While I still keep up on this in preparation for the marriage I force on some unexpecting canadian nubile in the near future, it's still annoying and the dog eared pages in my copy of 1984 I keep in my back pocket make it twice the thickness making sitting down difficult.
Almost as interesting is one of the comments on the page where I found this link.
Bush administration officials unveiled a bold new assertion of executive authority yesterday in the dispute over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys, saying that the Justice Department will never be allowed to pursue contempt charges initiated by Congress against White House officials once the president has invoked executive privilege.
Almost as interesting is one of the comments on the page where I found this link.
http://www.metafilter.com/63096/Guevara-With-a-Sweet-Southern-TanWatching this administrations behavior; the power-grabs, the massive expansion of the Executive branch, etc. All of these things are antithetical to the core tenants of the Republican party.
I have a different theory. They are acting as spoilers. They went in, with the intent of making things as bad as possible in the most vulgar and public way. They break the law, they don't hide it, and they never apologize. They drain the federal reserves and attach us to a conflict guaranteed to keep it empty; much of this money goes into their own pockets (natch).
And right before they leave office, they go so far overboard that Congress is forced to react. To set the pendulum swinging the other way...
An angry nation demands change, they force the government back into a smaller roll, they strip the power of the executive and they do all of this when the Democrats are in office.
At the end of the day, the nation has a much smaller governement, the Republicans have a ****load of money, and the elected Democratic administration has been rendered completely toothless.
Which, as a long term goal, is more or less exactly what the Republican party from 1999 would want.
Now, the only real question is, are these people that clever? Are they that Machiavellian? And even if this wasn't the plan, how un-****ing-cool is it that there is a good chance that this is the way it could unfold?