
Another DH Pro Suspended


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
dhtahoe said:
Pay attention she's a DH racer. My only point is THIS... Many pro's just don't give a rat's ass anymore. NORBA expects it's athletes to be "professional" yet they as an organization have brought being a pro athlete to an all-time low. So what I'm saying is we have to be professional but they don't. Alot of us are not paying attention to such things because there is not much of a profession in being a professional anymore. Also... the reason these people are getting busted for the lame stuff is because REAL professional athletes have good doctors on there team to be one step ahead of the testers. REAL performance enhancers cost thousands to purchase and more to maintain a clean wiz quiz. And yes testing is good for the athletes that are on top of there sport. Hey if Chelsea won three races in a row out of the blue then hey test till her bladder falls out. I'll give you a list of people suspended from racing and not only one that I can think of was even a top contender. Random testing is for the work place... test the winners!!!
I disagree. Test everyone, random tests keep the $ down, while still tryng to keep everyone clean. You shouldn't make exceptions, allowing the slower folks to dope in the same category as the fastest guys who are made to keep themselves clean, sorry.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 6, 2003
In the hills around Seattle
SuspectDevice said:
As to the previous poster's argument that "recreational pros" shouldn't have to be subjected to testing, maybe they should move back down to expert if they don't want to play by the rules? A complete and random testing regime is the only way we can attempt to clean up the sport.
Well that sounds fair. Say I'm some local Expert that takes it pretty seriously and there's this gifted rider that likes to get high. I have to compete against him because some questionable rule that makes him sandbag to keep from a lifestyle change?

I think I look at this "sport" a lot differently than most people replying here. Its just a thing to do to have fun. I don't get high or take any banned substances (that I know of and I'm not going research to find out). I race Semi-pro and could probably get my pro upgrade with a little effort, but thats not why I do it. I must survive on talent, because looking down at my 5'10, 240lb body tells me training isn't in my mindset. I am content doing this as a hobby and might be a little miffed if some guy that is also a hobbyist is destroying me at every race so he can get high. I wouldn't blame him for getting high, but a rule structure that forces him to avoid peeing in a cup so he can smoke weed.
Maybe its different where your at, but a large portion of the local pros and, I don't think this is too out of line, a majority of non-pros get high around here. Maybe they should all get banned?


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
OGRipper said:
And anyway, some (many) substances are banned because a group of scientists determined they are harmful to the user, even if they might not appear to be directly performance-enhancing. In my opinion, diet pills fit in this category. They won't necessarily make you faster but they supress the body's natural call for nourishment and thus can be really harmful for a athlete, particularly where endurance and strength are key.

There's also the little problem with your heart exploding, and lots of physical activity coupled with this drug(ephedrine) can create lots of problems. It's one of those "gray areas" for sure, but talk to some doctors about it and get their opinion. It's not something they are ever going to be "happy" to recommend to someone, due to the possible side effects.

In any case, there's a lot of assumption here (not directed at you OG), she tested positive for a banned substance that is contained in something that's sold OTC, but it could also be something illegal in substancially different quantities. I don't know if the "harmless OTC pills" is really what was going on here, but untill we do know, it's kind of useless to speculate. The diet pills shouldn't be a banned substance IMO, but they (ephedrine) should probably be perscribed due to the effects.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Acadian said:
dhtahoe would be in deep poo-poo ;)
NOT COOL LUC :angry: It's funny I have a scrip for EPO and have never used it post-cancer. No worries LUC I quit awhile back... Now I'm thinking about AA because of the amount of beer I drink. I just want it back to the way it used to be. We all raced and hung out (even you) and had a good time. Now it's like NORBA is getting ready to invade Poland or something. Ok... bad example. If I have to take NORBA that seriously I think they need to do the same in return in other areas other than anti-doping. Is there an issue to deal with other than DH riders like to burn the fern... The point is and always was... when NORBA give us hope we might be more down on dope. What good does a suspention do anyway in this sport. It's not like it's a money matter... we make none. If I had a million dollar contract to lose or even 1/4 of that it would make riders less likely to cheat using drugs. Right now we have nothing to lose. EVERY rider suspended in our sport has ever returned. Lets face it to make money at all in this sport you have to be in the top 3 these days. With such a small amount of money out there people will do anything to get there. Nuf said... when NORBA starts acting professional others will follow. Right now there is no reason to.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
dhtahoe said:
-when NORBA starts acting professional others will follow. Right now there is no reason to.
no reason to if you don't mind getting suspended I guess. You do realize it is a UCI suspension...meaning to racing, anywhere on the planet, for 2-4 years.


Also, attitudes like yours piss me off. And people wonder why we get no money, why there is no purse etc..It is because of jackoffs who claim to be pro but don't act professional. No sponsors want to be associated with a bunch of drunks, addicts and morons.

