain conclusion. Your # of degrees will not affect that, i swear. I could really care less about hearing it unless you have some valid point. Personal insults only show immaturity. Partsbara and ValveBouncer, you've made it obvious to everyone here what type of people you are i think. Serial Midget, Lord Opie and a ton of others have disagreed on a million topics, yet it has not come to this.
Seriously, look at the crap you both just posted. Educated, Experienced? Whatever. Get a clue.:rolleyes:


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by BurlySurly

You consider me impressionable, why? If I've done one thing on this board, its been to stand my ground and not be convinced by other arguments.
I'd say that's more like close-minded.

Not that I'm stirring at all...


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by valve bouncer
LOL@ BS, proving once again that he doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. Partsbara has more experience, skills and qualifications than you can shake a stick at. Having known the man since we were both young grommets at university I can assure you he has forgotten more than you'll ever hope to know. He has lived and worked in at least half a dozen countries, worked in a variety of jobs from teacher to barman to bike mechanic and more. The fact that he is having trouble gaining employment is more a reflection of the idiotic policies of your government than any inadequacies that he may have. Seems that being from a country that has been and continues to be a loyal ally of the USA counts for nothing in the real world.
You, on the other hand have been a Marine and a.....?? and also a....?? um um um. What exactly have you done that makes you an authority on everything? That's right you've been a grunt in the army which makes you just about qualified to be a grunt in the army. You unfortunately don't have enough common sense to know that there are things that you don't know and that you'll only learn these things by sitting back and listening to people who do. That's what experience teaches you and sometimes it's a hard and humbling lesson to learn. You'd do well to get some study in fella 'cos from what I see you're in for a rough time. Just remember the noun most closely associated with opinionated is asshole.
You may have known Partsbara for a while which entitles you to an opinion on him that has some merit, but have you ever met BS? If not then your post is rather one-sided don't you think?

You cannot compare two people on an unfair basis in any fair way.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by Damn True
It was really frusterating both for myself and the gentleman who wanted to hire me. He was unable to find someone with my background so he went looking overseas (something many American companies were forced to do during the boom years not so long ago). I had the background he needed and being that I was recently divorced, it would not have been dificult for me to move.
Sigh.....if not for those draconian immigration laws I would be sunning myself on Queensland beaches and feasting on the waves at Noosa Heads.
There's actually a very easy way around the Aussie immigration/work laws. Takes a little bit of cash but not much.

If you still want to get out there PM me and I'll tell you a workaround (legal too).


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by Serial Midget
This means nothing... higher education has nothing to do with intelligence. One is innate and the other can be bought. To suggest that you are of superior mind and perceive yourself to be smarter simply because you have 2 degrees is total bullsh!t. The world is crammed packed with over-educated underachievers who blame their lack of initiative and inability to secure employment on the uneducated masses who are too stupid to recognize their brilliance. The US Gov'ment prevents you from gainful employment. Give me a break - you pobably just found a way to keep sucking tit.

If this were a test of communications skills; my money would not be on you partsbara


you missed the point entirely SM, not that i m at all surprised... i was merely suggesting that (with 2 degrees - yeah 2 BS:)) i am not forced to work a menial, low dollar job... sure BS, make fun of the fact that i can t find employment due to the SOFA (status of forces agreement)... whatever blows your hair back... it s water off a ducks back mate

as for your insightful wisdom SM, i say bite your tongue until you actually know what you are talking about...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Wow pal, ya got me figured:rolleyes: And just when i thought this thead was cooling down.

