
Another Heat / thermostat question...


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I won't bother making a poll. Let me just pose the following questions:

How many of you who set your thermostat low have "warm air" heat, i.e. gas, oil? Conversely, how many who have "cool air" heat (heat pumps) set their thermostats high?

We have oil. When the heat comes on the air feels nice and warm and so we have the thermostat set low and stay comfortable. When I was a kid we had a heat pump and when the air came on it always felt cold no matter what the thermostat said. I prefer the oil heat even if it is more expensive at present.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I have an oil filled radiator, and it works so much nicer than any forced air system. It tends to heat the walls and furniture which in turn heat the air, instead of the other way around.

Radiant heat FTW!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Tenchiro said:
I have an oil filled radiator, and it works so much nicer than any forced air system. It tends to heat the walls and furniture which in turn heat the air, instead of the other way around.

Radiant heat FTW!
We are installing radiant heat in our house this summer:cool:


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
MunkeeHucker said:
Actually in my market we have been quite successful switching people to heat pumps with a dual fuel control board so when temps get low than can use gas eliminating those annoying and costly strip heaters, couple a heatpump up with a two stage,variable speed furnace, it works out to be a fairly efficient system that provides maximum comfort.
the above is what I posted on the other thread, The rerason you felt cool with the old Heat Pump is simple, they don't put out the higher levels of heat like a gas furnace, in the past (and most current basic furnaces) the blower in the furnace runs at one speed- Full, and the furnace will put out a higher temp then what your thermostat is set for so it runs Fast and pumps out hot air raising the temp in the room above your setting, then as the air cools you are now at your target setting, then the air cools more and goes below your target setting, once it gets far enough below target the hole process repeats.

The single speed blower wasn't helpful with the heat pumps, being that when the first come on there wasn't alot of heat immediatly being produced so the first few minutes of the cycle seemed cool.

Bring in the advent of variable speed , the control board allows then blower to run at much lower speeds especially during start cycle and end cycle, this eliminates the drafty feeling and provides a comfortable condition.

I don't care if you use a Heat Pump, Dual Fuel or straight gas, the Variable speed blower is one upgrade that you should spring for.
It saves energy both electricity and gas(Unless your all electric)
and it provides a much more balanced airflow that provides comfort.
It also has the ability to remove more moisture out of the air during the summer months, making your home less humid and again more comfortable.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
jdschall said:
In floor? If so my feet are jealous.
Yep:) I'm very excited. Right now the house has baseboard so we are really stepping up:) Since we'll have to rip out all of our current flooring we are having it done in the summer so we can camp in the back yard.