
Another boring Rocky Point posting....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Well, my stepdad planted the seed last year that he wanted as many of his family (meaning, us boys and grandkids) at their 39th anniversary celebration party in Phoenix. Ended up being myself, stepson, and girlfriend making the 12hr drive from Tahoe to there. After happy hour, stepson going to a DBacks game, and the picnic (boy, do they still know how to party), it was time to head south to Rocky Point. As much as I wanted to ride from the border to town (about 60mi), leaving late negated that plan. Arrive at the beach house, unload, and rreeeellllaaaxxxxx. Beer, margaritas, tacos, heck, I even made bagels and pizza for the family that was there. Some shopping, more eating and drinking, sunsets, even wrote Alaina's name in the sand. Did develop a raspy cough, which made the 20hr drive back home interesting. Got home safely, and waited for wife to get home from work so I could "squeeze" her to no end.

Now, before anyone posts "pics or stfu", I will have them downloaded via photobucket, and will share the link then. So please, if it's at all possible, have patience. And if you can't have patience, then have a shot and a beer with a taco-back......
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Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
You're still in Phoenix and didn't let me know???? Man, your Tahoe Monkey Fest better be ggoooooodd, bubba.
Like The Shining I don't think I'll ever be leaving this place...

And as promised, here's the pics. I will say it now..... DO NOT make any derogatory comments about my mom. I will hunt you down and mangle your bike/s.

We'll leave your mom alone, but are the rest of the people in the photos fair targets?