In case you hadnt noticed, this all began when your 'oh so great and educated college buddy' began acting like a child and calling names with absolutely no provocation that i could see. Sound like the actions of an educated man? Now you want to come in spouting off and sticking up for him? Great. The two of you really are alike, which i find odd, because most Australians ive met are really friendly and interesting people. Oh, and those Australian girls;) they sure are friendly to Americans like myself.
Me, well, spill whatever you want about me. I'll let my posting do the talking, and i'm going to try not to get into bickering contests with people who have 2 (counte em' 2) degrees from now on:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yes, there is much i dont know, but i tend not to argue much about those things. If im engulfed in a heated debate, its usually because Ive taken the time to consider the options, and have come to a certain conclusion. Your # of degrees will not affect that, i swear. I could really care less about hearing it unless you have some valid point. Personal insults only show immaturity. Partsbara and ValveBouncer, you've made it obvious to everyone here what type of people you are i think. Serial Midget, Lord Opie and a ton of others have disagreed on a million topics, yet it has not come to this.
Seriously, look at the crap you both just posted. Educated, Experienced? Whatever. Get a clue.:rolleyes:
jeez BS, that little 2 degree thing really got to ya didn t it...:) hahahaaha

way to go with the aussie ladies as well stud... if only aussie blokes had the same luck with american girls :rolleyes:

yeah alot of aussies are 'friendly and interesting people'... VB and myself are just plain old ignorant, dumb a$$holes... we actually know very little and come in here to broaden our horizons... i feel smarterer already... i can read better than i use ta could... i see some photos and talk to my internet friends... :devil:

i m gonna go over to the corner and dream of flopping whoppers...

actually i realize now why i used to only read the DH/DS board...

carry on

ps - hey BS, did i mention that i have 2 degrees ?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by partsbara

you missed the point entirely SM, not that i m at all surprised... i was merely suggesting that (with 2 degrees - yeah 2 BS:)) i am not forced to work a menial, low dollar job... sure BS, make fun of the fact that i can t find employment due to the SOFA (status of forces agreement)... whatever blows your hair back... it s water off a ducks back mate

as for your insightful wisdom SM, i say bite your tongue until you actually know what you are talking about...

Having two degrees proves nothing beyond that fact that you can get two degrees. Clearly there is a level of intelligence required and a degree of diligence but not necessarily any more than someone who has no degrees.

Banging on about it all the time reduces the impact. If that is all you can bring to the table to back up your opinion then it's not worth much at all.

Not everyone who works a 'menial, low dollar job' is forced to, some people do so by choice. It does not make them or their opinions worth any less.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by fluff
Having two degrees proves nothing beyond that fact that you can get two degrees. Clearly there is a level of intelligence required and a degree of diligence but not necessarily any more than someone who has no degrees.

Banging on about it all the time reduces the impact. If that is all you can bring to the table to back up your opinion then it's not worth much at all.

Not everyone who works a 'menial, low dollar job' is forced to, some people do so by choice. It does not make them or their opinions worth any less.
yeah, i know... i just dunno whats wrong with me...

i find myself chanting '2 degrees, 2 degrees' as a daily ritual...

i think i need some help :dead:

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by fluff
You may have known Partsbara for a while which entitles you to an opinion on him that has some merit, but have you ever met BS? If not then your post is rather one-sided don't you think?

You cannot compare two people on an unfair basis in any fair way.
Well thanks for that Captain Obvious:D :D . I mean I haven't eaten sh*t either but it's my opinion that it doesn't taste like watermelon. Of course I'm gonna stick up for my mate, if you don't know that much about Australians then you don't know very much at all. One-sided? Hell yeah I'll side with Partsbara over a windbag like BS any day of the week:D ;) :p

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Wow pal, ya got me figured:rolleyes: And just when i thought this thead was cooling down.

