

Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2004
just Santa Cruz...
Nathan Rennie is going so bad this year.
Yeah, it's a bummer...just weird. Seems like his fire was so lit at such a young age, had lots of great results then just hit the mellow button.

Maybe Santa Cruz Bikes is a cursed sponsor. First what happened to Johnny, then all these ex champs that can't seem to win a Worlds or WC on their bikes...

I felt Rennie's pain in the first Earthed when he said "...that far off the pace...feel like I don't even belong here..."

What about Peaty's crash at '06 Worlds in the last turn... (was he Syndicate yet?)

do do do do...do do do do...
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Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Yeah, it's a bummer...just weird. Seems like his fire was so lit at such a young age, had lots of great results then just hit the mellow button.

Maybe Santa Cruz Bikes is a cursed sponsor. First what happened to Johnny, then all these ex champs that can't seem to win a Worlds or WC on their bikes...

I felt Rennie's pain in the first Earthed when he said "...that far off the pace...feel like I don't even belong here..."

What about Peaty's crash at '06 Worlds in the last turn... (was he Syndicate yet?)

do do do do...do do do do...
Give me a break, you think 9-11 was a conspiracy too? ;)

Rennie hit some really rough patches in his personal life a couple years ago, things you never 'recover' from...that can not help.
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2004
just Santa Cruz...
Give me a break, you think 9-11 was a conspiracy too? ;)

Rennie hit some really rough patches in his personal life a couple years ago, things you ever 'recover' from...that can not help.


Man I hope I'm wrong about my hometown team being cursed, but there's a lot of weirdness surrounding them...

Didn't know about Rennie's personal problems, sad to hear as he's always been a stand-up guy in seeing him around. Definitely wish him the best!


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
you call coming in second place loosing? ****, I would only dream about qualifying in a world cup event and you talk about second place as a lost...
Ya, only I call 2nd place a loss.

When you are trying to break records and become the G.O.A.T. its a stinging sensation.


fork ways
Jul 31, 2007
any word on fairclaugh? I can't see his run taking that long if he just got a flat, and I can't see him finishing if he got injured terribly.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
WHOOOOA! Maybe I'm not explaining myself very well, here! I will definately admit that I am confused by his quietness. All I can know of him is what I see in $24.00 DVDs. I have NO CLUE what he's really like and never will.
And I said I hope this doesn't kill his spirit because his self-set goal was apparently to win every WC. If that's already done with the second race I don't want to see him back off at all now. Push, push push!

And I have no hate for any riders(...well, except Bender, maybe), it's not like any of the guys on that level will ever be able to take anything away from me and I have nothing to lose to them! All I get his a little inspriration and a lot of frustration trying to even experience the slightest bit of what these guys can do!

This course was kinda hard to see, not really sure what it really consisted of, but while watching the WC in Maribor, I caught myself wondering if I could even make it all the way down the damn course...let alone placing! Nope...no hate here...
I feel I need to make my self clear as you had to defend your self, maybe partially because of me. I didn't notice any hate in your post, I just remarked on that you were wrong about the "brightest star" thingie. Voulliouz is another example, didn't he win 10 or 11 years in a row before he felt the need to renew him self?

I know the man very well. He is a great guy and with not the least bit of ego. For someone who has accomplished as much as he has in such a short life his approach is impressive. There are guys out there with WAY more ego who haven't accomplished a thing compared to Sam. People love to hate on winners, that's western society for you, but anyone who really knows Sam will tell you that he is a pretty hard guy not to like.
Cool to hear, he's never come out as arrogant in anything I've seen on the telly. Pretty clear that the guy is a bit quite/shy/introvert or something similar.

I also got to say that there's a lot of talk about hate comming from you guys in the US (dunno about Canadians), Swedes in comparison talk alot about envy. Maybe the same thing but expressed differently.

About "People love to hate on winners, that's western society for you", I beg to differ. People love winners, think of it, our societies are very elitist; the strongest are looked up on, while the weakest are considered less worthy than us. Were still very much like a pack of hounds/wolfs/gorillas/what ever that feel the need to rate our selves among the others. Chief gremlin monkey eats first, ragedy ass chimp the last.

Look at F1. Almost nobody outside Italy was a fan of Ferrari as long as Alesi and Berger were driving for them. A bit changed in 96 as the regning champ had his own crowd, but things really took of after a few years of his domination in the red car. The general crowd went from Williams (in the early to mid 90's), to Mclaren (in the mid to late 90's), and finally to Ferrari when they had established as a top team (and Shumi had stopped banging into his nemesis).

Don't forget that what people many times do, including my self, is cheer for the underdog/s. As much as I'm intrigued by the awsomeness of those that are dominant athletes, in their respective sport, I like to see the rise of others to match and overcome them.

Greg Minnar looked like he was in a lot of pain while Sam was blazing down today. Welding goggles on and everything, but still it was obvious in his face. Gee showed the way. Mr Hill can be beat.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
I've got to give some propps to Robin Wallner, a 19(?) year old who's come +30 a few times but now came all the way to 22! A nice humble little bugger.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Yeah, but wasn't Gee only 0.33 seconds after at the mid time?
Gee was down on the top half but pulled it back in the bottom half. Aside from GM he had the fastest 2nd split, SH had the fastest top split. Gee had neither fastest top or fastest bottom, but had the consistency that SH and GM lacked on their runs.

Not sure if that answers what you were trying to say?

In case I'm not being clear:

rider top bottom total
Gee 103.51 51.84 155.35
Sam 103.18 52.48 155.66
Greg 105.01 51.72 156.73
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- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
I thought the limit is 17???
Well he's definitely 16 (GBR19910920). He'll be 17 in September. Maybe the rule is 17 on the 31st of Dec of the year of the race or something (if there is a rule that mentions 17).


