A friend of mine works with a younger {than us} guy I think he is 20 or so...he bought a used bike from one of they're coworkers and figures he could go with us a couple times to get a little workout...Well being 20 years old and probably 20 lbs lighter than us he figures he will have no problem hanging with us..so he starts talking a lot of crap to my friend....We go to our usual weekday spot and figure we will go for a moderate ride and not try to kill him..in the lot getting ready he is convinced he will be waiting alot and starts talking a little too much..so now instead of a easy day we figure we will go over the mountain all the way to the resevoir....after the first hour and a half he is now convinced he is never going to make it back to his truck...ha...ha...ha....little bastid has never gone again and makes up alot of excuses why he can't......