In case you hadnt noticed, this all began when your 'oh so great and educated college buddy' began acting like a child and calling names with absolutely no provocation that i could see. Sound like the actions of an educated man? Now you want to come in spouting off and sticking up for him? Great. The two of you really are alike, which i find odd, because most Australians ive met are really friendly and interesting people. Oh, and those Australian girls;) they sure are friendly to Americans like myself.
Me, well, spill whatever you want about me. I'll let my posting do the talking, and i'm going to try not to get into bickering contests with people who have 2 (counte em' 2) degrees from now on:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Yes, there is much i dont know, but i tend not to argue much about those things. If im engulfed in a heated debate, its usually because Ive taken the time to consider the options, and have come to a certain conclusion. Your # of degrees will not affect that, i swear. I could really care less about hearing it unless you have some valid point. Personal insults only show immaturity. Partsbara and ValveBouncer, you've made it obvious to everyone here what type of people you are i think. Serial Midget, Lord Opie and a ton of others have disagreed on a million topics, yet it has not come to this.
Seriously, look at the crap you both just posted. Educated, Experienced? Whatever. Get a clue.:rolleyes:
Mate if you think that little jibe about the Auusie girls was gonna get to me and Partsbara then you are even more pathetic than I originally thought considering both of us are married to non-Australians. Personally I think probably the closest you've been to an Aussie girl is w*nking off to pictures of Nicole Kidman from her BMX Bandits days.
It's also interesting how you think Partsbara's attack on you came out of the blue. At best that is disingenuous at worst incomprehensibly stupid. Of course you never provoke or instigate now do you BS?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Purer than the driven snow I bet. Takes two to tango fella.
I'll be the first to admit I'm a sh*t stirrer and there is nothing I like better than winding up self righteous windbags especially those without a shred of self awareness or empathy. The difference is I know what I am and how I come across and I could actually give a rat's arse. You on the other hand think you're sprouting words of wisdom so profound they'd make Buddha weep when really it's just the neo-pubescent ramblings of an extreme right wing army puke.
But anyway go off at me, do your best, scream, stamp your feet, do your best little Rumpelstiltskin act, won't affect me I won't even hold it against you, it all doesn't mean a thing in the grand scheme of things but it sure is fun. Your turn.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by valve bouncer
Well thanks for that Captain Obvious:D :D . I mean I haven't eaten sh*t either but it's my opinion that it doesn't taste like watermelon. Of course I'm gonna stick up for my mate, if you don't know that much about Australians then you don't know very much at all. One-sided? Hell yeah I'll side with Partsbara over a windbag like BS any day of the week:D ;) :p
The irony is that you are coming out of this little spat looking less smart than either BS or Partsbara (IMO).

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by fluff
The irony is that you are coming out of this little spat looking less smart than either BS or Partsbara (IMO).
Is it an intelligence competition? Sh*t better get my clever head on then, wouldn't want to give Fluff the wrong impression.
Fluff mate I don't make any claims about my intelligence and if you are going to let one or two posts lead you into making an assumption about my supposed lack of smarts then you may cause me to wonder just who will be coming out of all this looking "less smart". BS gives it out and has it handed back to him, it's a political debate forum, things get heated, insults get thrown, life goes on. I don't know if BS loses any sleep over it, I hope not, but I certainly don't :) If at the end of the day certain people think I'm an idiot oh well, gee, I'm gutted.....
But actually I'm much much smarter than Partsbara, that guy is really as dumb as a box of bricks:D :D ;) (But then again he can ride faster than me:mad: )


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by valve bouncer
For example I don't often agree with what Lord Opie, Manimal or even your self say...
That's ok, I often don't agree with me either :D

Originally posted by BurlySurly
Oh, and those Australian girls ;) they sure are friendly to Americans like myself.
I think BS is saying he slept with your sister :D

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by LordOpie
That's ok, I often don't agree with me either :D

I think BS is saying he slept with your sister :D
LMAO@ Opie-- my sister would be WWWWAAAAAYYYYYY too much woman for him:D :D


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by N8
Most people I know with multiple degrees are educated well beyond their intelligence...
Truer words were never spoken. I'm always suprised by folks who spent 8 years in a molecular-cellular biology doctorate, and think it somehow transferred to them a knowledge of politics and fine wine...

Years of education are directly proportional too jackassery.

