Just because you have faith in something doesn't mean anyone needs to respect it. Believing in the tooth fairy isn't a virtue in an adult, it's a sign of mental defect. And before you go all crazy on me for that, consider your feelings toward Allah or Scientology and get back to me.Damn True said:pfft, typical.....there I go again thinking that a liberal MIGHT be amenable to an equitable comprimise.
You do realize I hope that the propogation of disrespect for peoples values in regard to religion will only serve to further alienate people of faith who have historically voted Democrat thus ensuring future Republican victories.
What happend to the left that accepted people and their values and purported to honor and respect folks regardless of race or creed?
I won't pigeonhole someone about their race, that isn't relevant or even changeable anyways. But a creed is something you believe in...and if you happen to believe in pink elephants or that Jesus planted fossils to test your faith, or that condoms don't help prevent AIDS, I'm going to point out how stupid you are for thinking that.
The alternative is to feel reverence toward the person that believes the most unbelievable thing imaginable...and I'm not going to be a party to that. Believing in stupid **** is bad enough, trying to teach it as science when it isn't is nothing short of lying.