Jun 25, 2007
Don't forget Danny Hart too, 22nd in his 2nd ever world cup, at the age of 16!
Danny Hart's riding is sick, I have never seen anyone who can lean a bike so far over in a corner, its like he is on a superbike. He is still pretty small for his age. Did anyone see his whip? it showed him jumping the step down before the drop but they said it was another rider.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Gee was down on the top half but pulled it back in the bottom half. Aside from GM he had the fastest 2nd split, SH had the fastest top split. Gee had neither fastest top or fastest bottom, but had the consistency that SH and GM lacked on their runs.

Not sure if that answers what you were trying to say?

In case I'm not being clear:

rider top bottom total
Gee 103.51 51.84 155.35
Sam 103.18 52.48 155.66
Greg 105.01 51.72 156.73
I checked back on the posts between Stik and Seb and noticed that I somehow mixed Minnaar up with Hill, and therefore the whole conversation. :banana: :banana: :banana:

I've put down drinking now and changed my life.


Dec 7, 2007
Toulouse, France
where did sam land after the jump from the berm section? he just pedalled straight off it and it's a pretty flat landing any further out then a few feet

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
anyone else catch dan's line in the final? did the quad while transferring to the left so he could rail the next turn. Awesome riding.

it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility that the Atherton family will come out of a world cup weekend with 3 wins one of these days.
I almost called it:banana:


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I almost called it:banana:
hahaha, It was becoming more and more likely that this would happen, but just so cool it has happen, I still can not believe it.
I witnessed a lot of historic moments in mountain bike racing, this is one I am so disappointed I missed--but thanks to freecaster for making 'watching' it from home feel damn good too.

You can confidently say this type of dynasty will probably never ever happen again.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
You can confidently say this type of dynasty will probably never ever happen again.

yea, no kidding. i don't think there are too many other 'families' on the world cup circuit. The Hannah's are out so that pretty much leaves the Neethlings, but Jonty is nowhere near as fast as Andrew. Other than those 2 I think Dave and I were the only other brothers at the MSA event anyway, and we're pretty much happy with bringing up the 70's (actually, i'll be happy if i qualify this year). having 2 fast riders in a family is hard enough to come by, but 3:shocked:

That family is just something else. and it seems riding with the boys is working out well for Rach: she smoked 'em! Not sure how many of you read up on the UK races but she's been taking 8-10 seconds out of Mosely on a regular basis.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I am almost going to send you a prize :biggrin:

Miss all the race action as I am proud to say I was out riding. Feels good to still be able to ride after becoming a dad.
Wife and I rode after the races were on, it was hot, but was worth seeing the action.
Always plan your day around live world cups ;)


Aug 21, 2007
Bionics department
Great effort to the Atertons well deserved they seemed onto it from qualifying, I sorta thought that others might come through as qualifyiers are not always a true judge but props to them well deserved.

Rachel was wicked fast through some of the tech sections, and Gee looked like a extreme giant slalom downhill skier, jumping so smoothly from berm to berm drop to drop, very impressive, lots of comments on the course, similar conditions to UK , so onto the next round and see them do just as well, I think all 3 will be in contention the whole way, it's a longer season and they are all very consistent.

Sam still holds the lead overall at mo! but whats happening with Rennie? and Cedric is still a ways back too?

Last looks like a few of the e-mags have the qualifying results up as the final standings, just a little:hmm:


Oct 18, 2007
rennie needs to wake up, he's on one of the best teams going, and he is most certainly not pulling his "weight" ridiculous carry on for someone who used to be such a savage rider! he is way better than what he's displaying now!


Jun 13, 2007
Thanks to Freecaster for nice coverage, again. Riding didn't look so interesting on this track vs Maribor, but it was good anyway. Hopefully we can see few more cameras in forthcoming races.

Unbelieveable this kind of service is free. Big applauses for the internet! :happydance:


Nov 15, 2004
rennie needs to wake up, he's on one of the best teams going, and he is most certainly not pulling his "weight" ridiculous carry on for someone who used to be such a savage rider! he is way better than what he's displaying now!

I'm pretty sure Rennie is well aware that he has to step up his level again. Maybe you should cut him some slack, not all pro athletes can be in the perfect psychological place for racing all the time. The mental strength needed to perform in one run at that level can elude some of the world's greatest at some times.

Rennie will be back at his best, time is all the big horse needs. His poor results at present certainly aren't a "carry on" as you so eloquently put it.


Oct 18, 2007
I'm pretty sure Rennie is well aware that he has to step up his level again. Maybe you should cut him some slack, not all pro athletes can be in the perfect psychological place for racing all the time. The mental strength needed to perform in one run at that level can elude some of the world's greatest at some times.

Rennie will be back at his best, time is all the big horse needs. His poor results at present certainly aren't a "carry on" as you so eloquently put it.
I am not saying that he needs to quit racing...
my main point which I didn't really put in at all previously is that he should be at the top where he belongs!


Nov 15, 2004
I am not saying that he needs to quit racing...
my main point which I didn't really put in at all previously is that he should be at the top where he belongs!
Yes, given his natural physical and technical abilities he should be at the sharp end, but due to many factors he isin't at present, so saying that he is slacking or "carrying on" is just way of the mark that's all. I know you never implied he should quit racing.

You said he needs to "wake up", all I'm saying is that he is well aware that he needs to get back in the top 5 or 10. You make it seem like he is not bothered or something.