(proud holder of a BA, BE, and pending MEM;))


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by ohio
Truer words were never spoken. I'm always suprised by folks who spent 8 years in a molecular-cellular biology doctorate, and think it somehow transferred to them a knowledge of politics and fine wine...

Years of education are directly proportional too jackassery.

(proud holder of a BA, BE, and pending MEM;))
i have to agree... to me, at the moment my degrees aren t worth the paper they are written on... more than likely i ll never 'use' them again, but they have help land me some plum jobs in my time... no weight to carry, but i d gladly trade them.. for what i dunno :)



Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by valve bouncer
Mate if you think that little jibe about the Auusie girls was gonna get to me and Partsbara then you are even more pathetic than I originally thought considering both of us are married to non-Americans. Personally I think probably the closest you've been to an Aussie girl is w*nking off to pictures of Nicole Kidman from her BMX Bandits days.
It's also interesting how you think Partsbara's attack on you came out of the blue. At best that is disingenuous at worst incomprehensibly stupid. Of course you never provoke or instigate now do you BS?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Purer than the driven snow I bet. Takes two to tango fella.
I'll be the first to admit I'm a sh*t stirrer and there is nothing I like better than winding up self righteous windbags especially those without a shred of self awareness or empathy. The difference is I know what I am and how I come across and I could actually give a rat's arse. You on the other hand think you're sprouting words of wisdom so profound they'd make Buddha weep when really it's just the neo-pubescent ramblings of an extreme right wing army puke.
But anyway go off at me, do your best, scream, stamp your feet, do your best little Rumpelstiltskin act, won't affect me I won't even hold it against you, it all doesn't mean a thing in the grand scheme of things but it sure is fun. Your turn.
well said crent ya worthless carcass... oh so eloquent... :)

actually tho' davo, i m married to an american :):):):):)

get ya hoop over to germany, todtnau was G R E A T .... only 2.5 hours down the road

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by partsbara
well said crent ya worthless carcass... oh so eloquent... :)

actually tho' davo, i m married to an american :):):):):)

get ya hoop over to germany, todtnau was G R E A T .... only 2.5 hours down the road
DOH, I meant to say non-Australians, damn A words

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by partsbara
the 'A' words get me everytime too... don t worry too much about it

F $ C K E N A L P H A B E T :angry:
Mate I know, you had to spell your screen-name backwards because of it.
Did you scare any Germans at Todtnau? Remeber if they get near you you must shout "remember 45" at the top of your voice.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
actually some of those germans scared me mate... some FAST mofo's down there... the dh track is sooo rough bro, shake ya to the bonnnneeee

remember 45 - lol, you mean 45 records right ? :) ... i m into CD's now :)

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by valve bouncer
go to the lounge and talk about naming puppies.
I prefer kittens... they make less poo.

Anyhow the opinions expresses on RM are just that - opinions. I can assure that neither BS or DT reside on the lunatic fringe. :)

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by fluff
Having two degrees proves nothing beyond that fact that you can get two degrees. Clearly there is a level of intelligence required and a degree of diligence but not necessarily any more than someone who has no degrees.

Banging on about it all the time reduces the impact. If that is all you can bring to the table to back up your opinion then it's not worth much at all.

Not everyone who works a 'menial, low dollar job' is forced to, some people do so by choice. It does not make them or their opinions worth any less.
Word. Yikes... I never agree with you fluff. I thought you were an ignorant slut. :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Originally posted by Serial Midget
Oh crap... I thought it was the pinkie finger off the martini glass that gave me away... :think:
is that what it is ??? i thought it was a bong... should have realized...

anyway, that would have gien it away as well SM, the rainbow stickers on ya car don t help either :confused: :monkey: :dead: :devil: :cool: :rolleyes:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by partsbara
...the rainbow stickers on ya car don t help either...
Cars are for immigrants and for'ners, real American men drive trucks and their wives drive SUVs and minivans... :D

Once you get stateside you can buy a book a Wal-Mart that will explain it all. :p