
Angry Cops are Funny


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I got pulled over with two others driving into work this morning.

On my route to work, there is a 1/4 mile tunnel that is a major thoroughfare which is dead empty when I drive in. Across the board, pretty much everyone cranks up to ~70mph going through it then dives back down to 50mph when you exit. After the tunnel you go through the night club district, which is desolate at 3:50am, so most hold 40-45mph until their respective turns.

Driving in this morning, I came out of the tunnel at my normal 70, then diving down to 50 before you become readily visible to anyone down the hill. About one block onto Broadway, a Chevy Tahoe whips a u-turn and catches up to the group, which is slowing down as we all realize it's a cop. About three lights later, when we actually catch a red, he pulls up perpendicular to traffic blocking all three lanes. No lights, no sirens, just blocks all three lanes of traffic.

The dude lost his isht. He jumped out of his car yelling at us about the speed limit (which are apparently 35 in the tunnel and 25 on Broadway). He was beet red with spit flying all over the place and spent about 5min yelling at us. No tickets thankfully but the dude was beyond pissed. We likely didn't get tickets as he was heading the other way, so there was no way to get an accurate speed as he was moving and there was no radar out.

What's even funnier is that there is a phone chain going across the street right now with everyone who drives through the tunnel giving a heads up to others. I sent am IM to a buddy at another bank and just got one from someone who got it 3-degrees later.

I know I got lucky to not get a ticket, because it would have been expensive. That being said, that he would take the time to pull us over when I saw someone taking a isht on the sidewalk while we were driving down Broadway is obscene. I guess they are really chasing the revenue and 'safety' issues... Public health is clearly not a high priority.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Ha ha, it's hilarious that a cop got pissed off that you were exceeding the speed limit by 35mph.



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
It was more of his reaction. I can understand getting mad and handing out tickets, but going beet red screaming at people then letting us walk? Makes no sense.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
We likely didn't get tickets as he was heading the other way, so there was no way to get an accurate speed as he was moving and there was no radar out.
this is not true. even if they have a dash mounted radar,they can still see your speed even if they are moving in the opposite direction.

did he let you off with just a small kiss?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
No actually a cop. Just glad he got us after we crested the hill, because if he had gotten us prior it would have been game over.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
it is funny they are allowed to type on their dash mounted computer while driving....

the miss piggy who gave my brother a ticket for a dead inspection came close to rear ending a bus while typing his information.....did a u turn and sped through a residential area to nab him in a lowes parking lot....


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
This story would have been successful if it ended with Joker getting tased.
Cops in SF do so little that I was actually surprised to get pulled over. I have seen and done FAR worse in front of cops who did nothing but stand around.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
That's a sh*ty story. It would have been better if the cop played Rodney King on you:thumb: 70 through a tunnel in SF, let me guess, you like to pretend you're Mario Andretti. I'm not sure of many streets in SF that you can go OVER 45.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
That's a sh*ty story. It would have been better if the cop played Rodney King on you:thumb: 70 through a tunnel in SF, let me guess, you like to pretend you're Mario Andretti. I'm not sure of many streets in SF that you can go OVER 45.
Broadway tunnel. One of the few roads in SF that doesn't have gigantic potholes in it.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I was getting a ride to the airport with a friend and his GF. The GF was driving. Got pulled over for speeding and she was such a raging bitch to the officer. Although clearly frustrated he remained calm and professional while she complained he was rude and how she knew people of power blah blah blah blah. I'm not sure I wouldn't have maced her if I was in his shoes.

I've always wondered why cops seemed so pissed during routine stops, that little moment made me realize they probably have to deal with giant douche nozzles on a regular basis it is probably difficult not to get a little pissy sometimes.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Agree. I also don't think it helped that there were three of us doing 2x the speed limit in clear disregard of the speed limit.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Shot in the dark but I'm guessing that the dude is just tightly-wound because his life has boiled down to being a traffic cop at 4 in the morning. Perhaps extra tightly-wound due to lack of action on the home front because of the lame shift he's pulling. But that's just a guess.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I've always wondered why cops seemed so pissed during routine stops, that little moment made me realize they probably have to deal with giant douche nozzles on a regular basis it is probably difficult not to get a little pissy sometimes.
Last week I had a class on traffic cops and what they do/don't do. It was interesting to hear how different cops handle different people. One guy said flat out if you are an ass, you are getting a ticket for SOMETHING. The other guy said if you are a dickhead, he will kill you with kindness because nothing pisses off pissed people more than a nice person. :rofl:

They are also very jaded.

Fun facts:
"Late for work" is the most used excuse for speeding.
In Oregon it is $1144 ticket for speeding in excess of 100mph.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
In my criminal justice class i heard something which i feel is very true, and starts the whole police vs civilian problems. Cops have a "script" written out in their head. Its usually along the lines of yes officer no officer no problems telling the truth, when you deviate from that script, is when the problems happen. It forces them to think on their feet and can stress them out. Mr. NYC Cop is expecting a poor excuse for speeding, not telling him you were speeding to bang his wife or rob a bank. When you deviate from the "script" the problems start