Ciaran said:And out of curiosity do any of you have experience with transexual people? Friends, relatives, co-workers getting sex changes? I personally know of one person who is doing this. Friend of a friend of a friend type thing. Don't know him very well, but the few times I talked to him he seemed like a cool guy. (I didn't know at the time about his "other" life)
Same situation as you. Just friends of friends. I can't say that they seemed all that normal though, mostly very angry.
I was sort of on the periphery of the lesbian rock scene in NC for a while. I was the lone male in a band of females. The band was a 50-50 split straight and lesbian and we played a 50-50 split of lesbian bars and straight clubs. I had opportunity to have all sorts of encounters with all kinds of people. One person in particular I remember was a preop female to male. Mostly she/he just seemed really angry at the world. I can't honestly say I understood her situation or motives but I tried to respect it.
As a man I was always the outsider and was treated with suspicion and never got to close to anybody outside my close circle of associates.