I run an extremely professional team with no one higher then a norba top 30, and WC top 50. Yet I have no problem picking up cash sponsors to foot the bill. I wonder why that is? :monkey:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dhtahoe said:
when NORBA starts acting professional others will follow. Right now there is no reason to.
Ahh, so you're saying that you won't do things unless everyone else does it first.

In other words, you're simply a lemming, following the pack, always content to sit behind and wait for others to take a step before actually doing anything yourself.

Not only that, but you condone this activity in others.

Sounds like a noble approach :thumb:

Remind me again what reason NORBA would have to invest more money, time, or professionalism in drug abusers, or people viewed by the public as drug abusers?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Transcend said:
And people wonder why we get no money, why there is no purse etc..It is because of jackoffs who claim to be pro but don't act professional. No sponsors want to be associated with a bunch of drunks, addicts and morons.
Didn't seem to stop the Festina or Bianchi teams a few years ago. Well not that they were drunks but more like methodical cheaters. That seems worse to me than someone who drinks beer or smokes the stinky during downtime.

I hear what you're saying though. It's detrimental for a sponsor to be associated with a suspended athlete but some of the things they call performance enhancing should be reviewed a bit. Until then, as said before, just follow the rules, it's not that hard.

I don't think that's why DH racing is losing its funding though. There's a much bigger picture than companies just not wanting to be associated with certain athletes. Those problems run deeper.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
DHTahoe, your perspective is always interesting but I can't help but think you are not helping your own cause.

Chicken or the egg, which comes first? The money or a scene where the racers respect the governing bodies and don't do stupid crap to embarass sponsors?

The money was once there and it's now gone. Why do you think that is? It's not because of too much testing, that's for sure. Surprising for a racer to not want a level playing field.

The potential negative PR from a doping charge is helping keep money out of the sport. Your answer is to stop random testing and pay everyone more? That is rich. What is that, a "don't ask, don't tell" approach?

Do you really think having more money in the sport means fewer people will cheat?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
If drug use is the excuse for no sponsors and no pro payouts, how come the NFL, NBL MBA and everything else is still around.

It's not such a clear cut topic, just like you can't say she may be entirely to blame. Most doctors don't even know what's in the drugs they prescribe or even there side effects. Without knowing the whole story, I wouldn't be so quick to judge her either way.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
DVNT said:
If drug use is the excuse for no sponsors and no pro payouts, how come the NFL, NBL MBA and everything else is still around.
Because of the money to be made from those leagues, the risk of bad PR is easier to take. I think it's one reason for less sponsor dollars, not the only reason, like kidwoo said there are other problems too.

But I agree none of it is that clear.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Curb Hucker said:
ya, and you're causing them :mumble:
I don't even know what that means :confused:

me............affecting racing..............I don't really race........

People not going to races are causing norba's problems?

I guess that makes sense. Please be more clear when slapping me around.

So you got any EPO or what?


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I wonder what the UCI penalty for getting off your bike mid-run, climbing the course marking tape and beating the ever-lovin' pizz out of a heckling spectator with Carter and Voreis backing you up is???

Or putting a flying forearm to Lopes's head just after crossing the MtnX finish line?

Or kicking a camera man sitting just after crossing the finish line and falling down?

AHHHH HHAAAA!!!! You guys are hilarious! This thread is getting funnier! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
bizutch said:
I wonder what the UCI penalty for getting off your bike mid-run, climbing the course marking tape and beating the ever-lovin' pizz out of a heckling spectator with Carter and Voreis backing you up is???

Or putting a flying forearm to Lopes's head just after crossing the MtnX finish line?

Or kicking a camera man sitting just after crossing the finish line and falling down?

AHHHH HHAAAA!!!! You guys are hilarious! This thread is getting funnier! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
No excessive celebrating after crossing the finishing line :nope:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
bizutch said:
I wonder what the UCI penalty for getting off your bike mid-run, climbing the course marking tape and beating the ever-lovin' pizz out of a heckling spectator with Carter and Voreis backing you up is???

Or putting a flying forearm to Lopes's head just after crossing the MtnX finish line?

Or kicking a camera man sitting just after crossing the finish line and falling down?

AHHHH HHAAAA!!!! You guys are hilarious! This thread is getting funnier! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Or what about fake mooning your competitor's mom after you beat her son?

I wouldn't clothesline lopes though. Might rip my arm off. Or mess up his corn rows.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
according to NFL rules, "long hair protuding from the helmet is to be considered part of the uniform".

If the UCI adopted this, they could technically fine you if you did not have it braided in Rainbow Stripes while defending your world title....

Red Bull

Turbo Monkey
Oct 22, 2004
Whoahhhh ddduuuuuuuudddeeeee, whats wrong withja little aaaa uummmm Herb??? Whhoahhh, is that a cow?


May 25, 2004
I know Chelsea (thanks for the directions in West Virginia) pretty well, I can't believe she actually accepted the suspension! I guess she dosen't really have a choice eh?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
for_sale said:
I know Chelsea (thanks for the directions in West Virginia) pretty well, I can't believe she actually accepted the suspension! I guess she dosen't really have a choice eh?
She's not really, but she said it was to expensive to fight it. She did say there were some other factors that haven't come out, but I don't know what they are, she didn't say.


Apr 1, 2002
Wellington, New Zealand
bizutch said:
according to NFL rules, "long hair protuding from the helmet is to be considered part of the uniform".

If the UCI adopted this, they could technically fine you if you did not have it braided in Rainbow Stripes while defending your world title....
You mean Re-adopted this -
Gary Fisher said:
Fisher says he got into competitive cycling, all traditional European forms, in 1962 and by 1968 he was suspended from road racing for having long hair.

By his own admission Fisher wasn't surprised and it took four years for the rule to be overturned.

"To say I was a rebel is absolutely accurate. I had long hair and rode a bicycle, which in the States at the time made you suspect," he says.


Apr 7, 2002
Can someone explain to me...why a positive test for THC gets you a warning and a positive test of a diet pill gets you a two year suspension?


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Oooohhhh....wait. I thought of a good one....imagine waiting for your next round in MountainCross, getting heckled by a fan and then chucking your bike across 10 rows of spectators. $10,0000 fine and 20 race suspension?

If the sport's popular and the athlete is revered and the offense is caught on video so that the networks can increase their ratings, the penalty is less. BUUUUTTT, if you are unknown and unheard of in a non-Olympic, untelevised sport....2 year ban!

I think that's fair and logical. How long did those roadies get last year for that whole EPO sting?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
ballr said:
Can someone explain to me...why a positive test for THC gets you a warning and a positive test of a diet pill gets you a two year suspension?

Cause it's all subjective, Houseman got 1 year when he test pos for THC, CHeck this out...listing of all the US athletes who tested positive over the past couple years, you'll notice there really isent' any set things.


click on the year to expand it out.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Zutroy said:
Cause it's all subjective, Houseman got 1 year when he test pos for THC, CHeck this out...listing of all the US athletes who tested positive over the past couple years, you'll notice there really isent' any set things.


click on the year to expand it out.
Cool link! I'd like to compare that to the NFL.
The suspensions aren't consistent with the offenses.

I think the lesson of the day is:
Refuse the test - automatic 2 year suspension
"forget" to show up for the test - verbal warning.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Transcend said:
no reason to if you don't mind getting suspended I guess. You do realize it is a UCI suspension...meaning to racing, anywhere on the planet, for 2-4 years.


Also, attitudes like yours piss me off. And people wonder why we get no money, why there is no purse etc..It is because of jackoffs who claim to be pro but don't act professional. No sponsors want to be associated with a bunch of drunks, addicts and morons.

I run an extremely professional team with no one higher then a norba top 30, and WC top 50. Yet I have no problem picking up cash sponsors to foot the bill. I wonder why that is? :monkey:
Wait... wait... wait. Now I'm in that drunk, addict, moron classification. You make it sound like I'm for drug use in racing. I just want to hear about someone that you have seen for years using roids getting caught. I know it's going on, yet people are getting caught for pot and diet pills... lame. The REAL problem is the use of EPO and roids. Yet because they have like 7 strains of EPO and only 3 are testable so athletes use it and get away with it, or are about to get caught, quit, and take the money and run. A warning might be nice too. Instead these people are just going away and never come back. 1 year for pot vs. 2 years for a diet pill. What do they do pull this crap out of a hat.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
dhtahoe said:
Wait... wait... wait. Now I'm in that drunk, addict, moron classification. You make it sound like I'm for drug use in racing. I just want to hear about someone that you have seen for years using roids getting caught. I know it's going on, yet people are getting caught for pot and diet pills... lame. The REAL problem is the use of EPO and roids. Yet because they have like 7 strains of EPO and only 3 are testable so athletes use it and get away with it, or are about to get caught, quit, and take the money and run. A warning might be nice too. Instead these people are just going away and never come back. 1 year for pot vs. 2 years for a diet pill. What do they do pull this crap out of a hat.
didn't mean you in particular, just anyone who thinks they shouldnt do it till someone else does. Pretty lame attitude for a so-called "professional".

Bootes got busted.

A warning is dtupid, your warning is your license. You own a pro license and get the pro riders manual. It says don't do drugs m'kay? It is the rider's responsibility to get the list of banned substances.

When i ran track in college, they gave us a 500 page book to study. All the banned substances, all the NCAA D1 rules for athletes (ie: don't take money or you lose your ride).

The 1 year for pot is a tooken punishment to TRY and clean up the sport. If riders are dumb enough to do it when they know they may get tested, that is their choice. As for the diet pill..phentermine is on the list. It is a stimulant, the test can;t tell if you took it in a diet pill, or popped it just before the race in a pure form.